2017년 6월 12일 월요일

How to open different list in other screen using different Button values

How to open different list in other screen using different Button values

Data to another Screen:

For Hire (sites offering paid help (YMMV))

Looking to Hire App Inventor Programmer

Hi, I am looking for someone to complete my App Inventor program. I'm not a programmer by nature but more of a inventor. My project has overwhelmed me and I'm now looking for someone to take over the programming. Please contact me at scottbrown46383@yahoo.com

Have a look here under "For Hire"

I have been using the services of Taifun (https://puravidaapps.com) and have been very happy with the results and the speed in which he delivers.

If you haven't found anyone yet, would love to help.
You can contact me via melikeymedia@gmail.com


Save, upload and delete video/picture taken by the phone camera

AFIK there is no way to know the exact file path of the video clip or image taken by the camera in AI2. it gives some path like content://media/external/video/media/<number> for clips and file://storage/emuloator/0/Pictures/aa_inventor_<number>.jpg. I used the file extension by Taifun to move or delete those files with no luck. 

Is there any way/extension which will just do "Save,upload and delete video/images in AI2" ?

use the file extension https://puravidaapps.com/file.php 

and its GetFileName method to convert the content uri into the filename 

Thanks a lot! That worked !. Also just to let you know, not sure if it is a big deal but the extension comes up with a lag compared to the built in modules in AI2. Means when you click on that it takes about 20 seconds. But it works fine

One more question, I downloaded aix file. What is the aia file for ?

Please ignore my last question, I answered that by myself


Android (AI2) Colour Number Finder App

Way back in 2011, a developer asked to be able to get a colour number value from RGBA codes.

Someone somewhere had done the calculations which I put together on a google sheet. @ 45 developers have since accessed the sheet.

Maybe you didn't know that you can use a number instead of the colour blocks to set the colour of a component in AI2?

The above will produce Black.

Finally got around to creating an app to do the same thing!

It is in the Gallery as Android Colour Number Finder

Hopefully has a use in some situations ;)

as well as you have two numbers that you can use here is a simpler code to do this without calculating 
You are right! No obvious logic there:

make color = 4278190080 = -16777216

but it works. I guess the make color block is feeding the minus value to the background, whilst displaying the result

Here is the logic:

The value of the color in hex is FF000000 (255 alpha, 0 rgb). This value in decimal is 4278190080. In YAIL, the values are stored as long (64-bit) or Java Bignums (if they're larger than 2^63), which can represent this large positive value. However, when the value is passed to the Android runtime, it is passed as a Java int, which is a signed 32-bit value. When FF000000 is interpreted as a 32-bit signed integer, it's value is -16777216.

So at the bit representation they are equivalent, it's all in how the bits are interpreted.

Thanks Evan ;)



More insights to contribute App Inventor Development for GSoC

I am Sandeep Mahapatra from Bhubaneswar, India and I am applying for GSoC this year. My github handle is @sandeepm96.

App Inventor is a very intriguing project and I am eager to contribute to it. My technical skills:- I have a strong command over Javascript. I have experience in development of Node.js web applications based on MVC approach especially using Express.js framework and with both SQL and NoSQL database. I am quite comfortable with web sockets, http requests and REST APIs.

I have gone through all the projects for GSoC under your organization and I found the project "Searching blocks in the Blocks editor" aligned to my skill set for which I need more insights on how to get started. I have already cloned and setup the environment present in the repository:- https://github.com/mit-cml/appinventor-sources. Your invaluable suggestions and insights will be highly appreciated.

thanks for your interest. The ideas page [1] lists a number of potential projects for the summer, and the instructions page [2] lists the challenges and information needed to do the application. Also, don't forget to apply through the GSoC site [3].

If you want to discuss a particular project, please open a thread here in this forum to do so.

All the best!
