Greetings, testing the interface of a simple app, and I noticed a couple of issues:
(1) the screen size changes as the keyboard appears and disappears. I tried this on other app or browser. This doesn't seem to happen. I also tried specifying the pixel for height and width as supposed to "automatic" or "fill parent". This doesn't seem to solve the problem. Please see attachment for before and after.
(2) the search button needs to be clicked twice (not double click) for the app to respond. In my blocks, I simply use the "When Search do", I even tried "When Search Button.touchdown do" It appears that when I click it once, the cursor move out of the input text box, the second click on the search button activate the search command. Appreciate any help to solve this.
1) in the Screen properties, select screen sizing = responsive instead of fixed
2) It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.
the web method works asynchronously
move all blocks below calling the web.get method to the web.GotText event
Inside the IF statement?
I want to clear the old text and to start as blanks every time when SEARCH is clicked. I still have to click the search button twice (once to get out of the input text box, second press to activate the search.
yu might want to provide an updated screenshot of your relevant blocks including Web.GotText event
Here is the latest. I added a couple of "clear cache" procedure. Still the same issue, when stepping off an input box, need to click the search button twice to get results.
as already said, the web component works asynchronously
you are trying to do something with txt_Results2 before it has been received...
move all these blocks into the Web2.GotText event after having received txt_Results2
Worked! Thank you very much. How would one know about the fact that web component works asynchronously. Thx.
you can learn this in the tutorials...
further aysnchronous components are File, TinyWebDB and Fusiontable...
Thanks again!