2014년 12월 10일 수요일

Quiz upload and link .txt

I'm building a quiz with checkboxes and I have 4 files .txt with more than 1000 questions and answers1, answers2 and answers 3. I guess I could use the component File to make the program read those files and display them as if they were in a list (I attach screenshot displaying questions and answers when I had few questions and answers and they were in a list).
I've tried //myfile.txt and \n to skip a line everytime but nothing appears, I'm completely lost.
I would be very grateful with any help.

see the documentation http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/storage.html#File

ReadFrom(text fileName)
Reads text from a file in storage. Prefix the filename with / to read from a specific file on the SD card. for instance /myFile.txt will read the file /sdcard/myFile.txt. To read assets packaged with an application (also works for the Companion) start the filename with // (two slashes). If a filename does not start with a slash, it will be read from the applications private storage (for packaged apps) and from /sdcard/AppInventor/data for the Companion.

To convert the file into a list, just use the split at block and split at\n (new line)

Thanks Taifun for your answer but... I attach 2 screenshots with the changes done.
I don't know how to insert ReadFrom with my text files since this is a procedure and I'd like to put:
           SetQuestiosn.Text to --> ReadFrom
                                                filename --> //myfile.txt
           SetAnswers1.Text to --> ReadFrom
                                               filename --> //myfile2.txt
Instead I've done what's in the screenshots and the result is in screenshot1, nothing to see with my text files.

I don't know how to insert ReadFrom with my text files since this is a procedure and I'd like to put:
           SetQuestiosn.Text to --> ReadFrom
                                                filename --> //myfile.txt
           SetAnswers1.Text to --> ReadFrom
                                               filename --> //myfile2.txt

it does not work like this, just import the questions and convert them into a list like this

in Screen.Initialize event: 
File.ReadFrom //myfile.txt

in File.GotText event
set global Questions to split at get text

you can do the same for the answers
this also might help 

A Multiple Choice Quiz: How to work with the advanced features

first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html to learn the basics of App Inventorthen try something and follow the

Read your points and all the information (again) and did the changes (screenshot 1) but I have 2 errors: 
- First one, in screenshot 2.
- Second, ... can not accept the arguments (and here's the list with all the questions in Questions.txt (at least, they appear!).
I've been working on this for months and I think it's close, just need some more help, please.

you are trying to do 2 things the same time: 1. to read all questions and 2. to get the next question
probably it's better to step back one step and to learn first How to work with Lists by Saj?

on start of the app, first read all the questions and store them in a global variable, e.g. listQuestions
then later if you want to get the next question, just do the following

set CurrentQuestion to get CurrentQuestion + 1
set Question.Text to select list item listQuestions
                                                      get CurrentQuestion

same for the answers

Thanks for both answers!
This is where I am now. Read all the information and changed some things but again won't work.
I changed the value of the variables to text, but something is wrong, maybe there or at WhenQuestions.GotText, WhenAnswers1.GotText...
Hate to be annoying... Sorry!

as already said, to convert the questions into a list, you have to use the split at block

in File.GotText event
set global Questions to split at get text

same for the answers
see also the errors in your screenshot

Thanks Taifun for your help.
Now I think the blocks are ok (screenshot 1). The questions appear on my emulator but not the answers. Instead there's a mistake depending on the value given to the variables that may contain the list of questions and answers (screenshot 2).

this looks like a timing issue: you read the question and answers and at the same time you call the set_question procedure before the answers have been read completely
my suggestion is to call the set _question procedure in the Answers3.GotText event instead
also let me recommend do initailize the variables using the create empty list block

Did the changes you suggested (screenshot1) but:
- When screen initializes there's no text anywhere (neither questions nor answers).
- I've put a clock in 15 seconds to answer and then a 'Next' button appears and at this point the text in label 'Question' appears, but the checkboxes still are with the name I gave them in the designer, so no changes yet.
I've put the 'set_question' procedure under every WhenQuestions.GotText, WhenAnswers1.GotText... and nothing changes.
Moreover, it returns the same error though I've initialized the variables using the create empty list block, as you suggested (screenshot2).
Thanks for your patience.

you should try to understand that timing issue: to read 4 large files and convert them into lists may take a few seconds
let's assume, the questions are read and assigned to the Questions variable, but the answers are still not read: now you are trying to read the corresponding answers and get that error...

