2017년 7월 3일 월요일

Tutorial for IOT

Arduino2Android - Android2Arduino - Bluetooth

Hi friends, this is a simple code to connect Arduino <> Android by Bluetooth.

1.- Android to Arduino.

- When write 0 in TextBox and click  Send button, Arduino LED13 is OFF
- When write 1 in TextBox and click  Send button, Arduino LED13 is ON

2.- Arduino to Android.

- When click boton2 in Arduino, bluetooth send "Hola amigo" to Android.
- When click boton3 in Arduino, bluetooth send, "Me llamo Juan" to Android.

search results for Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search...

see again the installation instructions: Before building your app, set the flag " development" to false. Taifun.
see here. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! see also Q4 in the Questions and Answers section ...
yes, you can have images in the list, see here. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter!
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! In short, I would like a scrolling approach and wonder if it ...
... as workaround, see here for more information. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun. Advice: Before posting, it's a good idea to search ...
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! see also Q4 in the Questions and Answers section ...
... listview might be interesting for you, see here. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
... using AppToMarket. alternatively see this solution. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
I can offer this alternative solution. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
probably one of the thumbnail listview example can help? Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search ...
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun. Trying to push the limits of App Inventor! Snippets ...
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Push notifications unfortunately are not possible with MIT ...
see the thumbnail listview here. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
... is to use the already mentioned thumbnail listview. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
meanwhile you could use my jQuery solution here. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! and concerning MySQL, you might be interested in the ...
... the thumbnail listview instead, see here for details. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! and if possible by the customer (seeking a website in ...
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
... can only display text, but there is also this solution. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
... very much. but I can offer my jQuery alternative... Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! you can have your own formatting there, just use HTML ...
Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! what about displaying a rotating waiting icon while the ...
this might be interesting for you. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.
this example might be interesting for yuu. Another Listpicker alternative with App Inventor and jQuery Mobile including a Search Filter! Taifun.


Bluetooth Low Energy, also referred to as Bluetooth LE or simply BLE, is a new communication protocol similar to classic Bluetooth except that it is designed to consume less power while maintaining comparable functionality. For this reason, Bluetooth LE is the preferred choice of communication with IoT devices that have limited power resources. Starting with Android 4.3, Google introduced built-in support for Bluetooth Low Energy. The BluetoothLE extension requires Android 5.0 or higher to avoid known issues with Google's Bluetooth LE support prior to Android 5.0.


  • AdvertisementScanPeriod – Returns the value of ScanPeriod.
get BluetoothLE1 AdvertisementScanPeriod
  • AdvertiserAddresses – Returns a list of the addresses of devices found during Advertisement scanning.
get BluetoothLE1 AdvertiserAddresses
  • AdvertiserNames – Returns a list of the names of the devices found during Advertisment scanning.
get BluetoothLE1 AdvertiserNames
  • AutoReconnect – If true, the application will attempt to reestablish a lost connection to a device due to link loss (e.g., moving out of range). This will not apply to connections that are disconnected by a call to the Disconnect method. Such disconnects will need to be reconnected via a call to Connect or ConnectWithAddress.
get BluetoothLE1 AutoReconnect
set BluetoothLE1 AutoReconnect  to
  • BatteryValue – Returns the battery level.
get BluetoothLE1 BatteryValue
  • ConnectedDeviceName – The advertised name of the connected device. If no device is connected or Bluetooth low energy is not supported, this will return the empty string.
get BluetoothLE1 ConnectedDeviceName
  • ConnectedDeviceRssi – Returns the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) of connected device.
get BluetoothLE1 ConnectedDeviceRssi
  • ConnectionTimeout – The amount of time, in seconds, that the BluetoothLE component will wait for a connection to be established with a device after a call to Connect or ConnectWithAddress. If a connection is not established in the given amount of time, the attempt will be aborted and the ConnectionFailed event will be run.
get BluetoothLE1 ConnectionTimeout
set BluetoothLE1 ConnectionTimeout  to
  • DeviceCharacteristics – A list of triples, one for each characteristic advertised by the connected device, containing the service UUID, characteristic UUID, and the characteristic's name, if known. The format of the list will be ((service1 characteristic1 name1) (service2 characteristic2 name2) ...). If no device is connected or Bluetooth low energy is not supported, then an empty list will be returned.
get BluetoothLE1 DeviceCharacteristics
  • DeviceList – Returns a sorted list of BluetoothLE devices as a String.
get BluetoothLE1 DeviceList
  • DeviceServices – A list of pairs, one for each advertised service, indicating the service's UUID and its name, if known. The format of the list will be ((uuid1 name1) (uuid2 name2) ...). If no device is connected or Bluetooth low energy is not supported, then an empty list will be returned.
get BluetoothLE1 DeviceServices
  • IsDeviceAdvertising – Returns true if the device is currently advertising, false otherwise.
get BluetoothLE1 IsDeviceAdvertising
  • IsDeviceConnected – Returns true if a BluetoothLE device is connected; Otherwise, returns false.
get BluetoothLE1 IsDeviceConnected
  • Scanning – The scanning state of the Bluetooth low energy component.
get BluetoothLE1 Scanning
  • TxPower – Returns the transmission power.
get BluetoothLE1 TxPower


