2017년 4월 11일 화요일

Multiplicar botão clicado (Multiply button clicked)

Is it possible to create a function that, when I click on a certain BUTTON (EX: BtnFrente), the program makes a copy of the button clicked,
So I can, click and drag the created btn?

As the attached image

Outside chance that you can do it with a webviewer and html or Java Script.

In AI, you cannot set the left and top properties of a component...  But you could possibly do it with HTML...

Probably would be pretty difficult.

Referente aos botoes serem copiados não encontrei nada na net, e também no app inventor.

Saberia dizer como eu faria pra armazenar a informação que determinado Botão x foi clicado, e acionar esse botãox somente depois que o botao Y for clicado ?

you can't create components dynamically in App Inventor
but you could use the canvas and image sprites as buttons
just set the image sprites to visible = false you do not need currently and set them to visible = true as soon as you need them
also you can click and drag image sprites around...

Sounds similar to my > frogs-n-flies < game.
The aia and apk are there to see how it works.
But basically it is as Taifun said.
Create ImageSprites ahead of time and hide them.
Then make them Visible as you need them.

Taison, thank you for your reply, I confess I had not thought of that, because it is beginner with AppInventor. 

Scott, Looking at the picture, is just that. 
The difference is that when you press the "GO" button will send a bluetooth command to an Arduino. 
Can contact on my email? 


Dynamic Table Row with radio button and label in it

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Hi All,
I am new for App Inventor.
I am using App Inventor 2 on Mac with Chorme.
1) I have list to be displayed in table with checkboxes for every element.
I am trying to dynamically create table with list elements and checkbox . Can I do this using App Inventor ?
I saw one example which embeds HTML but without integrating HTML can we achieve it ?
2) Also is there any way to copy user components ? i.e. buttons , labels ?

1) I have list to be displayed in table with checkboxes for every element.
I am trying to dynamically create table with list elements and checkbox . Can I do this using App Inventor ?
I saw one example which embeds HTML but without integrating HTML can we achieve it ?
you can prepare as many elements as you think you might need and hide them, then if you need them, set visible = true
2) Also is there any way to copy user components ? i.e. buttons , labels ?
to copy something in the blocks editor, just use ctrl-c and ctrl-v
but you can't copy definitions in the designer

So say I have list of 200 items and want to render them, which selectable check boxes:
1) I'll need to define table with all components
2) I'll not able to render them dynamically

 If I have list picker and to add selected items in table, I'll need to create those many elements first ?


How to add new buttons (matrix) from code

I want to add new textboxs every time i click a button.
Is it possible to add new objects from code ("Blocks")?
or the ones I add at "Designer" are the only ones I will be able to use...

you can't create components dynamically
you can prepare components as much as you think you might need an hide them
then if you need one of them, set its visibility to true


search for Dynamically create buttons App Inventor 2

no, this is still not possible. star issue 197 https://code.google.com/p/app-inventor -for-android/issues/detail?id=197. to star an issue means, to click ...
you can't create components dynamically. you can prepare components as much as you think you might need an hide them. then if you need one of ...
I am trying to dynamically create table with list elements and checkbox . ... 2) Also is there any way to copy user components ? ie buttons , labels ?
you can't create components dynamically in App Inventor. but you could use the canvas and image sprites as buttons. just set the image sprites to ...
App Inventor does not offer a possibility to create components (in your case buttons) dynamically, but you could use a list to display the items to select ...
Hi, is it possible, with app inventor 2, to create dynamically a list of buttons, which can be called by a number ? For exemple Button(i).Background etc ...
... expand the tree again by clicking on a + symbol, no this is not possible in App Inventor, because there is no possibility to dynamically create buttons.
yes, you can't create buttons dynamically, but this also does not make sense for 49 results as in the example... you could display the results in a ...

search for Showing multiple API results

see my answer here http://stackoverflow.com/a/27158968/1545993. Taifun. Trying to push the limits of App Inventor! Snippets and Tutorials from ...
now it is showing the results: Lastdate: value T0: value T1: value ... I would like to format with bold text and also bigger fonts, and put in a kind of table ...
Let user pick a set of multiple POI's (markers), to find total distance ? ... after loading seems to be stuck at showing my present location only, and I cannot see any marker ("Mark1") or see any search results "avenue road bangalore".