2017년 2월 7일 화요일

Arch V1.1

Arch V1.1


Arch V1.1 is an mbed enabled development board with Arduino form factor and Grove connectors for rapid prototyping. With a variety of Shield and Grove modules, mbed SDK and lots of software libraries, you can rapidly build a prototype.

Version Tracker

Seeeduino Arch V1.0
  • Initial public release
Arch V1.1
  • Change name from Seeeduino Arch to Arch
  • Switch D13 and D11
  • Add one Grove connector
  • Remove dual diode


  • mbed enabled
    • online development tools
    • easy to use C/C++ SDK
    • lots of published libraries, projects
  • Arduino form factor, three Grove connectors
    • available with 3.3V compatible shields
    • a large number of grove modules
  • Drag-n-drop programming
  • NXP LPC11U24 MCU
    • Low power ARM Cortex-M0 Core
    • 48MHz, 32KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 4KB EEPROM
    • USB Device, 2xSPI, UART, I2C


Work Voltage7 ~ 12V
Flash Memory32KB
ADC Channels8
I/O pins40
Digital I/O Max input voltage5.0V

Hardware Overview

There is a monochrome version for you to print.

Get Started

  1. Click this link to login or signup to mbed
  2. Import the mbed_blinky program
  3. Coding! Then you can compile the code and download the output binary.
  4. Now connect your Arch board to your pc and long press the reset button, it will automatically appear as a USB driver named CRP DISABLD. Go to the CRP DISABLD, delete the firmware file and copy the download binary file to CRP DISABLD. Quick press the reset button to run the new binary.
You can change the code as following and try again.
#include "mbed.h" BusOut leds(LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4); int main() { uint8_t count = 0; while(1) { leds = count++; wait(1); } }

Programming Arch on Windows, Linux or Mac

Arch does not have an mbed interface. It uses USB In-System-Programming(ISP) to upgrade the firmware.
To enter the USB ISP mode, connect the Arch with your computer and long press its button, and then a disk named “CRP DISABLD” will appear.
  • On Windows
    1. delete firmware.bin in the “CRP DISABLD” disk.
    2. copy a new firmware into the disk.
  • On Linux
    1. if the disk is not mounted, mount the disk at {mnt_dir}
    2. dd if={new_firmware.bin} of={mnt_dir}/firmware.bin conv=notrunc
  • On Mac you will need to use Terminal to run the following script to copy you’re .bin file to your Arch
    1. dd if={new_firmare.bin} of=/Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/firmware.bin conv=notrunc
If you are so inclined, you can also create an Automator application to support drag-and-drop of the file to your board. Just create a “Run Shell Script” with the following command:
dd if=$* of=/Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/firmware.bin conv=notrunc
You will also need to change the "Pass Input" option from "to stdin" to "as arguments"–without this you will get an error "The action 'Run Shell Script' encountered an error" or "dd: no value specified for if (1)" in the log.
Also, an improved form of the script is:
dd if="${1}" of=/Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/firmware.bin conv=notrunc
Which should handle spaces in the file path and only uses the first file supplied.
Quick press the button to run the new firmware.



Help us make it better

Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
  • Replaced the old documentation system with a new one that was developed from Mkdocs, a more widely used and cooler tool to develop documentation system.
  • Integrated the documentation system with our official website, now you can go to Bazaar and other section like Forum and Community more conveniently.
  • Reviewed and rewrote documents for hundreds of products for the system’s first edition, and will continue migrate documents from old wiki to the new one.
An easy-to-use instruction is as important as the product itself. We are expecting this new system will improve your experience when using Seeed’s products. However since this is the first edition, there are still many things need to improve, if you have any suggestions or findings, you are most welcome to submit the amended version as our contributor or give us suggestions in the survey below, Please don’t forget to leave your email address so that we can reply.
Happy hacking

Arch Pro

Arch Pro


Arch Pro is an mbed enabled development board for rapid prototyping. It is a variant of mbed LPC1768 with built-in Ethernet, USB Host/Device, Grove connectors and Arduino form factor. With a variety of Shield and Grove modules and lots of software libraries for Arch Pro, you can implement Ethernet, USB Host/Device and NFC applications rapidly and easily.