  • AdvertisementData – Returns the advertisement data associated with the specified device address.
    • deviceAddress (text) — The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the target Bluetooth low energy device.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the advertised service.
call BluetoothLE1 AdvertisementDatadeviceAddressserviceUuid
  • AdvertiserAddress – Returns the address of the device with the name specified.
    • deviceName (text) — The advertised name of the target Bluetooth low energy device.
call BluetoothLE1 AdvertiserAddressdeviceName
  • AdvertiserServiceUuids – Returns the list of services available on the advertising device.
    • deviceAddress (text) — The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the target Bluetooth low energy device.
call BluetoothLE1 AdvertiserServiceUuidsdeviceAddress
  • CharacteristicByIndex – Returns Unique ID of selected characteristic with index. Index specified by list of supported characteristics for a connected device, starting from 1.
    • index (number) — The index of the desired characteristic, which must be between 1 and the length of the characteristic list.
call BluetoothLE1 CharacteristicByIndexindex
  • Connect – Use the Connect method to connect to a Bluetooth low energy device at the given index in the device list.
    • index (number) — The index of the target device, which must be between 1 and the length of the list.
call BluetoothLE1 Connectindex
  • ConnectWithAddress – Use the ConnectWithAddress method to connect to a specific Bluetooth low energy device if its Media Access Control (MAC) address is known. If none of the devices in the device list matches the given address, the ConnectionFailed event will be run. Otherwise, if a connection is successful the Connected event will be run.
    • address (text) — The MAC address of the target device, of the form "12:34:56:78:90:ab"
call BluetoothLE1 ConnectWithAddressaddress
  • Disconnect – Disconnects from the currently connected BluetoothLE device if a device is connected.
call BluetoothLE1 Disconnect
  • DisconnectWithAddress – Disconnects from a connected BluetoothLE device with the given address.
    • address (text) — The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the device to disconnect, of the form "12:34:56:78:90:ab"
call BluetoothLE1 DisconnectWithAddressaddress
  • FoundDeviceAddress – Gets the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the found device at the given index in the device list. Index specifies the position in the BluetoothLE device list, starting from 1.
    • index (number) — The index of the desired device, which must be between 1 and the length of the device list.
call BluetoothLE1 FoundDeviceAddressindex
  • FoundDeviceName – Gets the name of the found device at the given index in the device list.
    • index (number) — The index of the desired device, which must be between 1 and the length of the device list.
call BluetoothLE1 FoundDeviceNameindex
  • FoundDeviceRssi – Gets the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of the found device at the given index. The returned value will be between -100 and 0 indicating the strength of the connection.
    • index (number) — The index of the desired device, which must be between 1 and the length of the device list.
call BluetoothLE1 FoundDeviceRssiindex
  • GetCharacteristicsForService – Returns the list of supported characteristics for the given service. The list will contain (UUID, name) pairs for each characteristic provided by the service UUID.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
call BluetoothLE1 GetCharacteristicsForServiceserviceUuid
  • ReadBytes – Reads one or more 8-bit integer values from a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic UniqueID are required. The signed parameter indicates whether the bytes should be interpreted as signed values or not when being converted into App Inventor numbers. After the bytes are read, the BytesReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the bytes as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
call BluetoothLE1 ReadBytesserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsigned
  • ReadFloats – Reads one or more IEEE 754 floating point numbers from a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic UniqueID are required. The shortFloat parameter indicates whether the floats are either 16-bit half-precision floating point or 32-bit single precision floating point numbers. After the floats are read, the FloatsReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • shortFloat (boolean) Interpret the floats as 16-bit half-precision (true) or 32-bit single-precision (false).
call BluetoothLE1 ReadFloatsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidshortFloat
  • ReadIntegers – Reads one or more 32-bit integer values from a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic UniqueID are required. The signed parameter indicates whether the integers should be interpreted as signed values or not when being converted into App Inventor numbers. After the integers are read, the IntegersReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the integers as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
call BluetoothLE1 ReadIntegersserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsigned
  • ReadShorts – Reads one or more 16-bit integer values from a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic UniqueID are required. The signed parameter indicates whether the shorts should be interpreted as signed values or not when being converted into App Inventor numbers. After the shorts are read, the ShortsReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the shorts as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
