2017년 2월 4일 토요일

RePhone Introduction

RePhone Introduction

RePhone Kit is an open source modular phone kit that changes the way we put our phone into use. It provides a new form of phone customization, and the easiest solution to wearable/IoT development.
With Rephone you can create your own phone in minutes by using the slim MODULES, accessible SOFTWARE, and customizable PHONE CASE. You can also hack things around you, giving inanimate objects the power of cellular communication, having conversations with your pets, plants, toys, motorcycle helmets, robots, or drones through cellular connectivity.


  • World’s first open source and modular phone
  • Support Lua, Javascript, Arduino IDE and Eclipse IDE
  • Various rich-featured add-on modules for function extension
  • DIY Phone
  • Last for about 25 hours @ standby (RePhone Kit Create)

RePhone Family

The core of the RePhone is provided by Xadow GSM+BLE or by RePhone Core 3G Module (coming soon), beyond these two core modules are 8 more chainable add-on modules to extend the features and functionalities – Xadow 1.54’’ Touchscreen, Xadow Audio, Xadow GSM Breakout, Xadow LED 5x7, Xadow Basic Sensors, Xadow Duino, Xadow GPS v2 and Xadow NFC v2.
Xadow GPS v2Xadow Basic SensorsXadow NFC v2
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Xadow LED 5 x 7Xadow GSM + BLEXadow 1.54 inch Touchscreen
enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here
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Xadow AudioXadow GSM BreakoutXadow Duino
enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here
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RePhone Kit Create

RePhone Strap Kit for Pebble

RePhone Geo Kit

RePhone Lumi Kit

RePhone Extension Pack

Development Environment

We have developed rich libraries hooking into Arduino IDE, Lua and JavaScript, with detailed example sketches to help entry-level programmers develop with RePhone modules easily and quickly. We also provide a full power SDK based on Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers to work with high level applications.
Check out:
Also, if you are developing RePhone modules based on other Arduino compatible development board, you can refer to:
Find the RePhone Kit Create Source Code here (based on Eclipse IDE):
We will keep updating the RePhone SDK on our Github page:

Reset your Rephone to defaults

Please be noticed that reset your Rephone to defaults will delete all the settings and files(images, musics) in the RePhone, do aware of this before you reset it to defaults.
To reset your RePhone to DEFAULTS:
  1. Follow the instructions in “Update/Flash the Firmware” section to flash the firmware
  2. Download the RePhone_Create_Kit_VXP file
  3. Enter the RePhone Mass Storage Mode
  4. Copy everything under the file named “RePhone Create Kit VXP” into the RePhone 5MB mass storage.
  5. Restart your RePhone then its done. As reset have deleted all the files, you would have to put an mp3 file in the mass storage as well for the use of ringtone.

RePhone Community

We’ve been looking for a better place where our backers (RePhone Users) can sit together, warmly and comfortably, have conversations about RePhone, discuss technical problems, share ideas/projects, and give feedback on the modules’ development in the future. And then here we go, the RePhone Community.
Now join us in the RePhone Community
Together we seek answers, make interesting stuff, care about each other, and share our experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some frequently asked questions in RePhone Community are collected and answered to the topic “Frequently Asked Questions of RePhone (FAQ)”,the topic will be kept updating whenever a new FAQ comes out.


The schematic diagrams of RePhone Modules are provided in the following link:
which includes:

mbed Introduction

mbed Introduction

What is mbed? mbed is a prototyping development platform that specially designed for ARM, it provides almost everything you need such as free SDK, HDK and web based IDE to develop IoT application. If you are a beginner at coding and hardware, mbed can definitely accelerate your learning and prototyping. If you are in the middle of hardware prototype design, and hard to decide which board to use, mbed is the one that can make your work easier.
There are already many open source platforms boards in the world, and every boards are claiming they are powerful and easy to use, What’s the unique features that differentiate mbed from others. Firstly, mbed uses CMSIS(Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard ) to standardize the difference of interface between different chip producers. Secondly, the web based IDE has simplified the compiling process, no matter what system you are using, you don’t need to install an extra IDE, the only thing you need to do is open the web browser and start coding.
Seeed Studio is one of the members that producing mbed boards. Up to now, there are more than 10 mbed you can get from Seeed, such as Arch Max, Arch Link and Arch BLE. Most of them integrate the advantage of Arduino and mbed board, and we also add grove connectors to make them compatible with the family of grove sensors.