to be on the safe side only after all 4 files have been read and assigned to their variables, then call the set_question procedure

hank you very very much, Taifun!
I was making a mistake but now it works! I have another issue but I'll try some things before asking.
Only one question: My app is in Spanish and it's full of accents (aún, próximo...) and it returns another symbol in the app. Is it possible to solve this or the only solution is to eliminate them in my text files?

make sure to store the text files in UTF8 format
How to get european or chinese characters from Web ResponseContent
see also here

I'll have a look! Many thanks again!!!


hi guys. i have a problem with app inventor 2 and i don't find a way to get it work.
I have to take some numbers from a fusion table but with the condition that the scheduled appointment at the doctor (it's a column in the table) to be the same as the system date.
And after i take that number i want to sent SMS by the program.
Can anyone help me, I have a mental block and I don't know how to get it done.

Can anyone help me, I have a mental block and I don't know how to get it done.

you can get the current date using the clock component and its blocks, see also the documentation http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/sensors.html#Clock

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

first i need the blocks for geting datas from the tables

to learn how to work with fusiontables, please do first the Pizza Party tutorial

I already did the Pizza Party tutorial but even after that i couldn't find a way. I'll try the links that you sent me and I'll come with a feedback. Thanks a lot :)

guys I'm back and i didn't find a way to make the app work.
The app is designed for medical use. The doctor introduce the datas of their patientes and a date for their appoiment to the doctor and the number of the patient.
The app should check every date in the fusion table and if it is as the system date the app should take the number of the patient and announce the patient that he has an appoiment.
Anyone have an ideea about how the block structure should be?

you should be able to provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks, else we can't help you... did you already do the tutorials to learn the basics of App Inventor?

In case you do not have any idea how to do your app, I also offer personal support for a small fee. In case you are interested in this service, please contact me by email. Thank you.


Save a Word for Later Review

I'm just now getting back into AI after a rather long stint away. I'm working on a flashcard app and am stuck (after a few hours of trying numerous things). What I'm stuck on is how to add a feature where I can click a button to store a word in the question list that I got wrong, which I can then come back to later for review. The idea is that when I hit the "Review" button, only the words that were saved will appear in the list to be reviewed. I suppose, then, that another issue that will come up is exiting out of that review list. 

 I have included the .aia file as an attachment below. If someone could help me on these I'd be very grateful. Thank you.

If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you ...
You probably will get more feedback then...

which means in your case post a screenshot of your relevant blocks...

To download the aia file, upload it to  App Inventor, open it, do some bug hunting for you, etc... this takes time, and most people will not do that...

I have attached the .aia file above. Here are the blocks.

you could create a review list and add the words using the add items to list block

add items to list

Adds the given items to the end of the list.
The difference between this and append to list is that append to listtakes the items to be appended as a single list
while add items to list takes the items as individual arguments. This block is a mutator.

I'm stumped! 
I thought that's what I was doing. The "savedList" is what I was understanding to be the review list.

sorry, haven't seen the savedList...

you should correct some errors...
1. use text blocks and not variables as tag to store something in TinyDB, in this case e.g. the text "savedList"
2. load the savedList during Screen.Initialize like this
set savedList to  TinyDB.GetValue "savedList"
                         create empty list                          
Note: valueIfTagNotThere should be the create empty list block for lists!  
3. in the ButtonSave.Click event first add the current word to the list using the add items to list block and then save the new list in TinyDB

add items to list get global savedList

you will have to work on the ButtonReview.Click event to display only the saved questions then...

how to scroll screen down when I have long canvas image

I add canvas to the page
and I attached a long image to it (image with long text)
I marked screen1 as scrollable but I cant scroll the page down (to see the rest of the image) when I tested in my phone
in app inventor scrolling is work but not in the phone

The Canvas itself does not scroll.  To be able to scroll a long Canvas the screen needs to have a white margin on the left or the right of the screen...you use that space to 'scroll' on the regular screen (remember to set screen scrollable on the Designer Properties).  In practical terms, if as in your case you have a very long image (one with the height very long, you have to make sure the Width is not greater than the screen width of the device you will run the app on.

the canvas can't be longer than the screen
you could use the webviewer to display your very large image instead, see an example here https://puravidaapps.com/snippets.php#2ani

I didnt succeed 
I did the following:

when screen1 initilize do
set canvas.width to screen1.width - 1

buisness card app

Probably a simple answer to this.

