2017년 3월 6일 월요일

How to show the indexes of multiple csv rows with "list from csv table"??

...I'm giving up. I tried for several hours to find the error but wasnt able to do so. Anyway, what I'm going to do is rather easy. I want to query a spreadsheet where the result could be 1 or 2 matches and so 1 or 2 rows of values. I want to display each value of the first row in a separate .text field and if there is a second row, then display the whole row in another .text field. I tried to accomplish the first part of this requierement with this block:
I thought I was right. The responsecontent is right and has all columns and values I was looking for. But splitting the first result row by using "list from csv row" and "index 1" and afterwards selecting the first index in "item from list" does not lead to any result :(  Anybody got the solution after trying for like ages?! Thank you.

Try using Do It on your global variables to see what the resulting lists look like.
If you still cannot figure it out, post a screen shot of the comment bubbles from the Do Its.

I don't get, what I should do with "DO IT". Could you explain any further or give an example?

You right-click a global variable then choose 'Do It' from the menu.
The current value of the variable is displayed including lists: '(a (b c) d e)', etc.

great. awesome. that was the hint i needed. now its working. thanks a lot


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