call BluetoothLE1 ReadShortsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsigned
  • ReadStrings – Reads one or more null-terminated strings from a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The utf16 parameter indicates whether the content should be decoded as UTF-16 (true) or UTF-8 (false) code points when converting to App Inventor strings. After the strings are read, the StringsReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • utf16 (boolean) Interpret the string content as UTF-16 (true) or UTF-8 (false) code points.
call BluetoothLE1 ReadStringsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidutf16
  • RegisterForBytes – Registers to receive updates when one or more 8-bit integer values from a connected BluetoothLE device are changed. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The signedparameter indicates whether the bytes should be interpreted as signed values or not when being converted into App Inventor numbers. Whenever a change is received, the BytesReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the bytes as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
call BluetoothLE1 RegisterForBytesserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsigned
  • RegisterForFloats – Registers to receive updates when one or more IEEE 754 floating point numbers from a connected BluetoothLE device are changed. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The shortFloat parameter indicates whether the floats are either 16-bit half-precision floating point or 32-bit single precision floating point numbers. Whenever a change is received, the FloatsReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • shortFloat (boolean) Interpret the floats as 16-bit half-precision (true) or 32-bit single-precision (false).
call BluetoothLE1 RegisterForFloatsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidshortFloat
  • RegisterForIntegers – Registers to receive updates when one or more 32-bit integer values from a connected BluetoothLE device are changed. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The signed parameter indicates whether the integers should be interpreted as signed values or not when being converted into App Inventor numbers. Whenever a change is received, the IntegersReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the integers as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
call BluetoothLE1 RegisterForIntegersserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsigned
  • RegisterForShorts – Registers to receive updates when one or more 16-bit integer values from a connected BluetoothLE device are changed. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The signed parameter indicates whether the shorts should be interpreted as signed values or not when being converted into App Inventor numbers. Whenever a change is received, the ShortsReceived event will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the shorts as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
call BluetoothLE1 RegisterForShortsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsigned
  • RegisterForStrings – Registers to receive updates when one or more null-terminated strings from a connected BluetoothLE device are changed. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The utf16 parameter indicates whether the content should be decoded as UTF-16 (true) or UTF-8 (false) code points when converting to App Inventor strings. Whenever a change is received, the StringsReceivedevent will be run.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • utf16 (boolean) Interpret the string content as UTF-16 (true) or UTF-8 (false) code points.
call BluetoothLE1 RegisterForStringsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidutf16
  • ScanAdvertisements – Scans for advertising Bluetooth low energy devices.
    • scanPeriod (number) — The amount of time to spend scanning, in milliseconds.
call BluetoothLE1 ScanAdvertisementsscanPeriod
  • ServiceByIndex – Returns the Unique ID of the service at the given index in the service list.
    • index (number) — The index of the desired service, which must be between 1 and the length of the service list.
call BluetoothLE1 ServiceByIndexindex
  • StartAdvertising – Creates and publishes a Bluetooth low energy advertisement.
    • inData (text) — The data to be included in the service advertisement.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
call BluetoothLE1 StartAdvertisinginDataserviceUuid
  • StartScanning – Starts scanning for Bluetooth low energy devices.
call BluetoothLE1 StartScanning
  • StopAdvertising – Stops Bluetooth low energy advertisement from a previous call to StartAdvertising.
call BluetoothLE1 StopAdvertising
  • StopScanning – Stops scanning for Bluetooth low energy devices.
call BluetoothLE1 StopScanning
  • StopScanningAdvertisements – Stops scanning for Bluetooth low energy advertisements.
call BluetoothLE1 StopScanningAdvertisements
  • SupportedCharacteristics – Returns a list of supported characteristic for the connected device as a string.
call BluetoothLE1 SupportedCharacteristics
  • SupportedServices – Returns the list of supported service for the connected device as a string.
call BluetoothLE1 SupportedServices
  • UnregisterForValues – Unregisters for updates from the given service and characteristic.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
call BluetoothLE1 UnregisterForValuesservice_uuidcharacteristic_uuid
  • WriteBytes – Writes one or more 8-bit integer values to a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single numeric value or a list of values. If signed is true, the acceptable values are between -128 and 127. If signed is false, the acceptable values are between 0 and 255.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the bytes as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteBytesserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsignedvalues
