2014년 12월 14일 일요일

Problem with multiple screen app

I made an app with 2 screens it works good when i connect my phone with Ai companion. but when i made its apk file and install it to my phone it doesnot shift from 1 screen to another. It shows a run time error. need an urgent solution
thanks in advance for your help.

Please post some screenshots of your blocks so we can see what you're doing and where the problem might be.

App Inventor

How to reset my Choose answer button when I click my next question button

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

Errori nella visualizzazione di alcune immagini e di importazione di .aia (Errors in the view of some images and import .aia)

I am writing this email because I have a problem with my project,
The program worked great until three days ago, when he started inexplicably not to see some pictures I was also a message saying that some screen had been completely deleted and asked me if I was to have done so intentionally and I every time I answered no. Because of these problems I exported my project in point .aia to import it later.
But the program does not make me import and gives me the errorServer error: could not build project.
I enclose in the email the .aia in question.

Waiting for your reply I offer cordial greetings and The ringranzio in advance.

There appear to be problems with the Google Cloud servers... we're working on the problem and hope to get it resolved today.  Please check the AI2 splash screen or here on the forum for updates.

Blocks Workspace is Empty / Images not loaded properly

Since december 10th a project of mine won't load properly anymore. Until then there wasn't any problem and everything works just fine.

  • The message upon loading the project I'm getting is: Blocks Workspace is Empty (also see attached screenshot). After clicking "No, don't save", the project shows up, but some images aren't visible.
  • When I export the project, several images has a size of 0 bytes, which is obviously wrong (also see attached screenshot).

Are there any new server issues?

Thanx for responding in advance.

yes, there have been issues yesterday
let me recommend to replace the images with size = 0 by the correct images, just open the aia file with 7zip and copy the images into the asset folder, then upload your project and try again

This appears to be the server error that is being talked about.  MIT believes the issue is fixed.   Perhaps not.

Please try this:     1) delete all the zero sized images from your media .   2) re-load the images from your saved original images (hope you saved them) to the Media .  3) Close your browser.  4)  Try loading the project again.

Another way to do this is to try loading the project from your saved aia file.  What happens.

Thanks, I'll give it a try. However I noticed that a subsequent export shows other images with size zero.

Does these issues you mention explains the Empty Blocks Workspace too?

Yes, I do have all the original images. I'll reassemble the assets folder, and upload the newly created aia.

Thanks folks, you're quick response is really appreciated!

>> This appears to be the server error that is being talked about.
Where can I find information about and follow this issue? 

>> MIT believes the issue is fixed.   Perhaps not.
Unfortunately it is not fixed. I fixed the assetsfolder and uploaded and downloaded the project: It, again, has empty images in it. I also tried to update the zero sized image via AI2, after which I downloaded the project again... Still, however other, zero-sized images. 

Any other suggestions?

>> Where can I find information about and follow this issue? 
I think I this is the post: Missing some app's graphical component in phone

Also I have the same problems. They are two different problems. I have not read communications MIT on erasing blocks but only for the media in the project. I hope for a solution.

Yes, this was reproduced last night and we believe it's something that's changed or is having a problem on the Google Cloud servers... Jeff will be working on this again this morning.

Please check here or the AI2 splash screen for any updates during the day.

Why is appinventor.mit.edu site not being updated anymore?

app of the month? Weekly active users 87K => 100K?

Thanks for the comment.   We'll fix it, at least to get the current numbers up there, if not the automatic update.

Error import aia and visualization some picture

I am writing this email because I have a problem with my project,
The program worked great until three days ago, when he started inexplicably not to see some pictures I was also a message saying that some screen had been completely deleted and asked me if I was to have done so intentionally and I every time I answered no. Because of these problems I exported my project in point .aia to import it later.
But the program does not make me import and gives me the error Server error: could not build project.
I enclose in the email the .aia in question.

Waiting for your reply I offer cordial greetings and The ringranzio in advance.

There is already a post about this issue: Missing some app's graphical component in phone

Problem in the server of MIT App Inventor to visualize Images

'm presenting a problem with the visualization of the images of my project. Already I tryed update the web page many time but the problem persists.
This error began today (11 of december of 2014) and not i'm the sole that have this problem because several people are presenting the same error loading the images and download the APK.

