Grove - OLED Display 1.12"

It is a 16 color grayscale 96x96 dot matrix OLED display module with Grove compatible 4pin I2C interface. This module is constructed with 96x96 dot matrix OLED module LY120 and SSD1327 driver IC. Comparing to LCD, OLED screens are more competitive, which has a number of advantages such as high brightness, self-emission, high contrast ratio, slim / thin outline, wide viewing angle, wide temperature range, and low power consumption.
- Communicate Mode: I2C
- Grayscale Display: 16 Gray shades.
- Supports both Normal and Inverse Color Display.
- Supports Continuous Horizontal Scrolling.
- Grove compatible Interface
Item | Value |
Operating Voltage | 3.3/5 V |
Dot Matrix | 96x96 |
Display Color | 16 Grayscale |
OLED Display | LY120-96096 |
Driver Chip | SSD1327Z |
Dot Size | 0.15(W)mm x 0.15(H)mm |
Dot Pitch | 0.75(W)mm x 0.175(H)mm |
Operating Temperature | -40~70 oC |
More details about Grove modules please refer to Grove System
Platform Support
Arduino | Wio | BeagleBone | Raspberry Pi | LinkIt |
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Getting Started
This chapter is based on Win10 and Arduino IDE 1.6.9
This is an easy-to-use module, what you need to do is connect the module to I2C port of a Base Shield. There’re 4 pins, defined as below.
pin | Function | Note | Cable color |
pin1 | SCL | I2C Clock | YELLOW |
pin2 | SDA | I2C Data | WHITE |
pin3 | VCC | Power, 5V/3.3V | RED |
pin4 | GND | Ground | BLACK |
Here we will show you how this Grove - OLED Display works via a simple demo. First of all, you need to prepare the below stuffs:
Seeeduino V4 | Grove - OLED Display 1.12`` | Base Shield |
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Thanks to the benefit of Grove series modules, you don’t need to make soldering or bread board, what you need to do is connect the modules to the right port of Base Shield. For this demo, we have only one Grove module.
- Grove - OLED Display 1.12`` is an I2C module, we connect it to I2C port at this demo.

Download the library
We provide an Arduino Library for this Grove - OLED Display 1.12``, click on the below button to download it.
Unzip the file and put to libraries folder of your Arduino IDE. There’re many examples in this library, which is consist of
- OLED_Bitmap_Inverse_Display
- OLED_Draw_Bitmap
- OLED_Hello_World
- OLED_Inverse_Display
- OLED_PrintNumbers
- OLED_Scroll_Left
- OLED_Scroll_Right
- OLED_Z_Display_Driver_Test_Suite
Upload example to an Arduino
Now let’s try upload OLED_Hello_World to Seeeduino V4. Open your Arduino IDE, click on
File > Example > OLED_Display_96x96-master > OLED_Hello_World

The code is open, select the right board and right COM Port, then click on Upload button which will take few seconds.

If the code is uploaded correctly, take look at your display, something was printed on it.

Then please try the other examples to see what will happen.
APIs of the library
Seeed Gray OLED library provides complete software interfaces to exercise the capabilities of SSD1327Z driver with a 96x96 gray OLED. Almost all useful features are implemented and all functions are in public scope. This makes Seeed Gray OLED Library extensible. Seeed Gray OLED library uses Arduino Wire library. Hence initialize wire library before initializing Seeed OLED library.
Initializes the Seeed OLED frame and sets the display to Normal mode.
SeeedGrayOled.init(); //initialze SEEED Gray OLED display
Clears the whole screen. Should be used before starting a fresh start or after scroll deactivation. This function also sets the cursor to top left corner.
SeeedGrayOled.clearDisplay(); //clear the screen and set start position to top left corner
Configures the display to normal mode(non-inverse) mode.
SeeedGrayOled.setNormalDisplay();//Set display to normal mode (i.e non-inverse mode)
setContrastLevel(unsigned char ContrastLevel)
Set the contrast ratio of OLED display. ContrastLevel can be any number from 0 - 255. Example:
SeeedGrayOled.setContrastLevel(127); //Set display contrast ratio to half level( i.e 256/2 1 ).
Configures the display to inverse mode. Example:
SeeedGrayOled.setInverseDisplay(); //Set display to inverse mode
Configures the display to horizontal addressing mode. Example:
SeeedGrayOled.setHorizontalMode(); //Set addressing mode to Horizontal Mode
Configures the display to vertical addressing mode. Texts are drawn in vertical mode. Please set the display to vertical mode before printing text. Example:
SeeedGrayOled.setVerticalMode(); //Set addressing mode to Vertical Mode
Set the text’s position (cursor) to Xth Text Row, Yth Text Column.96x96 OLED is divided into 12 rows and 12 Columns of text. This row and column should not be confused with OLED Row and Column.
- X can be any number from 0 - 11.
- Y can be any number from 0 - 11.
SeeedGrayOled.setTextXY(0,0); //Set the cursor to 0th Text Row, 0th Text Column
putChar(unsigned char c)
Print a character to OLED display starting from current address-pointer set by setTextXY(X,Y). This function is internally used by putString().
SeeedGrayOled.putChar('S'); //Print the character S
putString(cont char *string)
Print string to OLED display starting from current address-pointer set by setTextXY(X,Y) Example:
SeeedGrayOled.putString("Hello World!"); //Print the String
putNumber(long n)
Print numbers to OLED display starting from current address-pointer set by setTextXY(X,Y). Number can be any char,int or long datatype. It also takes care of -ve sign.
SeeedGrayOled.putNumber(-56123); //Print number -56123
drawBitmap(unsigned char *bitmaparray, int bytes)
Display a binary bitmap on the OLED matrix. The data is provided through a pointer to uni-dimensional array holding bitmap. The bitmap data is available in continuous rows of columns as like Horizontal Addressing mode. bytes is size of bitmap in bytes.
SeeedGrayOled.drawBitmap(SeeedLogo,96*96/8); // Draw binary Bitmap (96 pixels *96 pixels / 8) bytes
Set the properties of horizontal scroll.
- Direction can be any of Scroll_Left and Scroll_Right.
- startRow can be 0 - 127
- endRow can be 0 - 127. It should be greater than startRow
- startColumn can be 0 - 63
- endColumn can be 0 - 63. It should be greater than startRow
- scrollSpeed can be any of defines:Scroll_2Frames, Scroll_3Frames, Scroll_4Frames, Scroll_5Frames, Scroll_25Frames,Scroll_64Frames, Scroll_128Frames,Scroll_256Frames.
SeeedGrayOled.setHorizontalScrollProperties(Scroll_Left,72,95,0,47,Scroll_5Frames); //Set the properties of Horizontal Scroll
Enable scrolling. This should be used only after setting horizontal scroll properties. Example:
SeeedGrayOled.activateScroll(); //Enable scrolling.
Disable scrolling. This should be used after activateScroll(); Example:
SeeedGrayOled.activateScroll(); //Disable scrolling.
- Github Repository of the Library
- Schematic in Eagle
- SSD1327 Datasheet
- LY120 Datasheet
- Reference for Make a 96x96 Image
- Github Repository of this Document
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Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
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Happy hacking
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