  • WriteBytesWithResponse – Writes one or more 8-bit integer values to a connected BluetoothLE device and waits for an acknowledgement via the BytesWritten event. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single numeric value or a list of values. If signed is true, the acceptable values are between -128 and 127. If signed is false, the acceptable values are between 0 and 255.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the bytes as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteBytesWithResponseserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsignedvalues
  • WriteFloats – Writes one or more IEEE 754 floating point numbers to a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single numeric value or a list of values. If shortFloat is true, then each numeric value will be compressed to fit into a 16-bit half-precision floating point value. If shortFloat is false, then each numeric value will be sent as a 32-bit single precision floating point value.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • shortFloat (boolean) Interpret the floats as 16-bit half-precision (true) or 32-bit single-precision (false).
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteFloatsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidshortFloatvalues
  • WriteFloatsWithResponse – Writes one or more IEEE 754 floating point values to a connected BluetoothLE device and waits for an acknowledgement via the FloatsWritten event. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single numeric value or a list of values. If shortFloat is false, then each numeric value will be sent as a 32-bit single precision floating point value.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • shortFloat (boolean) Interpret the floats as 16-bit half-precision (true) or 32-bit single-precision (false).
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteFloatsWithResponseserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidshortFloatvalues
  • WriteIntegers – Writes one or more 32-bit integer values to a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single numeric value or a list of values. If signed is true, the acceptable values are between -2147483648 and 2147483647. If signed is false, the acceptable values are between 0 and 4294967295.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the integers as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteIntegersserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsignedvalues
  • WriteIntegersWithResponse – Writes one or more 32-bit integer values to a connected BluetoothLE device and waits for an acknowledgement via the IntegersWritten event. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single numeric value or a list of values. If signed is true, the acceptable values are between -2147483648 and 2147483647. If signed is false, the acceptable values are between 0 and 4294967295.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the integers as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteIntegersWithResponseserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsignedvalues
  • WriteShorts – Writes one or more 16-bit integer values to a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single numeric value or a list of values. If signed is true, the acceptable values are between -32768 and 32767. If signed is false, the acceptable values are between 0 and 65535.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the shorts as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteShortsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsignedvalues
  • WriteShortsWithResponse – Writes one or more 16-bit integer values to a connected BluetoothLE device and waits for an acknowledgement via the ShortsWritten event. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single numeric value or a list of values. If signed is true, the acceptable values are between -32768 and 32767. If signed is false, the acceptable values are between 0 and 65535.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • signed (boolean) Interpret the shorts as signed (true) or unsigned (false).
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteShortsWithResponseserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidsignedvalues
  • WriteStrings – Writes one or more strings to a connected BluetoothLE device. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single string or a list of strings. If utf16 is true, the string(s) will be sent using UTF-16 little endian encoding. If utf16 is false, the string(s) will be sent using UTF-8 encoding.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • utf16 (boolean) Send the string encoded as UTF-16 little endian (true) or UTF-8 (false) code points.
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteStringsserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidutf16values
  • WriteStringsWithResponse – Writes one or more strings to a connected BluetoothLE device and waits for an acknowledgement via the StringsWritten event. Service Unique ID and Characteristic Unique ID are required. The values parameter can either be a single string or a list of values. If utf16 is true, the string(s) will be sent using UTF-16 little endian encoding. If utf16 is false, the string(s) will be sent using UTF-8 encoding.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • utf16 (boolean) Send the string encoded as UTF-16 little endian (true) or UTF-8 (false) code points.
    • values (list) — A list of values to write to the device.
call BluetoothLE1 WriteStringsWithResponseserviceUuidcharacteristicUuidutf16values