I suspect that is a ploblem with the servers of  MIT App Inventor, but if someone  know this problem report it.

We now believe there may be a problem with Google Cloud which MIT uses for saving the images.

MIT are working the issue.  What we thought was a fix (replacing all the images in your Media file) using either a 
backup aia   or  deleting images from the Media and then replacing them or editing the Manifest file) do not seem to be 

Again, the problem is not experienced by all users (we do not know why yet) and unfortunately you are one of the users 
that is affected.  The Technical Team is continuing to look at the problem.  Sorry but as far as MIT can tell, a 
part of the issue may be with where MIT stores the images, and MIT does not control that..

Watch the forum and the AI2 splash screen for announcements.   At the present time the issue with lost images is NOT solved. MIT is attempting to solve the problem.
We are sorry and as soon as we can figure out why some users are affected and fix the issue, we will post a solution.  Be aware, there were no changes to 
AI2 immediately prior to December 11.   Initially, high server loads were thought to contribute to the problem for some users.  MIT added an additional build server, then 
formulated what they thought would 'fix' the issue. What was though to be a fix seems not to be working.

If other users have a similar issue, please post to this thread (not a new thread); tell us what you observe and provide the name Project that seems to be giving the issues.
If you are developing and have an aia file of your project made prior to Dec. 11, keep it in a safe folder; it may be needed to help you later recover the Project.

I'm facing the same problem from yesterday(11 December 2014).

Yes, we're still trying to track this down.  I just reproduced it myself, and I know the dev team was able to find it, but fixing it is another story... may be a Google thing.  We're working on it as fast as we can... Just make sure you check the splash screen on AI2's UI when it opens for updates.  Nothing will happen tonight... the main developer went home for the night a few minutes ago, but will tackle this again tomorrow morning.

I am having this problem, too.
I have a project (Name: Riichi3) with one sound file and 6 images. I build the apk several times today. Sometimes the sound is lost, sometimes one of the images is lost (and not the same image each time, look like completely random.) 


Ted... please read the information accessed from the RED BOX on the main AI Splash Screen.  Refresh your browser tab, and when AI reloads, before clicking the continue button, click instead on the link in that read box.

Doesn't anyone pay attention to notices and things in front of them anymore?


Thanks Enis, I did read that but looks like it is updated 2 days ago. I just want to give you some information on the current status. I really appreciate (and tried) all the suggestions but I was not lucky enough to get all my images and sounds in the build.


Ted... if you replace them, do they get immediately lost or turned into 0 byte files again?

When you output your aia file, how many assets are zero'd out? (you have to create the AIA file, then rename it to a zip extension, then open it)  To create the AIA file, read my tips below...

For our App Inventor Tips, visit TwoDogApps.com by clicking here!

Thank you Enis, the files randomly turn into zero bytes, whether i output using aia form or apk form.
I uploaded all of them again but some of them became zero bytes when i build. and if i refresh the page and rebuild/reexport the project, the zero byte files in the outputs will change.
Hope that helps you.


I'll pass it on Ted... what's the name of the project?


MIT App Inventor still has issues with the Google Cloud Storage, as mentioned in the red splash screen which results in missing assets, see also here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wQy_1uCsZDAXY51wElbMyfy8AJid_EOqklIX_ggzBJY/pub

What you can do meanwhile is 
1. wait until these issues are fixed, or
2. install a personal server and work completely offline. 

Krupong just updated AI2U, version 2.3 is now identical to the MIT App Inventor version nb139c as of Dec 13. Just download the 32 or 64 bit version here http://sourceforge.net/projects/ai2u/files/ai2u%202.3/, install it, start AI2U and your own personal server is up and running! Then just open your browser using the address http://localhost:8888 . That's all.
And btw. with your own personal server you also will be able to build projects larger than 5 MB. So what are you waiting for?

Thank you Enis. The project is called "Riichi3". I will try Taifun's offline servers in the meantime.

I believe that the images and sounds are there, but somehow AI2 miss them. And AI2 misses different files each time you open (reload) a project.

