Can someone tell me what the limitations are for using Yandex Translator component without a personal API key and how I can use my own API key. I am not good at programming, a simple tutorial would be perfect.
App Inventor's Yandex component does not use personal API keys. This is a special arrangement between App Inventor and Yandex.
Give that, I don't know why you'd want to use a personal key, but in any case, the translate component is not set up to do.
If for some reason, you really really want to use Yandex with a personal key, you'll have to do it by sending commands using the Web component, after registering with Yandex for a personal key.
A free personal Yandex Translator API key gives you ten million characters a mounth. How is it when using Yandex component in an app inventor app? Is there any limitations? If so, does the translation limitations include all the users of the app or are they personal for every user?
App Inventor's use of the Yandex translator does not involve personal keys or use limitations for individual App Inventor users (or App Inventor apps they create).
You don't provide a key when you use the App Inventor Yandex component.
You don't provide a key when you use the App Inventor Yandex component.