2016년 11월 17일 목요일

Custom Tiny Web Database Problem (Need permission to view resources)

I am trying to create a Tiny Web Database and I followed the instructions given on http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/content/custom-tinywebdb-service.html to create one but when I go to the dashboard, it redirects me to Google Cloud Platform where I am not given access to the App Engine resources in the project. How to I get permissions or is there any other way to create a custom tiny web db?
hh.PNG 표시 중
Thank you! This was really helpful. 


Cannot figure out how to show map...

Every time I try to view a map, it come up with No corresponding activity found. Why is this so?

I don't believe you are using proper geocoding syntax. See my blog post HERE that shows how to use geocoding.

Quite unbelievable. After hours and hours without success, as soon as I post for help, I figure it out....

More to comr though....


Firebase GetValue error

I get the error message in FirebaseDB3.GetValue even if the tag is there, with a value. FirebaseDB2 works as expected. What am I missing?

For the time being, I am missing information. I think you should show more blocks or attach an .aia
How many FireBases do you have? Does it actually work to have more that one? Is it useful?
Cheers, Ghica.

I currently have 3 Firebases on that page. My understanding is that you need one for each different GetValue you create. I could combine Firebase 2 and 3 and then parse the data, but I'll need a 4th Firebase anyways so unless there's a limitation on the number of Firebases, I'll avoid the parsing route. If I request for the "sound_file" tag in the 3rd Firebase, it will work, and if I request the "score" tag in the 2nd Firebase, it won't work either. So it looks like it's not liking the "score" tag for some reason. I'll share more blocks when I get to my home PC.

Ok, this is embarassing. Today I went to save all the blocks to share on this thread, and before doing so, I assumed I should remove the FirebaseDBx URLs and tokens for security reasons. This shouldn't be shared right? In any case, while looking at the properties of each, I noticed that my FirebaseDB3 still had the DEFAULT url although I checked this numerous times, having had the issue before. Sure enough, after changing it again, now the app behaves as expected.

How do I make sure that the FirebaseDBx properties get "applied" since just seeing the right URL in the box apparently doesn't guarantee anything? (beside waiting 48 hours before opening the app again :/)


Splitting incoming text into two labels

I have hit a roadblock, and it is probably something really easy. But I was wondering if I could split incoming text into two labels. Label1 is the incoming bluetooth data. Example (temperature time) <- its a number then a space, then time. I want to split the incoming text where the temperature is in Label1 and after the space, time is in Label2.

Thank you.
 Screen Shot 2016-11-11 at 4.56.26 PM.png

use the split at spaces block to convert your string into a list

split at spaces

Divides the given text at any occurrence of a space, producing a list of the pieces.
then select the 1st and 2nd item


How do I designate Label2 as the split portion of label1?

Create two local variables, the set the label 1 to the first variable, label2 to the second variable


"App Inventor is unable to compile this project" Unspecified error. No warnings

I can't build my project, both with QR and "save on your computer" gives me the error that you see in the attached.
If I try Ai Companion it works perfectly.
I have already tried several computers but nothing.
I had build the apk two days ago with no problems, then I do several changes to the project in Designer and in Blocks but MIT doesn't report any warning, and everything works fine on Companion.
Where can I find the problem? Thank's

Hi Marco,

I downloaded the sources for your AIA file and I see that there is an external_comp folder there with a number of (irrelevant) Java classes. Did you previously upload an extension, or otherwise modify the project outside of App Inventor? This is an abnormal structure and the compiler is confused about how to deal with it.


Hi Evan, thank you for answer, yes i had try to install an extension but with no success. When i had insert the url of extension nothing appears on screen.
this is the problem!?
can i solve it?
thank you

When i had insert the url of extension nothing appears on screen. 

any example of an url you are using?
usually you import an aix file from your computer into your project
Here is a version with the errant files removed. Try this.


Thank you Evan!!!!  It's work perfectly!!
I will never use extension! :)
Thank's Taifun for answer, i don't remember the url of extension, i was searching an extension to send attachment in mail but i solve with Share Social.
Thank you!!