Here is my experiment. I tried to download the assets from my project by clicking the file in the list on the designer page, and then click "download". I did this 10 times for the same image "mid1.png" (each time after a reload), I got the zero byte 4 times, but successfully download 6 times.

Ted... you can found out what assets are missing by:

1.  Make the AIA file
2.  Change the extension from aia to zip
3.  Open the zip file and you'll see the list of files... the missing assets will have 0 bytes.


the starter wont stop looping. it keeps saying "system cannot find path specified." it then proceeds to start the process again, leading to the same result. Has anyone encountered this? And how can i fix it?

the starter wont stop looping. it keeps saying "system cannot find path specified." 
it then proceeds to start the process again, leading to the same result. 
Has anyone encountered this? And how can i fix it?


I suggest you try to reinstall the software and see if it still happens, and then, PLEASE report back here and let us know if it fixed your problem.  Please follow these steps.
  1. Close down everything on your computer and REBOOT.
  2. After the reboot, uninstall the software from the icon in the App Inventor folder... it'll be uninstall.exe.
  3. REBOOT AGAIN.  To be SURE, go to your  Program Files folder and make sure the folder for AppInventor is gone.  If not, please delete it before running the setup software.
  4. Go to the setup link (setup software), and reinstall the App Inventor software.  DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULTS THAT ARE PROVIDED BY THE SETUP SOFTWARE SUCH AS FOLDER ETC.  Don't run an older setup file version that you might have saved to the downloads folder, but use the current one from the link above.
  5. After the setup is finished...REBOOT AGAIN
  6. Then, try going to the App Inventor site and try loading the emulator again.
That should fix your issue, but make SURE you come back here and reply back so we know it worked, or didn't work.

{AppToMarket} Re: ai2 live complete offline - exporting .aia files won't work

Thanks Hossein, much appreciated..

FYI, If interested in full version, follow link at top of my blog posting here:

{AppToMarket} ai2 live complete offline - exporting .aia files won't work

Hi, I am using the offline version to work on an app. I want to back up the .aia and also export it to work on it on the online version. I am not getting the option (it is greyed out) to export the .aia and I wondered if I was doing something wrong?

From My Projects, may sure that you select (checkmark) the file first.

Images randomly not loading

Since the middle of this week, I've been having tons of problems with images.  When I build the app, usually using a QR code and then looking at it on my phone,  2 or 3 of my images aren't there.  Then, when I rebuild it, 2 or 3 different images aren't there (but the first ones that went missing have magically re-appeared).  At first I thought there was something wrong with the size of my images, but they're all really small (2-5kB), although I do have about 30 images.  I tried tweaking the size of the images, and reloading them, I've tried saving the .png from different drawing programs, I've tried building on my mac instead of on my PC, and I've now come to the conclusion that it's just random.  For some reason, it always loses 2 or 3 of my images, but it's different ones every time.  I've wondered if there's something wrong with my code, but I haven't touched the code for the last few days, because it's nearly finished and I've just been doing final checks on it.  Also, I have 3 different screens, and it seems random as to which screen the images are lost from??  

I saw the notice about a bug that has now been rectified, but I've had exactly the same problems all day today?  It's weird because I seemed to be able to do what I wanted with images until this week - even when I had loads of bugs in the blocks, but I know the blocks were working perfectly earlier this week, and I haven't touched those.  

I am now at the tearing my hair out stage!

What we are learning is the bug is not rectified.  We now believe there may be a problem with Google Cloud which MIT uses for saving the images.

Please do NOT tear your hair out...save that for something significant.

MIT are working the issue.  What we thought was a fix (replacing all the images in your Media file) using either a backup aia   or  deleting images from the Media and then replacing them or editing the Manifest file) do not seem to be working.

Again, the problem is not experienced by all users (we do not know why yet) and unfortunately you are one of the users that is being affected.  The Technical Team is continuing to look at the problem.  Sorry but as far as MIT can tell, a part of the issue may be with where MIT stores the images, and MIT does not control that..

Watch the forum for announcements.   At the present time the issue with lost images is NOT solved.