  • mbed enabled
    • Online development tools
    • Easy to use C/C++ SDK
    • Handy libraries
  • Arduino form factor with two Grove connectors
  • Drag-n-drop programming
  • Debug using CMSIS-DAP
  • USB virtual serial for communication


MCUNXP LPC1768 variant (with ARM Cortex-M3 core)
Clock Speed100 MHz
Flash512 KB
UART4 No.s
I2C3 No.s
SPI2 No.s
USB Host/DeviceYes

Platforms Supported

  • mbed.

Application Ideas

Hardware Overview

There is a monochrome version for you to print.
The Arch Pro silkscreen for the Grove connectors is labeled 3V3 on top of the PCB and 5V on the underside. Grove Vcc is by default 3V3, but can be changed to 5V by moving R50 to R51. SPI Vcc pin can be set by populating R52 (3V3) or R53 (5V) with 0R - neither populated by default.

Getting Started

As the Arch Pro is compatible with mbed LPC1768, one can use the mbed C/C++ SDK, libraries and online development tools to rapidly build a prototype. Here we show how to light up an LED. This can be done in less than 10 minutes.
Step one: Sign up for an mbed account.
  • Open mbed.org, click Login or signup. If you have already registered, please click login directly.
Step two: Enter online development tools.
  • Click Compiler, it opens the online mbed IDE. Before programming, it is better to read the mbed Complier Getting started.
Step three:Edit code.
  • Click “New” in the left top corner to create a Program and edit a blink program in main.cpp file.
#include "mbed.h" DigitalOut led1(LED1); int main() { while(1) { led1 = !led1; wait(0.5); } }
Step four: Add a device.
  • Click ”No device selected” in the top right corner, then click ”Add a device” button in the bottom left as seen in the picture below.
If you have already used an mbed device, it will be seen in the top right corner instead of ”No device selected”.
  • A pop-up page appears with a list of devices as shown below. Select ”mbed LPC1768”.
  • Enter mbed LPC1768 page and click ”Add to mbed Compiler”. Now you have successfully added Mbed LPU1768. Return to mbed compiler page and click ”No device selected”. After you click “LPC1768” in the bottom left corner, a screen appears as shown below.
  • You can see the selected board in mbed online compiler after clicking ”Select Platform”.
Step five: Compile, download.
  • Click “Compile”. On successful compilation, the mbed IDE generates a bin file. Save the bin file on your PC.
Step six: Update firmware.
  • Connect the USB interface (next to ‘BUTTON’) of Arch Pro to your PC using a USB Micro B cable; It automatically appears as a USB device named MBED.
  • Copy the generated bin file to MBED device (on your PC). Now the USB device disappears and reappears.
  • Press BUTTON of Arch Pro, you will see an LED flashing.


To enable SWD debug or to get debug message through USB Virtual serial, please install the driver from mbed.

Update or Restore Firmware

The latest firmware version for the Arch Pro is v0221 built on Jan 28 2015. To check your firmware version and build date, open the MBED.HTM or DETAILS.TXT of your MBED disk in a text editor.
To update:
  • A Windows or Linux computer is needed.
  • Download the latest firmware.
  • Press and hold the Arch Pro’s BUTTON and power it ON.
  • A disk named MBED LOADER will appear.
  • Drag-n-drop the downloaded firmware into the disk.
  • LocalFileSystem does not work: As the Arch Pro does not have external flash to store files, the LocalFileSystem is not available for this board.
  • P0_27 & P0_28 do not work with DigitalOut: P0_28 & P0_27 are open-drain digital I/O for compatible with I2C. External pull-up resistors are needed to provide output functionality.
  • USB Serial Communication: In Windows, install the mbed Windows serial port driver to use USB Serial Communication. Have a look at Windows Serial Configuration


Help us make it better

Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
  • Replaced the old documentation system with a new one that was developed from Mkdocs, a more widely used and cooler tool to develop documentation system.
  • Integrated the documentation system with our official website, now you can go to Bazaar and other section like Forum and Community more conveniently.
  • Reviewed and rewrote documents for hundreds of products for the system’s first edition, and will continue migrate documents from old wiki to the new one.
An easy-to-use instruction is as important as the product itself. We are expecting this new system will improve your experience when using Seeed’s products. However since this is the first edition, there are still many things need to improve, if you have any suggestions or findings, you are most welcome to submit the amended version as our contributor or give us suggestions in the survey below, Please don’t forget to leave your email address so that we can reply.
Happy hacking

How to make the image zoom in (magnify) by two fingers or using the slider?