"For each item" behavior/sequence

I have a FirebaseDB1 query that gets a list of words. When the list is received, I want to do a FirebaseDB3 query for each word in the list, to get the score of each word. For each score I get, I want to add that word to a list X times the score.

For example, if I have a list with the words APPLE and PEACH, I'll lookup the score of APPLE (2) and PEACH (3). I would end up with this list : APPLE APPLE PEACH PEACH PEACH.

However, with my current blocks, I end up with PEACH PEACH PEACH or whatever is the last word in the word list from FirebaseDB1.

What am I not understanding?

BTW, I'm trying to do a weighted randomizer so the odds of picking a word in the word list depends on the word score.

There is something strange in your when.FirebaseDB1.GotValue:
Whatever the value, you always set global var_words to an empty list
Somehow you are missing an if there.
Cheers, Ghica.

The purpose of that is to make sure I start with an empty list before doing this routine, so it looks ok from my POV. Could it be that my DB3 requests loop is so fast that the Got Value only handles the last loop? How can I make sure that DB3 waits for Got Value to finish before each new loop?

I still think it is strange that you are using multiple Firebase databases. If it works, it works, but apparently it does not. What is so difficult about making a case statement like the blocks shown here? Anyway, you could prove your hypothesis by having two global variables, one which counts your calls to GetValue and the other that counts the GotValue. You can find their values after your test with DoIt on a loose get block.
A way to postpone the call to GetValue is to do it within the GotValue event block, but you will have to iterate through your values differently than a foreach.

But the first thing I would try is to do the set ProjectBucket outside the loop (do you really have to set it, apart from maybe at initialize??
Cheers, Ghica.

I'm afraid I don't understand you block example on how it relates to my problem. I can confirm now that the For Each loops runs X times and only then will the Got Value run X times, which is bizarre I find.


I'm including the minimized code and firebase structure to give more detail on what I'm trying to do.

My block example was related to an earlier question of why you would need so many Firebase instances.
If you want further help, I need an .aia to work from.
Cheers, Ghica.

Ok I see. Well I guess I could make dynamic queries by pushing a tag variable to a single FirebaseDB1.

I'll upload my file tonight, thanks


Ok, here's the code, thanks

What I see is an error message each time the app starts: invalid firebase URL.
I have no time today anymore to look further. To be continued.
Cheers, Ghica.


Cannot connect from Chromebook runing MIT App Inventor Version 2.39

Is it possible to connect the Asus Flip Chromebook runing Android AppMIT App Inventors Verison 2.39 to connect to MIT APP Inventor through wifi.  I keep getting network error when I enter the QRC code.  The apprun on my chromebook but was not able to connect.  Also on app, the my ip address is

Please advise.


the companion app on your device should display a reasonable IP address

Please see Evan's explanation here  https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/chromebook%7Csort:relevance/mitappinventortest/1xqA91_f5Ds/DG3OOaBtDQAJ  and discussions of issues with Chromebooks here  https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/chromebook%7Csort:relevance  

 What Evan talks about is an apparent problem when using AI2 and WIFI with some (or all) Asus laptops using certain WIFI chip hardware.    Your alternative is to use the emulator or the USB connection options because it appears WIFI will not work with your laptop to connect AI Companion.  Perhaps 

Let us know what works for you.                     


When Screen1.Intialize set Button.Visible of multiple components to false.

When Screen1.Intialize set Button.Visible of multiple components to false - can I do this? 

Or better, can I: When Screen1.Intialize set all Buttons of HorizontalArrangement to false?

put your components into a list and use the advanced blocks

Thank you so much! I will try.

Or just set the horizontal arrangement to visible.false, much easier to code ;)

Yup, I thought of that, but the thing is I want buttons to be able to be set to visible one by one.


Please help! Cannot compile App to .apk! :-(

Dear friends,

I finished developping my app, on which I worked for the past 3 months, but now I cannot compile it. This is the error I get:

App Inventor is unable to compile this project. 
The compiler error output was 
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Determining BR names and actions
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Compiling source files
(compiling appinventor/ai_armai123mai/Test1_copy_4_copy/Screen1.yail to appinventor.ai_armai123mai.Test1_copy_4_copy.Screen1)
(compiling /tmp/runtime1791431272433290597.scm to com.google.youngandroid.runtime)
Kawa compile time: 2.197 seconds
________Invoking DX
YAIL compiler - DX execution failed.

