Hi. I want to build an application that takes data from one screen and lists them on another screen. I use Tinydb to do this. My problem is how to delete a tag?.When I choose what to delete, it deletes it but if I get back to the screen from the beginning it shows the entire list without changes. I attach myBlock if anyone knows anything to help me. I searching for solutions 1 week now and i cant find something helpfull
After you delete the tag, the information is STILL in your events list. After you delete the tag, use the TinyDB to refresh EventList and see what happens (yes the stuff in your initialize block).
Thank you for your immediate reply. I have tried this without result. I think after deleting the tag I have to store the change on my tinydb. The problem is that i dont know how
You deleted from your ListPicker but you do not delete the item from your TinyDB. The tag field cannot be empty, it needs to be the tag that was saved which is the date (the tag) .you save on your AddEvent screen. This ;possibly is the ListPickerDelete.Selection block?
Thanks again for your answer. I understant that you tell me but i cant understant what must put in Tag. The problem is that the tag date is in another screen and i dont know how to tag in this screen. Sorry but i am new in MIT . I made all the tutorials but noone tutorial have this explain. Thank you for your support. Maybe i need more education on this.
It does not matter that the date tag was input on another screen. The TinyDB shares the tags across screens. What you place in the Tag you want to clear is a DATE.
In your ListPicker, the event contains both the date and the event. Separate the date from the event information using the red Text blocks. You can use the following blocks:
The TinyDB block is shown from the other screen ONLY to show where the Tag date comes from.
Change your blocks and try your app. It should properly delete the event you select..
Thank you so much. That was the right tag. Thanks a lot!!!