 I am using the App inventor 2 (Beta)  but my course materials are based on App inventor classic and I am having a problem identifying/locating some of the basic blocks in the Block editor.

For example I m trying to find the "Set Global body text" after it has previously been defined. The nearest definition blocks in the App inventor 2 are the  "Initial Global body text", are they the same?

first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the

To convert AI Classic blocks to App Inventor 2 blocks, the advice in this link might help...it outlines some of the differences between AI Classic and AI2:

This talks about differences and the new stuff in AI2  http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/whats-new.html  

Hope this helps.

App Inventor Work not saving

One of my students continually gets this message regardless of the computer she is working on. Any work she does in lessons cannot be saved. Her code is extremely simple, so there shouldn't be a problem. She cannot save any of the work she does.
"The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 520817906443874_Screen1 will not be saved."
I have had a look on the other forums but there doesn't seem to be an answer.
Any advise would be welcome.

There's definitely corruption there.  Not sure what it is though.  I deleted ALL blocks, and ALL media, and still get errors.

I'll pass this message on to the dev team, and maybe they'll have insights into what happened... But, as you said, it's a VERY simple project, and can be recreated in a few minutes, which is what I'd do... Open the project up and print the screen so you have the blocks.  Then, start a whole new project, and recreate it.

My guess is that something happened on day on a save... some corruption or a glitch of some sort.

Alternatively, you could load the project from a previous AIA file and build it back up.

The Project is corrupted.   I recommend saving the images, if the student does not have the originals.  Make a screen capture of the Designer and Blocks screen, so the student can see what the project is supposed to look like; then starting the Project from scratch with a new name.

Something happened.  What?

Here are some issues:   The student uses a Canvas that is about 325 x 225? or so.  The Numeric sprites all are 225 x 225.  That means AI2 has to shrink all of them to the small size seen in the campus image.  This shrinking should be done in a image program on the pc...shrinking these graphics to 25=25 or so.    The corruption might have occurred because of ten srites being shrunk.

The images in the student's Media folder... one is  a 1600 x 1127 image at 2.18 Mb ...VERY large and not yet used in the app.  The main image used on the Canvas uses only a small portion of these images...cropping should occur outside AI2.

What is responsible for the corruption?   I doubt any one of the above, but in combination they might have caused an issue.

Someone else might have another opinion.    I deleted images, one by one, blocks etc and got to the bare screen...something was still corrupted.  Start with a clean slate, use smaller images and things will probably be ok.   Also make a copy of your project periodically as an aia   and/or   Projects > Save project as.... giving it another name.    Unfortunately, AI2 does not have an un-do function.   If the student had a back up point, he/she could recover.

I strongly recommend the student start over John...painful...and he/she should reduce the size of the images to something compatible with an Android screen.

The student renamed most of the controls.   Many believe developers should rename the controls, I have been programming for over 30 years and I do not believe in it because renaming controls can cause corruption, is unnecessary .    If that is what you expect your students to do, then continue.

I have recovered his project. It should now load. HOWEVER the root cause is a computer that the student was using has memory problems. At several places in the blocks file the word "component" turned into "comptwont" which corrupted the project. Because the corruption occurred in several locations and was the same, a client PC is implicated (because Javascript stores only one copy of the string). 

App Inventor 2 Emulator

Hi, I am high school teacher and I am having trouble connecting the emulator to App Inventor in my school.

I currently have the latest version of the AIStarter.  

The emulator is looping between "Companion App Starting" and "Verifying the Companion App". I have made sure that any website that my machine is reaching out to is unblocked on the server, along with creating specific rules to open possible ports (8001, 5554 and 5037). If there is a way to find out all specific resources that both the emulator, and the App Inventor Site are accessing, I may be able to pinpoint why these two items are not communicating. 

Firewalls prevent the emulator and WIFI from communicating in public places like hotels, hospitals with Internet access and you probably have a firewall issue Tony on your school network.
AI2 uses port 8004.

Have you visited this page http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/support/troubleshooting.html   ?      It may have the hint you need to move on.   If it does not help, ask again.