Unfortunately, I have no clue how to deal with these error outputs. I never set up an application icon etc.

This .aia file is just a bit larger than 1 MB.
I have no warnings or errors shown in the blocks editor.
and I only use 1 screen.

The app works perfectly on my companion by the way.

Can anybody please log into my project and have a brief look at the app? and maybe try to compile it?

This app is very important to me as I made it for my final thesis at my university, which I have to hand out before friday... :( 

So... I would be really grateful if you could help me...

Thank you a lot.
By the way, these are the source codes for the extensions I use in my app (No idea if this matters though).

Exporting the project as .aia is possible, but there is no way to make the app persistent on a phone...

Here comes the .aia file. Can anybody try to compile it for me, please?

attached file: Test1_copy_4_copy.aia

after removing your extensions your project builds fine...
well, there is not much left then...
to test each extension itself probably would have been a good idea before putting everything together without any test...

it seems to be, you are not very familiar with App Inventor programming itself...

2) to use an endless loop (while true) is not a good idea...

3) avoid redundancy

probably it helps to read chapter 19 - 21 in Dave's book http://www.appinventor.org/book2 to get an idea how to do DRY programming with App Inventor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself

btw. there is already a Client TCP extension available...
Client TCP Extension by Jean-Rodolphe Letertre

probably you like to try that?
good luck with your thesis!


thank you for your response!

Thank you for this really nice feature!! :-)

Well, how do you recommend to realize endless loops then?
By the way, I think I understood the way events are handled, which is why I decided to work with threads.

3) avoid redundancy

probably it helps to read chapter 19 - 21 in Dave's book http://www.appinventor.org/book2 to get an idea how to do DRY programming with App Inventor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself

Thanks. I know about the dry principle in general and go for it as much as I can, but in my app, I honestly don't think there is much more improve.

btw. there is already a Client TCP extension available...
Client TCP Extension by Jean-Rodolphe Letertre

I had a brief look at this a few days ago, but I wasn't sure if it would meet my demands and since it was part of my job for my thesis to make an extension by my self, I didn't use it.

after removing your extensions your project builds fine...
well, there is not much left then...
to test each extension itself probably would have been a good idea before putting everything together without any test...

Too bad I didn't know this. I just didn't expect the compiling process to become a problem as the app was working fine on my phone using the Companion. I tought, there was some compiling process already going on that way and didn't think that compiling the .apk is something with a big difference.

Well, I'm not sure if there is much more time left for debugging and redevelopping. Do you have any idea how I could achieve a quick solution, some kind of a work-around maybe to get the app on my professors mobile?

Well, how do you recommend to realize endless loops then?

use the clock component ,The 'Do something' example

 I honestly don't think there is much more improve.

that's correct, there is not much, except of

 how I could achieve a quick solution, some kind of a work-around maybe to get the app on my professors mobile?

probably someone from MIT can help?
concerning DX execution failed see this recommendation from Evan

Looking at the contents of your AIX files, it appears you are placing all of your extensions in the same package, which makes the ant extensions script include all of them in any AIX you build. The current best practice is to have a package per extension that contains all classes required for the extension so you may want to split up your classes accordingly. You could also strip out the unneeded classes in files/AndroidRuntime.jar on a per-extension basis to ensure backwards compatibility by not changing the package name. However, it's probably best to perform the refactoring now to save future headaches.

alternatively build each extension separately

Thanks! I replied to this issue in the other section.

How could I improve/shorten those two 2 procedures?

How could I improve/shorten those two 2 procedures?

use only 1 procedure and pass the value true or false as parameter

Good idea, thx

\n is not making new line in a label.

In an app data is browsed from a notepate .txt file and stored in TinyDB. In the text there are several \n . When the app lode data on a label from the tinyDB , the \n do not create new lines. Instead \n are displayed on label. 

Help is appreciated. Thanks.

I use window 7 pc

did you enable HTML format in the label? If yes, then <br> gives you a new line

Trying to push the limits of App Inventor! SnippetsTutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun. 

