2016년 12월 19일 월요일

Need help in app building for paint option

I was practicing the tutorial of paint pot i added an additional feature to pick an image from gallery and then setting it as canvas background for paint options.
I have tried various methods but the image does not set in the canvas background Can you pls help.

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

What i m doing is than when pick image button is clicked gallery opens and the picture selected is set as canvas background image.
I tried various functions but could not find success.

Untitled.png 표시 중

sfg.png 표시 중

Did you set the Canvas background color  to   none ?

No but i will try.

How can we set it to none

The simplest way is to change to none in the Designer Canvas object window.  Just cick on the checkbox where it shows White and select  None when the dropdown appears.

Did that work?

Thank you so much.It helped.


Faster way to place numbers into label .text?

Is there a better way to put 40 numbers (or more) into text of 40 (or more) labels. I already use  a list.
lotoflabels.JPG 표시 중

What you might do depends on why you need 40 labels Lieven.   Perhaps Taifun's dynamic table will work for you   http://puravidaapps.com/table.php  

If not, you might use the Control block  for each item in list     in conjunction with the  AnyComponent>AnyButton  Advanced Blocks.  How?  This is possible, you are going to need to learn how to use the advanced blocks ...  Try something and show us what worked.   Some hints are:


Merry Christmas, Wesołych Świąt,  Feliz Navidad, God Jul, Joyeux Noel, Καλά Χριστούγεννα, Happy Christmas, Veseloho Rizdva, Prettige Kerstdagen, Frohe Weihnachten!, 성탄 축하 , Buon Natale,  聖誕快樂 ,  圣诞快乐,  Sretan Božić, C рождеством!,  عيد ميلاد مجيد,

Thank you for your information.
I tried to work something out with advanced blocks.
I already can put a fix value into the text, but not the numbers of the 'Topscoreslijst'.
lotoflabels_2.JPG 표시 중

create additionally a local variable, you can call it index and increment its value inside the for each loop, then use that variable together with the select list item block to select the 1st, 2nd, 3rd item, etc from that list

What's wrong with using a ListView for the list, instead of all those Labels?

Thank you all!
lotoflabels_3.JPG 표시 중


Design Screen Of app made with AI2

is it possible to move any item (buttons, labels, images etc) in the screen in a precise point?

For example i want tu use an image as background and i want to enter some points to overlap a point of the image in background.

Is it possible?

i can see only Horizzontal/vertical or table arrangement! :(

Due to the many different screens resolutions available, it would be almost useless to be able to place components in an absolute position, unless you want it to look good only on those devices with that same screen resolutions. Even though it involves a little more work, the relative positioning ensures that your layout will look almost the same in every device.
And no, there's no way to overlap components.

ok thank you :(

will be great in the future to overlap components on images of background :)

Would you like to share with us what is it that you are trying to do and see if there's an alternative method of achieving that same thing?

For Example i want that in the european flag


if the labe1.text is Italy the first star becomes Red
if the label1.text is Spain the second star becomes Red and so on.. Adding on overlap another star with red color

In that case you may want to have the image as the screen background, then add a layout on top with the same exact dimensions as the screen (fill parent on both)
And have 12 different png files the same size as the flag but with a transparent background and 1 of the stars in red. Nothing else (please see the image attached).
Depending on the value on your label, set as the layout background Star1.png, Star2.png, etc. Of course, build your screen layout inside the main layout that holds the star image.
Do you understand?

Yes understood.
Good idea, while if i want to use a button or lable instead of the red star is not poaaible, right?

If i set up width and height of screen if i use a tablet or a smartphone i ll see different things, right?

That's not going to work, because you can't position the component in an absolute point, like I explained before.
If you need the star to be clickable, the you may want to use a canvas for the flag, and make the stars with sprites, then you will be able to detect clicks on those, but the con is that you can't add components on top of the canvas like you can do on layouts.


Parsing Filename

I have downloaded files in a directory that, using TaifunFile1, I have made a File List. I now need to parse the path leaving only the filename.
I have followed Taifun's example for his jukebox. The difference being that the example picks a random file at the beginning, whereas I simply want to show a list of the files in a listview.
I know I am doing something fundamentally wrong, but cannot fathom what it is.

Any tips would be appreciated. 

try this
WOW!!! It Worked! Thanks Taifun. May you and your blocks have a very happy festive season.

Now. On to my next headf**k.... 


Sublist in ListViewer

How can i use Sublist in Listviewer like this?

You can format a notifier or a label using html tags (check the html box on the Designer screen or this will not work).but I think you cannot format with a  ListView.

Perhaps this example could work in your app  ?


Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter!

you can have your own formatting there, just use HTML tags of your choice...