I assumed that was the problem. Is there a list of specific sites that these programs "talk to"? I have admin right and can allow these sites through so that my students can use this program? 

Not sites Tony, port 8004 has to be available for AI2 to use.

I just checked and port 8004 is not being used. I also created both an inbound and outbound rule allowing the use of port 8004 and still no luck. 

When I run AI2, it is running in the 8004 port. However, my blocks are not being loaded to the emulator. Is there anything else that I have to do to be able to push the code to the emulator? 

Most of the emulator connection problems we have seen are a result of not having the most current version of the App Inventor setup software, or that software having been incompletely installed. 

Still, there can be many other issues that could cause the connection to the emulator to fail.  Please read and follow the document below on connection issues:

Click here for Emulator Setup and Trouble Shooting Instructions

If you still cannot get the emulator running after following that document, please post in the forum and we'll try to help you out.

Thank you for the post. Currently I have my emulator running but there is a continuous loop between the emulator starting the companion and verifying the companion. I have ports 8004 and 8001 open and have confirmed (using TCP Viewer) that ai2 is being used in 8004. However, I cannot access the link . I assume that this is a firewall issue on my schools end. However, when looking into the sites that my schools firewall is blocking, I have allowed access to all of the sites that are getting caught up and I am still having trouble with the companion starting and verifying. 

Is there anything else that could be stopping the companion from booting fully to the emulator? 

Just out of curiosity... do you have BlueStacks installed or running?  That has cropped up a few times as a problem.

Here is a list of a lot of things that can stop an emulator from displayingTony.     Have you gotten AI2 to work from your home network with an emulator?    If the project you have loaded ...you do have to have a project loaded to test the emulator...works there, it should work on the school network.

Here is the list...

One of the following  possibly applies to your code (all may not apply to your code):

1)  You have coding errors in your blocks.  In the Blocks editor, look in the lower 
left corner of the window for the yellow and red triangle icons. If the red icon has a value larger than 0, 
you have a serious coding error.  Find the block in your code that has a red triangle and 
fix it.   Red triangles always inhibit creating an apk or running a project in the 
emulator or possibly creating an aia file.     Yellow triangles are more forgiving, 
however, sometimes, these need to be fixed because they trip an internal warning and not billing puzzle piece sockets are left un-filled.

2) Your source file (the aia file) is larger than the 5Mb limit allowed in AI2 (the aia can not be larger than 5Mb). You may have put images or other resources in your Media (resources) that you do not use in the app. 
 All the images and sounds in resources count toward the 5Mb limit along with the souce code.    You can program 
apps larger than 5Mb in the browser, but the apps will not compile and might not run in the 
emulator or the project may not save as an aia. If this is the case you need to reduce 
the size of your image and/or sound files.   Most image files can be made quite small 
by resizing them using a photo manipulation program on your PC to less than 50Kb each.

3)  You might have more than 10 Screens in your app.  AI2 becomes unstable when more 
than ten screens are used.  Projects CAN be built with slightly more screen but then you should expect your app to occassionally behave erratically.

4) You might have set a Screen icon in the Designer Properties for your project that is too large. Use an image 
sizeof 48x48 px or 96x96px instead and only use jpg or png images.  *.ico files are not 
supported.  The 'icon' (actually an image) can be as large as 520x520 (I think that is the size GooglePlay apps require).  The smaller 'icons' work fine otherwise.

5) You did not code the entire project using App Inventor 2.   If you used one of the 
third-party AI2 clones,you might not be able to load a Project into the AI2 compiler or 
create an apk with the standard AI2.

6) If you incorrectly modified the project's Manifest files using a third-party tool, you may have issues.

7)  Sometimes, if you have LOTS of Layouts on a single screen,  the apk might not 
compile. How many is a lot?  I do not know, keep adding layouts and buttons, compile and try again...when the server crashes, you got a lot.

8)  The network you are using may be overloaded (possibly a school network), or you have other applications running in the background on your computer, or your virus checker is doing a scan.  Sometimes, just trying to access the MIT server a few minutes later will give you a more favorable response.

9)  If you have BlueStacks on your home PC (BlueStacks is a special emulator that allows Android apps to run on a PC).  The Google emulator on AI2 cannot run unless BlueStacks is disabled and all of the BlueStacks processes are shut down.  On a Windows PC, you use the Task Manager to 'kill' running processes.