If you are loading the label text from a file, you do not need to put \n in the file. Rather, simply put a new line (using your enter/return key). The reason why you put \n in the text fields in the designer and blocks editors is due to the fact that the languages we are using do not support having the new line character inside of a string. The \n is translated during interpretation/compilation into the new line character you are used to getting when you press the enter key. Since you are bypassing that whole limitation by loading the file you do not need to write the literal \n.


Thanks to Taifun and Evan Patton.


Make a list from split text from textbox.

What am I doing wrong? I'm trying to create a list from the text in a textbox, where the list items are the words separated by comma in the textbox. So the first word is index 1, second word is index 2, etc.

Your code looks right. What is the value of TextBox1 and what do you get for each of the indexes?
Use DoIt to debug.


Thanks for answering. This is what happens (see attached file)

What's DoIt?


What's DoIt?
see my answer in your other thread

and: please do not ask the same question in different threads. thank you


Is screen too complex for the emulator? Limit to the number and size of blocks?

I am developing a rather large application, which I am testing in emulation until I feel it is ready for pushing it on an Android device.

The app architecture is spread out over several screens which seem to all work, except one. 3 of those screens are quite complex, and two of them do run as expected, but the 3rd one is giving me trouble, with the emulator "stalling" on load, which ends with an emulator crash.

For a while I suspected that perhaps the presence of tables (which seemed to have caused a problem in another screen, since then corrected by replacing the table arrangements with a multi-layered organization of nested horizontal and vertical arrangements) was to blame for it, so I cleaned it up. The duplicate screen with no table arrangements loaded and displayed fine in the emulator, until I imported the computing procedures. Then it crashed.

At that point in time, all those procedures were still unconnected to any event trap, so loading the page would not have activated them. But I presume the system provisionally visits them on page load (even before the ".Initialize" runs) to allocate memory and resources; is that a valid assessment?

It so happens that this is indeed the most complex screen in terms of sheer size and number of blocks, with something like a projected total 160 sel-contained Blocks (definitions, event traps and called procedures), which should represent about 3500 statement-blocks. The other screens that currently load and run fine each have about 2500 statement-blocks total.

That is a lot, but is it really *too much*?

I dread having to split this screen into two less complex screens, since it would affect the harmony and feel of the application; but if there is no other way... I would like to know if there are alternative approaches that could be tried before launching myself in a major reprogramming effort that I do not know would be successful (since splitting the code will end up making two components that are each 60 to 65% of the original combined screen, as some functions would have to be duplicated, and could still be beyond the limit, if there is such a limit in the first place).

Has anyone come across an actual "memory space saturation" of that (suspected) sort, and could share experience and gained wisdom in that area?


Testing and developing using a real phone is soooooooooooooo much easier. Install the AI companion on your phone, connect, and off you go.
Allows you to see if your app is too complex on a real screen too.
That said, maybe looking at making your app less complex is a good idea too. Not necessarily by splitting your app into more screens, but by rethinking the layout and rethinking how you can reuse parts of your code elsewhere by making procedures. Without having seen your app, I bet that it can be 30% simpler.
Cheers, Ghica.

You realize that your "answer" provides absolutely nothing that I did not know already? And that all your "suggestions" already have been addressed as being "not a solution" for the current situation?
I am asking if there is a limit to the size and number of blocks. And the reason I am testing on the emulator is to ensure the application will be compatible with 100% of all devices out there.
Without having seen my app, your "bet" is 100% wrong.
The code is already well over 75% procedures, and less than 25% event traps.


which should represent about 3500 statement-blocks. The other screens that currently load and run fine each have about 2500 statement-blocks total.