How to make the image zoom in (magnify) by two fingers (movement) or using the slider?

This is what Taifun recommended once: "  you can do it with the webviewer, see an example here http://puravidaapps.com/snippets.php#zoom

You might also be able to do it by simultaneously changing the image height and width from within a slider, where you multiply or divide those values by the slider value.  Be careful here, you will want to make sure that you are only using integer values to multiple and you need to have zoom/unzoom limits (high and low values) set in the slider.     How successful this is is dependent on the image and the actual resolution of the screen and of course, the original size of the image on the screen.    I have not tried this.

The attached aia demonstrates use of a slider to zoom a simple pgn image.   Zooming this way is feasible.  The example does not have a lot of error control.
I am sure some of you can improve the example a lot.  There is also a Canvas image..I did not experiment with that.  Be aware, your device screen size (in pixels)
is probably a big limitation to this method.

Are there better ways?    I do not know.   If you have one, please post.

Thanks for your help!


Arch Max v1.1

Arch Max v1.1


The Arch Max is a mbed enabled development board for rapid prototyping. It is based on an STM32F407VET6 microcontroller with an ARM Cortex-M4F core running at 168MHz. It provides Serial Wire Debug(SWD) debug, drag-and-drop programming and USB serial communication.

Version Tracker

Arch Max v1.0v1.05V cannot be powered by USB, user should connect to ext-power
Arch Max v1.1v1.15V cannot be powered by USB


  • mbed enabled
    • Online development tools(include IDE)
    • Complete and straightforward C/C++ SDK
    • Massive examples and tutorials
  • High-performance STM32F407VET6
    • ARM Cortex-M4 MCU with FPU of 168MHz
    • 512 KB Flash memory, 192 KB RAM
  • On-board programming and debug
    • Drag-and-drop programming
    • USB serial communication
    • SWD debug with GDB+ pyOCD/OpenOCD, Keil or IAR
  • Arduino form factor, compatible with lots of shields
  • Built-in Ethernet port, USB and SD card slot for Internet connectivity and data exchange


Work Voltage5V
Flash Memory512KB
Camera interface1
ADC Channels8
I/O pins40
Digital I/O Max Input Voltage5.0V
Diameter90mm x 44mm

Hardware Overview


  1. Click here to login or signup to mbed
  2. Import the mbed_blinky program
  3. Click the Compile icon of the top toolbar to compile the program, then download a compiled hex file.
  4. Drag-n-drop the downloaded bin file into the mbed disk
You can open main.cpp to change the program. For example, use the following code to blink the LED every 0.1 second
#include "mbed.h" DigitalOut led(LED1); // on-board led is connected to D13 int main() { while (true) { led = !led; wait(0.1); } }


To enable SWD debug or to get debug message through USB Virtual serial, please install a driver from mbed.

Update or Restore Firmware

The latest firmware version for the Arch Max is v0203 built at Oct 8, 2014. To check your firmware version and built date, open the mbed.HTM file of your mbed disk in a text editor.
  • Press and hold the Arch Max’s button to power it on.
  • A CRP DISABLD disk will show
    • On Windows, replace firmware.bin with the above firmware
    • On Linux/Mac, enter command: dd if={new_firmware.bin} of={firmware.bin} conv=notrunc


Help us make it better

Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
  • Replaced the old documentation system with a new one that was developed from Mkdocs, a more widely used and cooler tool to develop documentation system.
  • Integrated the documentation system with our official website, now you can go to Bazaar and other section like Forum and Community more conveniently.
  • Reviewed and rewrote documents for hundreds of products for the system’s first edition, and will continue migrate documents from old wiki to the new one.
An easy-to-use instruction is as important as the product itself. We are expecting this new system will improve your experience when using Seeed’s products. However since this is the first edition, there are still many things need to improve, if you have any suggestions or findings, you are most welcome to submit the amended version as our contributor or give us suggestions in the survey below, Please don’t forget to leave your email address so that we can reply.
Happy hacking

Arch Link

Arch Link


Arch Link is an mbed enabled development board based on Nordic nRF51822 and WIZnet W5500 ethernet interface. With Arduino form factor, Grove connectors and micro SD interface, it is extremely easy to create a bluetooth low energy device.