10)  Are you using Sensor controls (except for the clock)?   Most Sensor controls or controls related to sms or the phone do not work in the emulators.  They need to be tested on a device.

11) If this is an issue about the Project loading slowly on your device or on the emulator:  Be aware, the more images, layouts, components you have on a screen, the longer it takes for the emulator and Companion to render the graphical screen.  How fast the emulator renders is partially a function of your hardware...how much ram you have, your cpu clock speed etc. Sometimes, with lots of graphics, the emulator will just give up.   Can you develop live using WIFI or using USB? These options almost always render faster than the emulator but will not be at lightning speed if you have lots of graphics.  Be patient.

12)  This happens too:   We have see instances where it is probable the Google Cloud messed up; other instances where an older PC has had memory issues and caused file corruption of the Project and instances where a user is using a very slow Internet connection (like dial-up) and it is just too slow.

13)  Do you have an AVG, Eset or AVAST virus checker.  Some versions of these products have been reported inhibit running the emulator unless (in the case of AVG) the Advanced Link settings on the software are set to allow AI2 communication.

The problem could be something else, like running an old version of Companion ...in this instance the cure might be:   Projects > Hard Reset.  If there are Companion issues a pop up will appear (if no issues, nothing will happen...just smile).  When the pop up appears, follow the instructions very carefully, then reboot your PC and try again.

Thanks for the list. There is nothing wrong with the code, and the code is not too big. I had the students simply put one button on one screen and one "On.Click Change Background Color" Command. At this point I have my students running App Inventor 1 and the emulator is running and working. It is a shame that I have to revert to the older version for this to work. 

Hi. I'm the guy who wrote the code that is used both in the Companion via WiFi and in the emulator. With the emulator "up" you should be able to go to: on the PC running the emulator. This should show you a small (possibly empty) directly listing (it will be a list of the assets that have been used in the emulator).

If the connection times out, that is a problem! The aiStarter program uses the "adb" program (in the "commands-for-AppInventor" folder) to setup "tcp port forwarding" from the PC to the emulator on port 8001. I suspect this command is failing for you. Make sure you don't have security software that is blocking the action of the "adb" command.

Calendar event

I want to programmatically add an event to my device calendar using AI2 . The "App Inventor ActivityStarter" android app note says "Unfortunately you cannot make an event complete with Activity starters. You can create an event with title or description, the user must enter the date & other information". 

Is there any other way to automate the entire process without the user having to manually enter the date & other info.

How about using the Google Calendar?

I have seen apps that sync he local calendar with the Google Calendar.

You can use Google Calendar API to access the google calendar, insert and view events etc. from an appinventor app.

I prepared a 4 part tutorial on it for App Inventor Classic, but it could easily be redone in AI2:

Part 1 OAuth

You could also use a Webviewer to display the google calendar website in the app.

Want To create a Basic App of Bluetooth

I want to Create a simple App on Android which access the Bluetooth . One button send the OUTPUT "1" to Bluetooth and another button send the OUTPUT "2" to Bluetooth.. and that app should have Bluetooth Connect Button . That simple.... I dont have any idea to use Scratch Programming... So want to learn too.Please Help me soon...

this example might help

first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.htmlto learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the

I could not connect my app to a database

hello everyone am new here
I was trying to make a replacement test in the same way as quiz and i made the database but i could not connect my database to my app.
plz help..........................

what kind of database are you talking about?
in case you are talking about fusiontables, do the Pizza Party tuturial to learn how to work with fusiontables

Server error

I'm getting  a server error when i try to save aia or apk to pc. Wondering it was my windows 8 or app inventor 2.

could be many things... try again in a few minutes, then report back...

One of the following  possibly applies to your code (all may not apply to your code):
Most probably #1 or 2.

1)  You have coding errors in your blocks.  In the Blocks editor, look in the lower 
left corner of the window for the yellow and red triangle icons. If the red icon has a value larger than 0, 
you have a serious coding error.  Find the block in your code that has a red triangle and 
fix it.   Red triangles always inhibit creating an apk or running a project in the 
emulator or possibly creating an aia file.     Yellow triangles are more forgiving, 
however, sometimes, these need to be fixed because they trip an internal warning and not billing puzzle piece sockets are left un-filled.