Thank you, I shall watch and wait for announcements.

any component

If i choose any tinywebdb to set the url on one screen, will it carry over to all screens?

no, as with all variables, you have to pass them using TinyDB to the other screen or you can use the open another screen with value block...

Ok, so lets say i have an app that is a "client" app and one that is a "administration" app.  No big deal to use for my own purposes as i can set my own tinywebdb and fusion tables, but if someone else uses it, there is a page for them to enter their own tinywebdb url and fusion table id in the administration app, which can them be passed from page to page.  Would i need to also write to a temporary tinywebdb this info and make the client app retrieve this info on first run? Then pass this new information from page to page.  And make the variable that each goes to a constant so it doeant have to download from the tinywebdb each time.

Upon looking more....get info from temporary db then write to permanent db. This way client app has no need for administrators to enter anything on the client app, all is automatic

Problem with screen opening

For what ever reason, my app won't open new screen.  Please view blocks.  Basically, should open new screen if tinywebdb = "".  Checked my tinywebdb and it is.  any opions.  Have compiled numerous times in case of bad compile.

Could you confirm that the screen you want to go to is called "App_Settings"?      Android is case sensitive, if the screen is actually called  Screen2   or app_Settings   or  app_settings, that could be the issue.

Another possibility is your AfterChoosing block .... perhaps you need to  use an If..then blocks   to find out if the choice is  "OK" ?        You can also test the screen change by temporarilly adding a button that forces the screen change.

Also, if you are running in the emulator in development mode, sometimes AI2 won't automatically open the new screen.   You might compile this and see what happens when you run the actual app on the device.

The screen is called that. I will try the if...and this is on device.  Thanks.

If statement didn't help....

the Notifier.AfterChoosing event only fires, if you use Notifier.ChooseDialog...

That explains it....thx.

Problem - "Server error: could not build target. Please try again later!"

I have had intermittent problem building an APK. in the past but it is continual now. I can't get into the system because on a server error.  Have I made a error? What? Or is there a problem with the server. 

How big is your AIA file Charles?

The last time I used the APK it was about 9.6mb on my phone. I don't know how big my AIA is? What's the limit and where do I look to find how big mine is? Thanks for asking. Charles

Charles... look at the section in my tips below about creating an AIA file.  There is a 5MB limit on your projects.

How to overcome the App Inventor project limit of 5 MB

Should have known about the 5meg limit! Surprised because I was above 9megs with limited success. Need a new plan! Thanks to Enis and Taifun for additional ideas. Charles

Thanks for giving me some ideas about solving my 5meg  limit. Will try to get around this by moving my art clip images to the  web and then bring these images back into the app after my APK is installed on the phone. My problem now is I can't seem to activate the custom Tiny WebDB Service. Please note the attachment. I have launched the system using Python2.7.4, I renamed customerwebdb.zip, to cloakedkey.I then went into Deploy and set up my personal app which was accepted as you'll see the second  pane,l and then renamed app.yaml to 'myapp'.yaml. I could no longer get the green button on the launcher to complete the last step. Where did I go wrong? should I have used the .yaml on the last panel, or something else.. Love some help. 

Fusion Tables, Map and wrong geocoding.

I'm trying to make app, and I have a problem :(

Basics task required :

- Set pseudo
- Set complet adress
- Geocoding Latitude and Longitude from the address
- Display map with dot anf info.

1st Issue
When I run the app, first thing I have is a runtime Error (see attach) Somebody understand where is the error ? That's probably why the app doesn't display any map

2nd Issue
i can retrieve my data on my fusiontables, I can see the dot on the map, BUT, coordonates are wrong !!! (see blocks on attach files)

I allready made the "pizza party" app, plus another one and everything was good, except that I had to manually geocode on fusiontables.
I read that's because we have to indicate coordonate instead address. And it's working ! But placing the dots at the wrongplace.
I checked the true coordonnate with that http://universimmedia.pagesperso-orange.fr/geo/loc.html

Does anyone got an idea ?
Thanks for your time Guys !

concerning the 1st issue, see the second block in your Screen.Initialize event
you probably want to set the Webviewer.HomeUrl property instead of the LocationSensor.DistanceInterval?

