I was practicing the tutorial of paint pot i added an additional feature to pick an image from gallery and then setting it as canvas background for paint options.
I have tried various methods but the image does not set in the canvas background Can you pls help.--
It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.
What i m doing is than when pick image button is clicked gallery opens and the picture selected is set as canvas background image.
I tried various functions but could not find success.
I tried various functions but could not find success.
Did you set the Canvas background color to none ?
No but i will try.
How can we set it to none
The simplest way is to change to none in the Designer Canvas object window. Just cick on the checkbox where it shows White and select None when the dropdown appears.
Did that work?
Thank you so much.It helped.