2015년 1월 2일 금요일

An internal error has occurred


Suddenly came up against this error. All the blocks have now disappeared, but every time I try to change to the block screen I still get the error message. When I refresh, or reload program, I get the following:

The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 5232643760193536_Screen1 will not be saved.

Any ideas? 

I once got this error.

I had too many comment boxes exposed at once
for the browser to handle.

Try minimizing all blocks,
and opening in another browser,
like Chrome.

[App Inventor Open Source Development] Public - Who's In? Making AI2 with AI2

As many of you may have noticed, AI2 can really only be used with full functionality to create apps on the computer, yet a lot of people seem to be interested in being able to make apps on their phone or tablet.  Sadly, in the many previous topics where people have requested the addition of that functionality it has been rejected due to the fact that the amount of work it would require would make it difficult for the staff to manage the current computer version.
However, I had an idea.  The staff aren't the only ones who can create an app - with AI2, we all have the ability to do it ourselves!  That's why I want to make a proposition:  Why don't we users make AI2 (or some equivalent) for mobile using AI2?  Yes, the concept sounds a bit weird and would take a huge amount of work from a large amount of people, but I think it could get done if some users with various skills team up to make it.
That's why I'm wondering if anyone would like to make a team and work on it.  I've got some pretty good AI2 and design skills to give, but there's a lot of areas that I'm clueless on, like how to actually turn blocks into the code that would run the app.  So, anyone interested in helping make AI2 for mobile a reality?

Have you checked out catrobat on the Google Play Store yet?
Their Pocket Code app has a common ancestor with App Inventor, Scratch.

Catrobat (now renamed as Pocket Code) is a very nice project.   We at MIT are friends with the folks at Technical University of Graz who make this.

As far as a version of AI that was friendlier to development on tablets and even phones, I'd LOVE to see some people work on this.   We don't have the slack to do this in the MIT group but can follow the project and give advice.

Happy New Year.

Look at the "External Libraries" (and the rest of the page) here to get an idea of how much "stuff" there is in App Inventor that would have to be shoe-horned into Android (on MANY different devices and Android versions):https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hIvAtbNx-eiIJcTA2LLPQOawctiGIpnnt0AvfgnKBok/pub#h.iab2owsim0i2

I'm a seasoned professional independent developer making a living from a few Android apps. I too would love to see something like AI on Android itself.

I first learned Android basics 4 years ago with AI before moving to Java and C NDK. I've been dying to see visual programming for real for decades now. Better yet would be the ability to make "pro" apps, and last I looked a year or so ago, AI didn't seem well suited as an alternative to Android Java for professional/paid apps.

All that "stuff" looks like it could take forever to port well, and MIT wants to stick with PC, so a fork would be necessary I guess.

I think a fresh start would be a better approach, starting with something smaller like Scratch, or maybe Stencyl ?

AI2 Neede a browser and an internet connection to run. Therefore you can developer apps on your tablet right now. I do not have a decent android tablet, but on my iPad mini I tried Safari and Chrome, and many things work. I was even able to save an .aia to Dropbox, but when I tried to import an .aia I got stuck in an internal error.
So maybe it is not that difficult to fix. A major problem I think will be the small screen and that would be true for any solution. The possibility to split up the blocks into smaller groups would become a major asset to have.

As Ghica says, you can try running AI2 in a phone or table browser right now.  There's a lot to do to make it usable -- the biggest thing is to redo the UX to accommodate the small screen.
For that, you might want to be guided by Touch-Develop, and show the blocks for only one component at a time.   So putting AI on a tablet or phone is aa serious project but not na impossible one. 
It would be terrific so see some people on this list tackle it.

Public - Who's In? Making AI2 with AI2

As many of you may have noticed, AI2 can really only be used with full functionality to create apps on the computer, yet a lot of people seem to be interested in being able to make apps on their phone or tablet.  Sadly, in the many previous topics where people have requested the addition of that functionality it has been rejected due to the fact that the amount of work it would require would make it difficult for the staff to manage the current computer version.
However, I had an idea.  The staff aren't the only ones who can create an app - with AI2, we all have the ability to do it ourselves!  That's why I want to make a proposition:  Why don't we users make AI2 (or some equivalent) for mobile using AI2?  Yes, the concept sounds a bit weird and would take a huge amount of work from a large amount of people, but I think it could get done if some users with various skills team up to make it.
That's why I'm wondering if anyone would like to make a team and work on it.  I've got some pretty good AI2 and design skills to give, but there's a lot of areas that I'm clueless on, like how to actually turn blocks into the code that would run the app.  So, anyone interested in helping make AI2 for mobile a reality?