Thank you, but I correctly set the webviewer.go home.URL un the block "when screen 1 initialise".
Any other idea ? :-)

according to your screenshot you did not?
or are you saying, you corrected this now but you still get the runtime error?
probably you like to provide a new screenshot of your relevant blocks?

Hummmmm ! I'm feeling a little bit dumb rigth now :(
I was looking at the "call action", not the "set action".
You're probably right. I'll change it and tell you if it's good. Any lead on thé second issue ?

concerning the 2nd issue: use Do it to debug your blocks and to especially check, which coordinates you get

1st issue solved :-)

For the second one, there is no bug. It's just that the coordinate are not good. it's point to to a place in australia instead of france.
As I said before, I checked it when I compare the real coordonates and the one gived by the app. I check it with a label in the app and with the fusin tables.


Adress: 11 rue pierre brossolette 92400 COURBEVOIE
Gmap coordonates: 

App coordonates:
-27.66073                      150.0421

Thank you

are you saying, the location sensor gives you Australian coordinates for an address in France? can you provide a screenshot incl. Do it result?

see also Tip 4 here how Do it works: 

Top 5 Tips: How to learn  App Inventor

Here's an interesting note on Fusion Table geocoding and location storage ...

I haven't used this facility yet myself, but from a quick reading I
can try to guess a few things that might go wrong ...

  1. hitting the daily limit on geocoding
  2. not defining the table column as location type
  3. not waiting for Google to complete the geo-code operation
  4. not waiting for the gps device to complete?
  5. switching the lat/long order?
  6. some kind of data format or units error (EuroDegrees?) - grabbing at straws here ;P

Taifun, sorry for taking so long.

As you can see in the screenshot, the doitresult give 0.0 wich is normal.

And yes I confirm, it give me australian coordinates for an adress in France.
At the beginning I thouht that maybe there is a system of conversion to do bettwen US and European data, but wathever the adress is, I always get the same coordinates.
Tell me if I'm wrong, I generate an API key for the fusion tables, and I had allow this API key to access Reverse Geocoding too. So I have the same KEY for Fusion Tables an Geocoding.
Does there is any "LocationSensor" setting to do ?
Thank you for your time !

Unless you have this block

the LocationSensor will probably always report   0.0, 0.0

"give me australian coordinates for an adress in France."  .... How are you doing the geocoding?      


Thank You for your answer !
I already took a look at the note about Table and Geocoding.

  1. hitting the daily limit on geocoding                          I'm far away from the limits ... for now :-)
  2. not defining the table column as location type                     Definitions are good, it's the geocoding made by AI2 that goes wrong
  3. not waiting for Google to complete the geo-code operation                             you mean waiting in AI2 ? How can I do that ?
  4. not waiting for the gps device to complete?                               Same 
  5. switching the lat/long order?                                 No
  6. some kind of data format or units error (EuroDegrees?) - grabbing at straws here ;P Not that, because the result is always the same.                         So it's not a conversion problem

btw. 0.0 is not Australia, this is close to South West Africa... and 0.0 also means, no data available...

As SteveJG pointed out, you need to have event capture blocks
(in lieu of waiting) to hold your data reception blocks.

There is some progress !
Thanks to Taifun, I create a new variable "global TestAddress" to test the blocks
I can now see that that I get the good results from "set global Latitude" and "set global longitude".
The probleme come after that, when I try to "set global Geocode" because it's returning blanks results !

So, the australian results must come from a bad interpretation by fusion tables.
But why, that's the question !! :-)

@Steve, I'm not doing geocoding, I'm doing reverse Geocoding.

As you can see in the screen shot, I use LatitudeFromAddress.
I want the users set his address and the app able to send coordinate to fusion tables.
I give you the aia file, it's test app, so very small.

thanks for your time !

ok, this is becomming very strange ! 

As I'm talking to you guys, I'm understanding a little bit what's going on.
As you can see on the new "Do it result" Longitude Data is not working ????

And as you can see on the fusion tables screenshot, the data stock in the fusion tables are totally different from the ones obtained with the "do it result" 

Thanks again for your helping me understand what's going on here !