  • BytesReceived – The BytesReceived event is run when one or more byte values are received from a connected Bluetooth device. Depending on the sign parameter of the last call to ReadBytes orRegisterForBytes for the given serviceUuid and characteristicUuid, the byteValues list will contain numbers ranging from -128 to 127 (signed = true) or 0 to 255 (signed = false).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • byteValues (list) — A list of values read from the device. The range of each value will depend on the sign flag previously specified in the call to read or register.
when BluetoothLE1 BytesReceived serviceUuid characteristicUuid byteValues do
  • BytesWritten – The BytesWritten event is run when one or more byte values are written to a connected Bluetooth device. byteValues will be a list of values actually written to the device. This may be different if the original input was too long to fit into a single transmission unit (typically 23 bytes).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • byteValues (list) — A list of values written to the device.
when BluetoothLE1 BytesWritten serviceUuid characteristicUuid byteValues do
  • Connected – The Connected event is run after the application successfully connects to a Bluetooth low energy device. This can be the result of a call to Connect or ConnectWithAddress, or as a result of an automatic reconnect if the AutoReconnect property was true at the time a connection was requested.
when BluetoothLE1 Connecteddo
  • ConnectionFailed – The ConnectionFailed event is run when an attempt to connect to a device does not succeed. If a reason is provided by the Bluetooth low energy stack it will be reported via the reasonparameter.
    • reason (text) — The reason the connection failed, if known.
when BluetoothLE1 ConnectionFailed reason do
  • DeviceFound – The DeviceFound event is run when a new Bluetooth low energy device is found.
when BluetoothLE1 DeviceFounddo
  • Disconnected – The Disconnected event is run when a Bluetooth low energy device is disconnected. This can be caused by a call to Disconnect or DisconnectWithAddress, or after a device is moved away or reset such that a loss of connection occurs.
when BluetoothLE1 Disconnecteddo
  • FloatsReceived – The FloatsReceived event is run when one or more IEEE 754 floating point values are received from a connected Bluetooth device. Depending on the shortFloat parameter of the last call toReadFloats or RegisterForFloats for the given serviceUuid and characteristicUuid, the floatValueslist will contain numbers ranging from -65504.0 to 65504.0 (shortFloat = true) or -3.402823466E38 to 3.402823466E38 (shortFloat = false).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • floatValues (list) — A list of values read from the device. The range of each value will depend on the sign flag previously specified in the call to read or register.
when BluetoothLE1 FloatsReceived serviceUuid characteristicUuid floatValues do
  • FloatsWritten – The FloatsWritten event is run when one or more IEEE 754 floating point values are written to a connected Bluetooth device. floatValues will be a list of values actually written to the device. This may be different if the original input was too long to fit into a single transmission unit (typically 11 short floats or 5 regular floats).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • floatValues (list) — A list of values written to the device.
when BluetoothLE1 FloatsWritten serviceUuid characteristicUuid floatValues do