That is a lot, but is it really *too much*?

see the following tips and in your case especially #3 and #4

1. switch screens correctly 

2. follow these recommendations Using Images with App Inventor

3. avoid redundancy
probably it helps to read chapter 19 - 21 in Dave's book http://www.appinventor.org/book2 to get an idea how to do DRY programming with App Inventor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself

6. Backup your project frequently, see also http://twodogapps.com/?page_id=686#BackupWork

Another completely besides the point answer.
1- this is not an issue of screen switching, it is an issue of screen not starting
2- I am not using images
3- the code has virtually no redundancy, it bombs out even before I bring in the event trappers blocks, with only the procedures being added to the screen
4- one of the reason I would resist splitting the screen to two more screens is that it will reduce the reuse ratio
5- the .apk file is 2.3 M, that is pretty far from the 10 M limit
6- how is that even relevant? I have 5 versions of the app at different levels of integration and different configurations of "work around", plus 3 additional archived versions, and 4 retained "check-points" (I recently deleted 11 extra check-points to reduce my footprint on the servers)

I think my question was pretty specific about needing to know by how much this is too much, in order to find out how radical a solution is needed.
I realize you are trying to "help" but saying "you got a problem" (which I was somewhat already aware of) is NOT helping.

1- this is not an issue of screen switching, it is an issue of screen not starting

yes, I posted all my general tips, sorry, if this is confusing for you
for you the relevant tips are as mentioned #3 and #4
your issue is to have too much blocks in one (or more) of your screens

3- the code has virtually no redundancy
without providing some screenshots this is what we only can guess and this guess is based on our experience

4- one of the reason I would resist splitting the screen to two more screens is that it will reduce the reuse ratio
most probably there is no need to split the screen

5- the .apk file is 2.3 M, that is pretty far from the 10 M limit

that's not relevant here, your issue is too much blocks in one (or more) of your screens

I think my question was pretty specific about needing to know by how much this is too much, 

there is no fix limit, when you get problems and you got problems, then you have too much 


You built a complicated app with a compiler intended primarily as a teaching tool.  Wonderful, however it does not work as expected.  You possibly would have a better result using a professional compiler like Eclipse or Android Studio 2 (which are free)  or B4A or Delphi with the mobile add on pack etc.  Some professionals use AI2 as a prototyping tool since its performance capabilities in many areas are limited compared to the professional tools.

You seem convinced you have to develop using the emulator.  Why not follow the suggestions to use AI Companion or USB with a real device; get your app working there then try either other devices or a fancier emulator other than the stock Google emulator.  to ensure compatibility with other defices  If you want a better emulator, go to genymotion.comThe emulator that comes with AI2  is the standard emulator provided with the Google SDK..  It is known to balk with large AI2 programs.  Why?  Because it is an emulator, not real hardware.    It has a limited memory and it's performance is dependent on your computer's cpu.  Be aware, the genymotion emulator has it own issues, is more complex and more difficult to use.

No one on the forum is clairvoyant but you only provide a verbal description of what does not work.  If you want help debugging block images might be useful in many instances.  However your app has over 3500 blocks, you most probably have exceeded the capabilities of either your emulator or your ability to create a workable project.  Are you aware that if loading your blocks over the server takes more than 60 seconds, Googles (not MIT)  Cloud will FAIL and the Project may not render on and emulator or even using WIFI?

You are discovering building complex apps that probably should really be run on a real computer might not work as hoped.  You are aware AI2's screen graphics are particularly SLOW compared to apps built with other platforms?  The price one pays using a relatively easy to use tool compared to learning Java when developing Android apps.

I tested your app and in this case the issue is that the screen layout is so complex that it is causing the companion to run out of memory. Because the emulator covers devices back to Android version 1.5, it is limiting processes to 16 MB of RAM. Most new Android devices will allow for 32 MB or more of RAM per process. I used the companion on a Samsung Galaxy S4 and was able to load all of your screens without issue because it allows the process 128 MB of RAM. It is possible that there are ways of optimizing the companion code so that these more complicated screens will work in the emulator, but that will take some time and effort on our part. In the meantime, if you can get your hands on an Android phone and test using the companion, that will be your best opportunity to finishing your app.


Well, "teaching tools" is a bit of a stretch. It could have started like that, but does not have to still be called only that. For the record, the first programming language I learned -- that was in 1975 -- was Pascal. Back then, it was touted as a teaching language, but don't tell that it is ONLY a teaching environment to all the people building real life application in Lazarus/Free Pascal or Delphi.