2) Your source file (the aia file) is larger than the 5Mb limit allowed in AI2 (the aia can not be larger than 5Mb). You may have put images or other resources in your Media (resources) that you do not use in the app. 
 All the images and sounds in resources count toward the 5Mb limit along with the source code.    You can program 
apps larger than 5Mb in the browser, but the apps will not compile and might not run in the 
emulator or the project may not save as an aia. If this is the case you need to reduce 
the size of your image and/or sound files.   Most image files can be made quite small 
by resizing them using a photo manipulation program on your PC to less than 50Kb each.

3)  You might have more than 10 Screens in your app.  AI2 becomes unstable when more 
than ten screens are used.  Projects CAN be built with slightly more screen but then you should expect your app to occasionally behave erratically.

4) You might have set a Screen icon in the Designer Properties for your project that is too large. Use an image 
sizeof 48x48 px or 96x96px instead and only use jpg or png images.  *.ico files are not 
supported.  The 'icon' (actually an image) can be as large as 520x520 (I think that is the size GooglePlay apps require).  The smaller 'icons' work fine otherwise.

5) You did not code the entire project using App Inventor 2.   If you used one of the 
third-party AI2 clones,you might not be able to load a Project into the AI2 compiler or 
create an apk with the standard AI2.

6) If you incorrectly modified the project's Manifest files using a third-party tool, you may have issues.

7)  Sometimes, if you have LOTS of Layouts on a single screen,  the apk might not 
compile. How many is a lot?  I do not know, keep adding layouts and buttons, compile and try again...when the server crashes, you got a lot.

8)  The network you are using may be overloaded (possibly a school network), or you have other applications running in the background on your computer, or your virus checker is doing a scan.  Sometimes, just trying to access the MIT server a few minutes later will give you a more favorable response.

9)  If you have BlueStacks on your home PC (BlueStacks is a special emulator that allows Android apps to run on a PC).  The Google emulator on AI2 cannot run unless BlueStacks is disabled and all of the BlueStacks processes are shut down.  On a Windows PC, you use the Task Manager to 'kill' running processes.

10)  Are you using Sensor controls (except for the clock)?   Most Sensor controls or controls related to sms or the phone do not work in the emulators.  They need to be tested on a device.

11) If this is an issue about the Project loading slowly on your device or on the emulator:  Be aware, the more images, layouts, components you have on a screen, the longer it takes for the emulator and Companion to render the graphical screen.  How fast the emulator renders is partially a function of your hardware...how much ram you have, your cpu clock speed etc. Sometimes, with lots of graphics, the emulator will just give up.   Can you develop live using WIFI or using USB? These options almost always render faster than the emulator but will not be at lightning speed if you have lots of graphics.  Be patient.

12)  This happens too:   We have see instances where it is probable the Google Cloud messed up; other instances where an older PC has had memory issues and caused file corruption of the Project and instances where a user is using a very slow Internet connection (like dial-up) and it is just too slow.

13)  Do you have an AVG, Eset or AVAST virus checker.  Some versions of these products have been reported inhibit running the emulator unless (in the case of AVG) the Advanced Link settings on the software are set to allow AI2 communication.

The problem could be something else, like running an old version of Companion ...in this instance the cure might be:   Projects > Hard Reset.  If there are Companion issues a pop up will appear (if no issues, nothing will happen...just smile).  When the pop up appears, follow the instructions very carefully, then reboot your PC and try again.

I have no warnings or errors showing. here is the error message i get. Server error: could not build target. Please try again later! How can i tell how big the file will be?

I have waited for about  2 hrs total so i will try again later but it shows no warnings or errors 

Go to my tips, read about creating an AIA file, and that will tell you the size...

file size is 1.5mb

That certainly shouldn't be a problem.  Did you try another browser?  Also, make sure you close the browser you're using, and clear the cache...

Build a NEW project, a very simple project.    Put a Button on the Designer screen.   Just the button.   Now compile it.  Does that run?    All the app is is an AI2 button displayed.    Building this simple app will demonstrate whether the issue is with your current project or something else.

Did the simple project compile?  

Thanks for your help learn a lot the past few days