2017년 6월 3일 토요일

search results for how to rename the package

you have to follow the steps EXACTLY step by step, else it will not work. the sponsor of the tutorial could do this successfully, see the result here.
that's correct, that should work...probably the server was busy, just try it again... do you have a lot of assets in the app? alternatively: rename your ...
Highlight the part of the name you want changed, it can be the package name or Android name, it doesn't matter, then go to - "Search/Find in Files" and ... Open the top folder and find the .class files and repeat the same process as the .java and .smali files and rename the first instance of your old name ...
I shall convert appinventor.ai_iammine.abcd to com.iammine.abcd [Last checked on 28.8.2016]. To change the package name successfully we have ...
Here is the link to conversation: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ appinventor/ulDBoetrmEo They said if they need to rename the package ...
However, I thought it might be useful to have an APK Package Name field in AI2, so one could set this before creating the APK file. That way there would be ... Also , a Rename function would be very useful too. Right now there is only ...
how to change the package name in app inventor. i want to rename my package name because app inventor. doesnt allow arabic language. i try every ...
Hello All,. I follow Taifun instruction in "How to successfully rename the package name of an App Inventor app" and I stuck right at the beginning of it.
you can change the app name with AppToMarket. and you can change the package name using this method. How to successfully rename the ...
Thanks Taifun For the reply. Here a littel bit added details. as i go through "How to rename the package name" from puravidaapps.com and followed ...
see here https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/0czHg_QIBmM/ 2a1R3zx3AwAJ how to rename the package name. Taifun ...
solved: I thought the package installer would download and install, but I found if I use a file manager to idownload and then install from the sd card, the app shows up under applications with ... I drag it to a home screen and rename it.
the project name is used as identifier for your project and is used to get the package name of your app. the app name you can ... to rename a project use " Save as" from the menu, the app name will stay the same. to change the app ...
How to successfully rename the package name of an App Inventor app. Taifun.
the App Inventor project name will be part of the package name, so probably you want to rename the project before building it and uploading to ...
Extract this .aia package (t seems to be normally zip package... with special extension) 3. ... 5. compress those file back and rename .zip to .aia 6.
I'm still nowhere with this. Does anybody have any ideas or suggestions? Has anybody rename an app package recently, and if so, what tools did you ...
you only can rename the project in App Inventor itself, renaming the apk file does not help. also if you already uploaded your app ... project as new app to Google Play. for more information, do a search in the forum for package name.
Did you save the apk on the computer under the old name then use the computer's file manager to rename the apk and try to install that on the device? That will give the message that ... If so, you must do a Save As from inside App Inventor then package under the new project name to avoid this. ---. Scott.
... not like App Inventor apps published? this method probably could help. How to successfully rename the package name of an App Inventor app. Taifun.
you can try this. How to successfully rename the package name of an App Inventor app. but you also need the old keystore from App Inventor Classic ...
as I can see, you found how to rename the package name meanwhile. concerning the icon, you have to use the default extension icon or provide the ...
you are talking about the package name... How to successfully rename the package name of an App Inventor app. Taifun.
in case you are talking about the package name, see here. How to successfully rename the package name of an App Inventor app. Taifun.
... Peep Screens Effects of Companion on Screen and app closing - BobanTransparent Screen Background - BobanCopy and Rename Screens - Tim ... setup instructions Nov 2015 - FTurbak Unofficial Tricks AppToMarket ForumLatest Process To Change App Package Name Made With MIT AI2Other ...

YandexTranslator translation of text strings

You can now translate text between languages using the YandexTranslator component. You can also use the TextToSpeech to have it spoken in the translated language.
For example, you can have a sentence translated from English to French and have it spoken in French using the TextToSpeech. The blocks below show how you can accomplish this translation service. The first block translates from English (en) to French (fre). Once the translation service is invoked, the GotTranslation block will be invoked. In that block, the language and country codes are setup and we then use the TextToSpeech component to speak the translation.

NOTE for AppyBuilder:

If you are using AppyBuilder, you’ll have to request an API key from Yandex HERE and. You will also note that for this platform, there is a property and blocks for specifying the key. If the key is not used, then translation will not go through and you will receive an error during translation. To specify key, use the property or the blocks like below:

FAQ for Waiting and Timing

The new About Screen property in AI2 Version nb122

I'm not sure, if I like this new feature: 
each App Inventor app now gets automatically the "About Screen" property using a default Android icon and some advertisement for App Inventor "Invented with App Inventor http://appinventor.mit.edu"...

ok, you can add some text (see screenshot), but the default text can't be removed?
we should be able to enable/disable this feature or being able to modify the default text and icon used...

Information about the screen. It appears when "About this Application" is selected from the system menu. Use it to tell users about your app. In multiple screen apps, each screen has its own AboutScreen info.

any thoughts?

Many lol...

I think this will stop some people from using AI for commercial app production... not the about box, but the fact that it says it was done with AppInventor.  A lot of people probably don't want that information to be known... I know, for me, I'd want to be able to remove those references.  Some people perceive AI to be a low level toy.  What's it's turned into is a great app development environment. In addition, while created as a teaching tool originally, AI has blossomed into a full blown development environment that many non-students will use to create market apps.  As a developer, I wouldn't want this info in the app for public consumption...

