2017년 4월 1일 토요일

App Inventor 2 Whatsapp mit appinventor 2 Tutorial

Hi people here is a small do as you can call with an app inventor app whatsapp is tested with a samsung a lot of fun in the afterbasing.


⦁ I have a grage since you know yes with the topic MIT App Inventor. I have finished Screen1, then much to me that I would like a login. So I created Screen2. Now the problem is that, of course, when the app opens, Scree1. What can I do to open the app directly Screen2 comes? I hope you or who else can help me there.

⦁  Hello Stay Jay ... when Screen1.initialize - do - call Screen2 __ (which you have so long no answer got - is here not an impoliteness but the loving thrust for self - help) ^ ^ now since AI2 of all age groups gladly used I want to give nen times TIP: Screen1 (in the BLOCKS window) - when Screen1.initialize - do - call Screen2. That was it and at the start he switches to Screen2. --- (for Beginner: opens Screen1 the Screen2 is closed without objection or error message ALWAYS the screen closed the next opened ---- data from Screen1 so keep and pass after Screen2 is ne other thing) cya dog

⦁ ⦁ Thank you, I werdstest would you still how to make it, which only at the 1. open the app a login comes, but then no more? I have a username and password, which everyone can use, but momentarily the login comes with each new opening of the app

⦁  Uiii ... uhm ... in the obrigen video I do not find a LOGIN ... therefore I go now from times You mean generally (correct me please if not) Ein Login .... spontaneously fall 3 methods one ... Of which I myself always always uses, if not really data should be made unrecognizable. 1.- sub-optimal: once log on at real switch on and either BackPressedTaste if pressed interg it so prog does not close. (If you are using the Home button from your app, it should open OPEN.) Bad choice ... but I would like to show you that there are always several possibilities. (If you want to use the app), you should use the following command: // If you want to use the app, Can even serve as memory medium 5 .-- actually number 2 = text file save, BUT encrypted .... AI2 has already for it already a finished command .... would but too far to fetch * fg ... hope that helps? Cya dog

⦁ ⦁ Hi Jay ... you were probably what was tired ... the simplest solution much for your / your probably not natural: just unpack all blocks in the backpack and in Screen2 ^^ sry; o) happy inventing dog

⦁ Could you please make a video by showing how to call with the Activity Starter Whatsapp, so as an app, and not just send a post?

⦁ Sorry that it took so long to the answer am at the time very much work but have a link for them where they can call pdf files I hope times I could help them a bissen
⦁ Could you give a guidance how to embed PDF files firmly?

⦁ Can you make a video, how can you put ads with app inventor 2? :-)

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