From the lack of DoIt bubbles on the SET blocks in your screen shot,
I would guess that you DoIt-ed the CALL blocks to get latitude,
but never assigned the results into the global variables?

it would help to have the Do it result of the insert statement
then after executing the query, compare the values form the Do it result with the values in the table

@Taifun: When I try to get the do it result, I get nothing. Only the fusion tables on my phone and I can see that the Global TestAddress is writed in the table fusion.

@ABG: What do you mean by "assign to global Variable" ? I set the Global Latitude to get the reverse geocoding and it's working. But it's not for the longitude.

To be short:

I'm able to get the rigth latitude but not the longitude (thx Taifun)
If i send text to fusion table, it's work, but if it's latitude or longitude, it's transforme the value to always the same... in Australia !

see screenshot about Do it, see also tip 4 here 

Top 5 Tips: How to learn  App Inventor

and as already said,  0.0 is not Australia, this is close to South West Africa... and 0.0 also means, no data available...

Ok All !

I'm good ! Thanks a lot for your help... It's thanks to you if it's working now !

I can say for the future users that I know able to make an app were users can enter their own address and see all the other users !
Avaible for anyone who need help !

Desktop was erased when uninstalling the program

Hi, I'm totally new to all of this. So I downloaded the emulator to my desktop but then I saw in the directions that I should have downloaded it to where ever location it initially had. So I uninstalled it and when I did all of my pictures and pdf files on my desktop were erased. I just want to know what happened.

This is a bug in the App Inventor installer software.   Uninstall will remove all files in the folder, not just the ones that were installed as part of App Inventor.   We will soon be releasing updated setup software that has this bug fixed.

Andrew: Can you provide an update?

As Hal mentioned we are working on a new version of the App Inventor setup tools installer that will fix a few issues this being one of them. I am testing the new tools and will be releasing them to wider testing soon. 

Thanks for feedback.

GET not available in URL/Network element

My App Inventor does NOT show any GET (only GO BACK, GO FORWARD...) for the URL/Network element, so I'm not able to set the apropiate values in the fields of my Data Base (MySQL).

In every video I have wathed this option is available for the URL/Network so they can interwork.

What I'm doing wrong?

it seems to be, you are talking about the web component but are using a webviewer component?

Building APK Gives 0 Byte Download

I've been trying all day to build an APK file to my desktop but the resultant file is always 0 Bytes in size.

This has been working moderately well for months, apart from the odd apk being corrupted in some way (rebuild fixes)

The high usage of AI2 on the 10th/11th resulted in some server errors.  MIT made a 'fix' that should prevent issues in the future, however those projects that got 'corrupted' may require some remedial action on the part of the user.

Do you have an aia file of the project when it last ran successfully?

We will try to help but at the moment do not have  a comprehensive solution for fixing projects that may have issues.   Your comments will help MIT and us figure out a solution.

Did you have lots of images?    If so, the solution may be to delete all the images from your Media and reload them and try to run/compile the project again.   Does that work?

Thanks for the info, yes I keep copious back ups (every time I make a change).

Could I suggest that MIT add a status page to the web-site?

William... The problem is that the servers are actually Google's App Engine servers, of which MIT has no control.  Status in terms of MIT is that everything's fine.  Status on Google's Cloud Servers is nebulous...

Showing Fusion table places on a Map

Hello, I am new in App Inventor so I'm not yet very good at using it.
I've been assigned a project from my app inventor professor and it is: creating a DB with the main attractions of my city(divided in categoies such as : museums, restaurants, sports etc) so that, when the user selects a category, let's say, for example museums, the app should show him all the museums next to his location.

I thought that I should use FusionTable so that I can store the category, the attraction and lattitude and longitude of the attraction, but :
First, I don't know how to retrieve the attractions of the selected category from the fusion table, because I donàt know how to write the query in the condition in App Inventor.
Second, supposing that I retrieve the data needed from the Fusion Table, how can I display all the attractions of that category near to the user on the map at the same time?

you could take a look into using the Statics MAPS API, see an App Inventor Classic example here 

These examples should help you understand how to set up
your data in a Fusion Table ...

Check the Fusion Table SQL Reference too.