You may want to post in the opensource forum HERE.
Also, not sure if the idea of ability to develop app on tablets have been rejected. It may be that it currently has lower priority.

tinywebdb and csv

Based on

How do i save and call from tinywebdb.  I know how to save lists in webdb, but my lists arw user generated and the main list needs to be in a table format and the second list as a row format so i can use indexing to make the secondary list be pertinant to the chosen of the first list.

So how do i save to and call from using csv

Did you see list to/from csv table or csv row in the language blocks documentation?
If not, try it, if yes, post the relevant blocks of what you tried.

see here http://www.appinventor.org/Chapter10 how to work with TinyWebDB, you can save lists directly, you do not need to convert them from/to csv format

first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.htmlto learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the

I have read through, though not very laymens terms.  Any help appreciated.

I know I can save lists directly, and have that many times in my app already.  I need to have them in. A "table" type format for this particular issue....main list as "column" and secondary list as "rows" with the use of fusion tables. There is another part of my app that uses fusion tables, but for this i need not....basically, like the code snippet,need a list of types eg. Fruit veggies.......then each will have its own list.  Seems to me the csv for the s3cond list is easieat way to do this.

Usually, to represent a table, you use a list of lists, where each element of the main list is a row in the table represented as a list of column values.
If you really want help, post a screenshot of relevant blocks, so that we can figure out what you are trying to do. 

actually it does not make much sense to use 2 different server databases (TinyWebDB and fusiontables) in one project, why don't you just use one of them, e.g. only fusiontables?

I know I can save lists directly, and have that many times in my app already.  I need to have them in. A "table" type format for this particular issue....main list as "column" and secondary list as "rows" with the use of fusion tables. There is another part of my app that uses fusion tables, but for this i need not....basically, like the code snippet,need a list of types eg. Fruit veggies.......then each will have its own list.  Seems to me the csv for the s3cond list is easieat way to do this.

Fusion tables for long term data retension but too slow for regualr use.

I do not have it with me...on the road....but to explain:

Have a page to enter types of fruit, veggies, etc.  Fist user must pick from the list whether it is a fruit,a veggie, etc, then can add or delete apple, orange, etc from or to a list containing apple, orange, etc.  I know how to remove from list, and add to list, and find a position in list from index in list of the main list.  I have read about lists of lists, but everythingi have read gives such vague examples.  I need a real world example.   All is saved to tinywebdb.

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

Can i. Use a variale that i assign the main list selection.text to to name a tag for a secondary list?

These examples show how to do things:

Post some blocks Brandon and someone will provide specific advice. What does your REAL WORLD case involve...that is, what kind of data are you attempting to post from a csv?
 Good luck.

Yes, you can do that. The tags (keys) are basically String data types. So, you can use the selection.text (returns a String) and use it as tag.

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

This might just be the simplest of options. Thx.

Uncheck a check box

I have a student that is creating an app with a "to do" list using check boxes. He wants to be able to uncheck the box after the task is complete. 

How does he do this?

I'm not sure, if I understand the problem...

a checkbox can be checked or unchecked
so if you want to uncheck a checkbox, just uncheck it

or is the question, how to save the state of the checkboxes for the next run of the app?
if yes, the answer is: use TinyDB...

set Checkbox1.checked  false

The student may also need to put some actions in the Changed event handler depending on his/her actual code.

Does TimePicker feature "ShowFeedBack" run?

Does TimePicker feature "ShowFeedBack" run?

ShowFeedback is just an onscreen thing to show if something is pressed or not.  It signifies and action of the component and you can't change or modify it.

It runs if it's checked, and doesn't if it's not...  Other than on/off,. there's no other setting for it...

why audio player keep looping?

I created radio app for internet radio. when switched from WIFI to cellular  network or verse vice, radio keeps looping last about 2 minutes contents, any idea how to fix it?

Need help with sending data to Google Fusion Tables

I need some programming help for sending data to Google Fusion Tables. I am ready to provide consulting fees for the project. Please let me know if anyone is interested to help me. Thank you.

I have attached the front-end screenshots and a link to the fusion tables here: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid=1AdklvLTimQJpRRC6laC9KFslmAzIwgycIIgRs9uU

you could easily do it yourself...
you can learn how to work with fusiontables in the tutorial Pizza Party with Fusion Tables for App Inventor 2
btw. I also offer personal support. In case you are interested, please contact me directly, for details see my webpage.

Thank you Taifun. I tried using the Pizza Party but I think this App is a little more complicated. But still I'm trying and will definitely let you know if I need your personal support. Thanks a bunch for your kind support.

Runtime Error (Heap Size=46279KB, Allocated=29777KB) when moving between images

I get this Runtime error when I test apk file on my device
I use the image.visible block to hide and display images according to 3 buttons I have and each one of them should display different image
in the fourth time I try to display image - Runtime error is invoke on the screen

please answer the questions in your other thread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/oGHGlbKG0no/GLb-XL1eAroJ
I will close this one. Thank you