  • IntegersReceived – The IntegersReceived event is run when one or more 32-bit integer values are received from a connected Bluetooth device. Depending on the sign parameter of the last call toReadIntegers or RegisterForIntegers for the given serviceUuid and characteristicUuid, the intValueslist will contain numbers ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647 (signed = true) or 0 to 4294967296 (signed = false).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • intValues (list) — A list of values read from the device. The range of each value will depend on the sign flag previously specified in the call to read or register.
when BluetoothLE1 IntegersReceived serviceUuid characteristicUuid intValues do
  • IntegersWritten – The IntegersWritten event is run when one or more 32-bit integers values are written to a connected Bluetooth device. intValues will be a list of values actually written to the device. This may be different if the original input was too long to fit into a single transmission unit (typically 5 integers).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • intValues (list) — A list of values written to the device.
when BluetoothLE1 IntegersWritten serviceUuid characteristicUuid intValues do
  • RssiChanged – Trigger event when RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) of found BluetoothLE device changes
when BluetoothLE1 RssiChanged rssi do
  • ShortsReceived – The ShortsReceived event is run when one or more short integer values are received from a connected Bluetooth device. Depending on the sign parameter of the last call to ReadShorts orRegisterForShorts for the given serviceUuid and characteristicUuid, the shortValues list will contain numbers ranging from -32768 to 32767 (signed = true) or 0 to 65535 (signed = false).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • shortValues (list) — A list of values read from the device. The range of each value will depend on the sign flag previously specified in the call to read or register.
when BluetoothLE1 ShortsReceived serviceUuid characteristicUuid shortValues do
  • ShortsWritten – The ShortsWritten event is run when one or more short integers values are written to a connected Bluetooth device. shortValues will be a list of values actually written to the device. This may be different if the original input was too long to fit into a single transmission unit (typically 11 shorts).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • shortValues (list) — A list of values written to the device.
when BluetoothLE1 ShortsWritten serviceUuid characteristicUuid shortValues do
  • StringsReceived – The StringsReceived event is run when one or more strings are received from a connected Bluetooth device. Depending on the utf16 parameter of the last call to ReadStrings orRegisterForStrings for the given serviceUuid and characteristicUuid, the stringValues list will contain either a UTF-16 little endian decoded (utf16 = true) or UTF-8 decoded (utf16 = false) strings. The string length is limited by the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the Bluetooth device, which is typically 23 bytes.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • stringValues (list) — A list of values read from the device. The strings will be decoded as UTF-16 or UTF-8 based on the utf16 flag previously specified in the call to read or register.
when BluetoothLE1 StringsReceived serviceUuid characteristicUuid stringValues do
  • StringsWritten – The StringsWritten event is run when one or more strings are written to a connected Bluetooth device. stringValues will be a list of values actually written to the device. This may be different if the original input was too long to fit into a single transmission unit (typically 22 bytes).
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • stringValues (list) — A list of values written to the device.
when BluetoothLE1 StringsWritten serviceUuid characteristicUuid stringValues do