2017년 8월 9일 수요일

ip camera stream only in part off my screen

I get help from Taifun to get my stream running in my app

I can see now the cam with active starter...so thats working.

But it starts up the app vlc in full screen.

what i want is this...

I want to see my cam in the upper half of my screen. In the other half i want to put buttons for audio.. and start /stop exc....

So my screen and buttons have to stay avalible to use

I tried toe put the rtps url in web viewer but is not wotking.. see not url..

Url is working if i put it in my browser in Internet Explorer.

I als tried the video player is also not working...

How can i fix this?

I hope some one have a solusion. .

You probably can not use your camera the way you want. ActivityStarter, using your default browser is displaying the video. There is no way I am aware to make that work in a smaller window in AI2.

To do something like this, you may have to develop using Eclipse or Android Studio using Java (if you need a free compiler) or use one of the commercial Android compilers like Basic4Android ..not very expensive or others that are VERY expensive.

Using the WebVIewer is problematic in that it is NOT a full featured web browser.

Perhaps someone has a work around.   I do not think so.

thx for your fast answers..  was already afraid I wont work becours I could not find template ore tutorial about it..
I wil look at one of your surgestion..
and perhaps some one fixt this one way
is there in a way that I can split screen in AI2.. I mean like in IE that I have a navigation part and a active part?

What you can do is use effectively two screens.  The active part and the screen that pops up showing the video when ActivityStarter works; then what you 
could do is use the Device's back button (on the Android) to return to the active screen.

Something like:

will return the user to the 'controls' when pressing the BackButton  (assuming the controls are on Screen1, the main AI2 screen).

Can you split the screen in AI2 like in IE?   Yes, certainly, but only using the WebVIewer and apparently the WebViewer does not have the capability of viewing your camera video? What I would try would look something like this:

I am uncertain what url you would need.
That probably does not work, but it might?

if you use the activity starter, the other app does have the control and not the App Inventor app anymore, which means, the BackPressed event of the App Inventor app will not fire in this case.

Actually it is a very bad idea to open an already opened screen again like this
If  you do this several times, each time you create another instance of your app and your app is then open several times, which means, you also have to close your app several times. Also you easily can run out of memory.... so in short: don't do that!

is there in a way that I can split screen in AI2.. I mean like in IE that I have a navigation part and a active part?
 sorry, not possible!

@Gertjan     use this instead:

Taifun is correct, the other code MAY eventually cause problems, however it will return you to Screen1 .  Using the close screen should avoid memory issues and return you to Screen1, then when you call ActivityStarter again, you will create a new instance of the IP camera display which should work for you.

@Taifun .... the BackPressed   fires for me.

Screen1.BackPressed only can fire, if the App Inventor app has the control, see example app attached

@Taifun .... perhaps in the ActivityStarter instance you demonstrated, HOWEVER

This works when viewing a Web page .... so it appears some ActivityStarter activities do have an escape using BackPressed.

@SteveJG: try a notifier in the Screen1.BackPressed event and you will realize, that if you click the back button while the browser has the control, the notifier will not display anything. The back button in this case just closes the other app (the browser) and gives back the control to the App Inventor app (independent of your Screen1.BackPressed event). 

Only if the App Inventor app has the control, the Screen.BackPressed event will fire, which means in the example the notifier will display something...

@Taifun ...   who cares about Notifier ?   what happens after viewing a web page using ActivityStarater is you can return to app inventor's Screen1   I am not refering to your camera example ...which is a terrible example because the camera control is all messed up... does not work as it is supposed to. Some times you got to read..

@SteveJG: I used the notifier only as an example to demonstrate, when does the event Screen1.BackPressed fire...
and the answer is: Only if the App Inventor app has the control, the Screen.BackPressed event will fire
hope that helps ...


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