2014년 12월 23일 화요일

MIT Inventor 2 . There is no Canvas on the list (Basic) on the left panel?

I just downloaded MIT Inventor 2.  There is no Canvas on the list on the left panel.   I have user interface but no basic component.   I do not have Android but I will use emulator.   can someone help me how to get "Canvas" or Basic components" ?

you can find the Canvas in the Drawing and Animations drawer

You have to start a project first... than, as Taifun said, you go into the specific drawers for the components you need and drag them to the design screen.

I found it......Thank you for a quick response

Global Variables & Separate Screens

I used to program with App Inventor until school started. I'm in college and had to set it aside for a bit.

It's break now and it ends the second week into January, and I'm dying to make a (fairly complicated) calculator release.

Basically, I want to have different screens set up for different reasons. So ScreenA calculates what ScreenB and ScreenC has the stored value as. All the variables are global, but I can't see other screen global variables from ScreenA.

I'm kind of at a stand still for my project. How can I work with this?

Each App Inventor screen behaves like a separate app.  Because of this variables use on one screen can not be used on another screen unless the information is 'passed' from one to the other.  The simple way to do this is to store the variables that are going to be used on different screens using a TinyDB.  A TinyDb has to be placed on each screen that will use the variables and stored under a tag.  The TinyDB can retrieve what is on another screen by using the tag it was stored under.

Here is some great holiday reading...and it is free...the AI2 free online eBook   http://www.appinventor.org/book2 ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page.

You could  search in the forum using the Search for topics box to the right of the colorful google at the top of this page like changing screens and passing variables between screens    or calculator      to find many forum discussions of the topics that you expressed an interest in.

Alternatively you could have the layouts represent screens. One of the properties for a layout is visible. When you click a button for example, you can set visible to false and the "next screen" layout to true. It requires more control and tacking but it gives you the advantage of holding the variables that you need on just one screen (and the blocks as well) rather than having multiple and building the blocks for them.



App inventor 2 listpicker fusion tablodan çektiğimiz veriyi nasıl sileriz ? (How do you delete the app inventor 2 listpick data we pulled from the fusion of the table?)

For DELETE statements the first step to be done is to get the ROWID of the row to be updated with a SELECT statement. The second step is to do the DELETE.

fusion tabloya kayıtlı olan verinin rowid nasıl alınır? (How to get the rowid of the data is saved to the fusion of the table?)

rowid need to update or delete operation, but I can not reach him

unfortunately it's a little bit complicated...
How do i delete all values in one column 
you only can delete rows, but you can update all values in a column and set them to empty string like this:

generally: For UPDATE statements the first step to be done is to get the ROWID of the row to be updated with a SELECT statement. The second step is to do the UPDATE.

to update several rows, you first could retrieve the rowids of all rows like this
and store them in a list, then execute an update statement for each rowid
UPDATE <tableid> SET myColumn = '' WHERE ROWID = <rowid>

how do i only get the last value in a column
you can try the following slect statement


The problem with putting graphics "App Inventor and jQuery Mobile"

I want to click a list (with a picture) on a separate screenshot been displayed enlarged (greater than). I bought and am using "listview_thumbnail," but I can not connect to the result from the list with the image (eg. In a new window). Very please with tips on how you cansolve this problem. Thanks in advance.

I assume you bought this one? http://puravidaapps.com/listview.php
Post Some Blocks of what you tried, and Taifun will certainly help you.

problem solved !!!
I added a second list, and swapped the level of "value" to "image":-)

please contact me next time directly per email for questions regarding one of my examples you purchased. Thank you.

How to make math application using any formula such as a^2*b/300

How to make math application using any formula such as a^2*b/300. Means two fields a and b. when user enter these values and hit button it calculates using formula and shoe result on next screen...

If your problem is how to read values from an input field, calculate something, and start a new screen with a value to display, then do the tutorials and you will find answers. If not, how what you tried, with a screenshot of your blocks.
If you question is, how can I use an arbitrary formula that the user types in, that is not really possible in AI. If you are an advanced AI user, you could try JavaScript with the eval() function.

Here is probably what you want to do:

and how to use them is here:  http://www.appinventor.org/Chapter16

Why put the result on another screen?   Yes, that can be done.  Search the forum using the Search for topics box to the right of the colorful google at the top of this page  with terms like    screen manager    or  changing screens.