My basic point is that there are limitations to the emulator which I do not know are representative of some of the most limited devices out there, as far as the number of blocks is concerned; but those limitations are not explicitly documented, hence the issue. As I built the app, and the list of requirements and features grew, I did consider moving the whole project to a different environment. However, that would mean essentially giving up of about 1000 hours of work and starting from scratch, while pressing forward could be just a few weeks away, as long as the limitations can be addressed through some tweaking.

Still, the problem was not an issue of debugging, but of system interface and resources allocation. I think that I made that clear from the get go, as the code was not running, and could not even be made to run as it lacked the calls to the procedures from the still missing even traps; but was only trying to load, on one of the screens.

I feel that my experience will prove invaluable to whoever comes after and tries similar developments, I am just surprised that I seem to be the first one to ever do this (mind you, I have a tendency to "stretch the envelope". When that Atari Portfolio came out in 1989, it was stated that one would not use it to type the "next great american novel". But I did write a full length novel on this--on-lookers may debate whether it qualifies as a "next great american novel", particularly since it is science fiction, and most of it is set in space, but I digress).

I take good note of this "google time out" issue. This is another thing that perhaps should be posted somewhere prominent, as opposed to being found only in forum response. That said, the application is not intended to be CPU intensive. One would be expected to enter data and get an answer from it in the course of less than one minute, perhaps once or twice a week. The problematic screen is supposed to offer database edition capability, to revisit and potentially correct previously entered data, and is not expected to be run even that infrequently; performance is not as paramount as reliability and data visibility.

Thanks for the insight.


Now that is what I call a *good* answer.
Yes, the application is complex, and from a philosophical point of view, does need to cater to any devices, including the ones most limited in memory (right up to Cupcake, if need be)

You claim that you tested my app? How did you manage to access it? Aren't those supposed to be linked to a google mail account, and thus locked? 

It is reassuring to learn that the emulator is representative of the weakest type of Android device, this indeed would serve as a demonstration that if it does run there, then it will run everywhere. On the flip side, relying on my own Marshmallow Android device, I would quite possibly have been totally oblivious to the limitations others may have, taking liberties that would make it not as portable as it should. Hence my insistance to rely on the emulator (unless someone has a vintage Cupcake device for sale, cheap?)

I did a bit of soul searching, and will likely end up splitting the problematic screen in two. That screen had dual modes, using a button click to toggle between them and relying on "visibility" to change the display appropriately, so might not be too much of a problem to work-out, although my sensitivity to code optimisation would be hurt by the need to duplicate some procedures in both screen (unless I find a clever way of invoking the call to an auxiliary screen that serves no other purpose than running those procedures which does not end up taking even more resources for said page switching).

Thanks for your help and insight.


Hi Vincent,

There are several things here that we should address. First, you have a complex app and need to help. Evan's answer is right on the money you should try this and see if that helps finsh your app. BTW we are currently working on a solution with regards to updating the emulator and allowing more features. But, in the meantime head Evan's suggestions. Second, I think you realize that their are complex apps that touch the outer bounds for App Inventor and therefore often suits the space of Teaching Tool, with Ghica and Taifun suggestions and best practices most of our community has been having a lot of success. To finish we are continuing to refine, update and enhance App Inventor and our communities experiences. 


Andrew McKinney
Director of Software Development 
MIT App Inventor Project

 I would like to know if there are alternative approaches that could be tried before launching myself in a major reprogramming effort that I do not know would be successfu

If you want another straw to grasp, look into sending some of your application complexity into a Web Viewer via Javascript files in the Media drawer.

Here are two examples from puravidaapps.com

There might be a structural cost in working around a delay in getting results back from the Web Viewer 

Good luck with your app!

Intriguing... That could be a clever solution. On my side, the downside is that this is Javascript, which is not a language I master. I would have to consider the time to get familiar with the specifics of that language.

That said, if the number crunching activity is passed on to a web viewer component, does this imply that said web viewer will then have a memory foot-print that has to be taken into consideration?


1- This was not confusing to ME, it was confusing to YOU, that is why YOU brought up this irrelevant point
3- I know what I am doing, I am what you would call a "seasoned" programmer. I am new only to App Inventor. If I say there is virtually no redundancy, take it as a given. And given the complexity of the app, passing "screenshots" of the all the blocks from the problematic screen page would need at least 15 screen captures (after reorganizing to maximize coverage), at maximum zoom-out, where everything is microprint. Trust me, you don't want to go there.
4- Seems to me the consensus is that there is; some processing has to go somewhere else to lighten the load on that screen
5- If it is not relevant (which is precisely why I mentioned it) why did YOU bring up that topic?

