2017년 8월 9일 수요일

Old App Inventor Projects

I am back to App Inventor world. :)

I saved many old projects I developed about 5 years ago. I would like to reopen them up for my reviews so I could continue my work with MIT App Inventor 2. The question is how to open them. 

welcome back!
you can convert the App Inventor Classic projects using the converter tool
for more information see here App Inventor Classic

Wow! Long time no see. :) You have been with App Inventor for all those years. That's great! My main interest is in Robotics and electronics. I am trying to use AI to control devices in the area of Internet of Things.

The link you mentioned is broken. Is there any other way to open old projects?

did you try the converter tool link http://convert.appinventor.mit.edu/ ?

No, I haven't tried the converter. I'll try that tomorrow. Thanks much.

AKA Kawacoder. (corrected)

I tried to convert my old projects (.zip) to App Inventor (.aia) but no luck. Too old. Sigh...

I now assigned this thread to Lyn, who wrote the converter tool... probably he can help you...

I have contacted Geo outside of this thread and offered my assistance with the conversion.

Thanks for the heads up, Taifun!


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