  • mbed enabled
    • Online IDE
    • Easy to use C/C++ SDK
    • Handy libraries
  • CMSIS DAP based on LPC11U35
    • Drag-n-drop programming
    • Debug using CMSIS DAP standard
    • USB virtual serial for communication
  • Arduino form factor with Grove connectors
    • I2C and UART connecter on board
  • Nordic nRF51822 Multi-protocol Bluetooth® 4.0 low energy/2.4GHz RF SoC
    • ARM Cortex M0 processor
    • 256kB flash/16kB RAM
    • Configurable I/O mapping for digital I/O
  • WIZnet W5500 Ethernet
    • Supports following Hardwired TCP/IP Protocols : TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4, ARP, IGMP, PPPoE
    • Supports Power down mode
    • Supports Wake on LAN over UDP
    • Supports High Speed Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI MODE 0, 3)
    • Internal 32Kbytes Memory for Tx/Rx Buffers
    • 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet PHY embedded
    • with RJ45 connector
  • USB Micro B connector
  • Micro SD Card connector

Hardware Overview

Get Started

  1. Click this link to login or signup to mbed
  2. Import the mbed_blinky program
  3. Click the Compile icon of the top toolbar to compile the program, then download a compiled hex file.
  4. Drag-n-drop the downloaded hex file into the MBED disk
You can open main.cpp to change the program. For example, use the following code to blink the LED every 0.1s
#include "mbed.h" DigitalOut led(p30); // on-board led is connected to p30 int main() { while (true) { led = !led; wait(0.1); } }
If you are get a compiling error that 'device.h' is not found, try to update the mbed library to the latest revision in your program.


  1. Color Pixels, a colorful LED strip, can be controlled by mobile phone.
    If you want to change the program, click this link to import the Color Pixels program to mbed online IDE.
    If the BLE device is disconnected frequently, we can improve the stability by changing the BLE parameters - Advertising Duration (main.cpp), Min Interval and Max Interval (nRF51822/projectconfig.h)
    #define CFG_GAP_CONNECTION_MIN_INTERVAL_MS 20 /**< Minimum acceptable connection interval */ #define CFG_GAP_CONNECTION_MAX_INTERVAL_MS 200 /**< Maximum acceptable connection interval */
  2. You can use the Arch Link as a web dashboard.
  3. You can also use the Arch Link as a Mobile APP dashboard.

Update or Restore Firmware

The latest firmware version for the Arch Link is v0203 built at Jun 4 2015. To check your firmware version and built date, open the MBED.HTM or DETAILS.TXT of your MBED disk in a text editor.
  • 2015-06-4 first version
The firmware v0203 2015-06-04 for Arch Link To flash a new firmware:
  • Hold the Arch Link’s button and power it ON
  • A CRP DISABLD disk will show up
    • On Windows, replace firmware.bin with the above firmware
    • On Linux/Mac, use command: dd if={new_firmware.bin} of={firmware.bin} conv=notrunc


See Also

Help us make it better

Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
  • Replaced the old documentation system with a new one that was developed from Mkdocs, a more widely used and cooler tool to develop documentation system.
  • Integrated the documentation system with our official website, now you can go to Bazaar and other section like Forum and Community more conveniently.
  • Reviewed and rewrote documents for hundreds of products for the system’s first edition, and will continue migrate documents from old wiki to the new one.
An easy-to-use instruction is as important as the product itself. We are expecting this new system will improve your experience when using Seeed’s products. However since this is the first edition, there are still many things need to improve, if you have any suggestions or findings, you are most welcome to submit the amended version as our contributor or give us suggestions in the survey below, Please don’t forget to leave your email address so that we can reply.
Happy hacking