-- I feel that the key issue is "how many bocks is too much", not "when you have too much, you have too much", which I already pretty much had figured out. What is needed is some metric that would say something like 3000 blocks total on a screen is usually OK, while 3200 probably not (or whatever values it should be). That is the kind of info that would be practical, reliable, and useful.

Intriguing... That could be a clever solution. On my side, the downside is that this is Javascript, which is not a language I master. I would have to consider the time to get familiar with the specifics of that language.

Another AI2 user recently posted a new AI2-Javascript sample here
It computes the hypotenuse of a right triangle, given the two non-diagonals sides lengths.

The sample should you an idea of the amount of boiler plate needed to get into Javascript's math capabilities,
how to pass multiple inputs across the AI2/WebViewer interface,
how to force a pause for the Web Viewer to do is work,
anf how to retrieve the calculation output.

Though I've been scared away from diving into my phone-book sized Javascript book,
I find that AI2 sample clear, even in a foreign language.

That said, if the number crunching activity is passed on to a web viewer component, does this imply that said web viewer will then have a memory foot-print that has to be taken into consideration?

I have no data on that.  I assume you won't need more than one Web Viewer component, since you can feed it different html pages from your Media drawer and different dynamic input.  The Blocks Editor and Designer can't possibly be affected by the contents of what appear to them as extra files in the Media Drawer.  Only the Web Viewer sees them, at run time, as your blocks feed them into the Web Viewer.

Again, this just a straw to grab, under the general category of "Turn Blocks into Data"


(Throwing more stuff at the wall in hope something sticks...)
Under the category of "Turn Blocks into Data", here's another idea for how to reduce the component and blocks count in an app with a lot of input fields.
(I haven't seen your app, so I'm guessing here.)

Think of how your data would be represented in JSON.
JSON lets you encode all your app's data in a structured text string.
The attribute names, bracket nesting and element grouping can be summarized in a JSON schema,
that summarizes the structure of the data and that can be used to drive the capture of such data from a user,
a field at a time, into a nested AI2 list-of-pairs structure.

You probably don't need to package your data into JSON strings for interchange over the Web,
but having the schema on hand can help a small number of input components (a single label and text box) be re-used 
(probably under a ListView showing the current data level's elements and values)
to fill in your data structure.

For an example of such a structure, see this sample doc, based on XML:
(The doc only shows how to parse and navigate the data, not how to build it up.)
You could trade off navigating nested lists for looking up TinyDB data using concatenated tags/subtags.

This refactoring of your input would save you on components,
at the expense of having to code a little schema-driven input presenter and gatherer.

Unfortunately, I don't have a sample for you.

If you're unfamiliar with multi-level data navigation, see this sample:


Splitting the screen helped one (although it will still need to be augmented with an inter page switching code), but the other one is still beyond being loadable. Is there a rule of thumb as to the memory footprint of various components? For instance, how much memory is required to support an additional label? An extra horizontal arrangement? One more button? And how much memory does each extra block in the "block" side take?

I presume that I could let the layout be less sophisticated, but all the effort to reduce the nested arrangements, would that be worth it?

I have already given up on a feature that was "neat" but not absolutely necessary. Now, it looks like I may have to cut in the functionality, which will hurt the application.
And of course, I resist the idea of moving up in terms of minimum system requirement; that would pretty much be the last option I want.

Any additional insight?



The device-dependent font size problem continues to be an aggravation in AI2.
Here's a link to a thread where AI2 user Boban shows off his Web Viewer trick to find the missing fudge factor ...


I see.

Well, if that is a problem, I will implement a font size selector function in the maintenance screen. Once established, a scaling factor would be passed on between screens using TinyDB. Of course, the flip side is that every label, every caption, every text box would need a object.FontSize set-up assignment. I juts hope that I can scavenge enough memory by regrouping labels into multi-lines ones.