I think it certainly would be nice to be able to disable this new feature, because I think it does not really add something to quality of the apps, nor is it an improvement of the development environment.
But on the other hand I think that I can understand why MIT would want to make it's development environment more known. And this is one way to do just that. And yes, I agree with Enis: I think it could well be a reason for commercial programmers not to use it anymore.

Because AI is a FREE service, it's reasonable for MIT to try to find a way to brand the output, although I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place.  I also don't know if MIT wants to be shown as responsible if an app is an app gone wild, or behaves badly because of coding issues...

It's a tough issue... Google doesn't brand apps make with the SDK and Eclipse or the Android Studio... at least not visually to the user and they're free as well. But MIT is doing all of the work as projects and research and as a global community contribution, and that should definitely be noted in the end result.

It would also be reasonable in the About box, but as a very indiscreet notation at the bottom of the box, small type, etc.

In addition, I tend to always make my own About screen for all of my apps, so I'd have to have two about boxes and that doesn't make sense.

instead of adding nice features, MIT team are wasting their times in making this, I see NO NEED for this. it's USELESS and Annoying, hope someone do something and find a way to get rid of that annoying writings!
MIT team, you're disappointing us AGAIN and AGAIN!

That's a fairly harsh and unwarranted comment.
MIT's team has done nothing but tirelessly worked their butts off to produce a great, and I mean GREAT development tool for you to use, free.

I suggest you tone down that sort of comments here on the forum.

If you're that disappointed with App Inventor, why are you here and using AI rather than Eclipse or Android Studio?

Very well said Enis
In a way I like the part that says what the screen does. But when the user is looking at the screen, however, the purpose of the screen should be fairly obvious. So, this might be considered an additional  documentation tool for the app developer.
Also, your user should not have to see this dialog box if you have designed it to have a back button or to gracefully capture the hardware back button.

The next release will have the App Inventor branding smaller an appear at the end after the aboutScreen text.

Also, your user should not have to see this dialog box if you have designed it to have a back button or to gracefully capture the hardware back button.
you have to press the menu button to see that menu

The next release (not the one we put out last night).  

The icon is, in my opinion, too big, and it doesn't follow design guidelines. It should look more like the X icon in the other menu option.
Symbol and the whole text should be allowed to be changed. 
I want to write a text in German finish.

Having been immersed in a very enjoyable and educational building of an app on AI Classic for the past 4 months, AND having just fired up AI2 to see about using it for future projects, I thought it germane to  post. First off, a hearty thanks to all who have contributed your efforts. You've all been this teacher's teachers and your 'open-source' attitudes are much appreciated. FWIW, I brewed up an app called 'Topicmatch' and its much more popular brother 'Topicmatch Free'.
It's what it is, and I'm pleased overall with how it came out (future versioning notwithstanding). In any case, the existence of App Inventor was key for this long-time teacher to impart his appreciation for the dearth of contextual learning onto these now ubiquitous devices. (To be sure my app suffers a deficit of candy to be crushed, or what not...but that's how I envisioned it.) To get more to the subject of this thread, I gotta throw my 2 cents in and say (perhaps more as a musician) that the "tonal-quality" if you will, of the 'AboutScreen'-bit is sort of a drag. What is a profound and yet subtle joy of creating with this tool is the ability to really dial-in the creative decision-making as one envisions it. Not to belabor it, but it feels perhaps not unlike if I want to present some cool Miles' inspired tune -- and yet it's been irrecoverably determined that my guitar must have a ...less than groovy banner unfurl before getting underway. Btw, if anyone peruses Topicmatch Free, you'll see that I devoted an entire topic to the process of making the app with App Inventor. If I've overlooked any proper manner for presenting that fact, I'd appreciate any heads-up and so on. 

Any work round to get rid of this ? Or even is it possible to change "About this app" to customized head line when about button is clicked.

No, it's neither removable nor changeable, except for the text you can put in the properties section for ScreenX.

Unless you compile your own version of App Inventor; in that case, you
can do whatever you want with it. Info on how to do that here:

there is now also another solution http://puravidaapps.com/about.php
It is not uncommon in the free and open source software community to require an explicit mention in a product when you use such a library or tool.  The "About" page or screen is one of the most common places for that mention.

Can we add few more menu buttons below About ? say Credits button or help button like that.

You can't in native AI2, but you can in Hossein's AI2LiveComplete.

Is very simple to customize "About" message.
Decompile your APK using APKtool.
Go to  "your project name.apk∖smali∖com∖google∖appinventor∖components∖runtime∖form.smali"
Change the text "Invented with MIT App Inventor<br>appinventor.mit.edu" inside the file.
Compile your project and be happy.

I have no issue with the invented by message.

In the Screen1.Initialize, put set Screen1.AboutScreen to  "your message"

Something like: Fantastic App coded by ME.  Copyright 2014 - AI2 Wonder-works.

For some reason, putting the message  in the Design screen window     Screen1 > AboutScreen  and typing a message in the text block does not work; however coding the Blocks does.

Does this remove the MIT message.   No.  It does make YOUR message prominent.

Where does it appear? I did put some text in the "About screen box" but when I packaged the app to my phone, I didn't find that text anywhere. Tks.

At the bottom of your app running on a device, there'll be a menu icon... Click on that and the About menu will pop up.  Remember that it's done separately by screen, so if you have several screens, you'll have to do the About info on each of them...

Tks Enis for your answer. It helped me a lot.  