Product List

Here is the list of the mbed Boards you can find in the Seeed WiKi. The list will be constantly updated.

LinkIt Introduction

LinkIt Introduction

The first product you need to know about the LinkIt family is LinkIt One, because it well defines what the LinkIt platform is doing. LinkIt One must be one of the most features-rich board in the planet. It includes ARM7 EJ-S™, GSM, GPRS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth BR/EDR/BLE, GPS, Audio codec, and SD card connector on a single development board. Now you may understand why it is called LinkIt One. In addition to all these features it is also a board with rich-compatibility and strong extensibility, by using LinkIt ONE together with MediaTek LinkIt SDK (for Arduino) you will be able to easily turn your ideas into practical prototypes and make them a reality with the Seeed productization and agile manufacturing service.
After LinkIt ONE, we released LinkIt Smart 7688 and LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo, both are designed especially for the prototyping of Rich Application IoT devices for Smart-Home and offices. In order to make the prototyping even more convenient, you may find that we also released some breakouts for LinkIt Smart 7688 and LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo such as Arduino Breakout for LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo and Breakout for LinkIt Smart 7688 V2.0. More and more boards are joining in the LinkIt family, and you can find all the tutorial of how to get started with these boards in the New Seeed Wiki. Happy hacking!

Product List

Here is the list of the LinkIt Boards you can find in the Seeed WiKi. The list will be constantly updated.

Raspberry Pi Introduction

Raspberry Pi Introduction

Raspberry Pi is originally designed and created by a non-profit organization in UK, the intension of creating this single-board it to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries. It is a credit-card size computer that preinstalls Linux, despite the small size, it can handle most of the same tasks as your desktop PC.
Several generations of Raspberry Pis have been released. The first generation (Pi 1) was released in February 2012 in basic model A and a higher specification model B. A+ and B+ models were released a year later. Raspberry Pi 2 model B was released in February 2015 and Raspberry Pi 3 model B in February 2016.
At Seeed Studio, we provide not only different raspberry pi boards that mentioned above , but also provide different accessories and starter kits that can help you creating raspberry pi project. What’s more, we have created numbers of tutorials in Seeed’s raspberry pi community where you can easily building circuits of raspberry pi.

Product List

Here is the list of the Raspberry Pi Boards you can find in the Seeed WiKi. The list will be constantly updated.

BeagleBone Introduction

BeagleBone Introduction

BeagleBones are relatively a late comer in the microcontroller world, but the high performance and lower power consumption make it become one of the three popular platforms in the open-hardware world. Beagles mean big functionality in small packages because these little PCs can be used for all kinds of applications you’ve been tinkering with… and can handle many of the same tasks as your desktop PC. Similar to Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone boards are used by artists, designers and hobbyists to realize their projects.
BeagleBone boards are wonderful boards, but people on planet Seeed are not satisfied with the current Beaglebone and want to make some differences. Just as what we have done with Seeeduino, we spoke to Beaglebone.org about our thoughts and finally got the chance to create a whole new board together with them, this is how we created Seeed Studio’s own Beaglebone, the Beaglebone Green(Short as BBG).
BeagleBone Green is dirived from Beaglebone Black(Short as BBB), if you ever know about BBB , you would know that BBB is like the star board in the beagleboard family, it inherits the tiny size of Beaglebone and adds many good features while the price is much lower. When we were designing BBG, we decided to keep almost all the good features of BBB such as the tiny size, abundant interface and strong expansibility, while at the same time replaced the HDMI interface with 2 Seeed grove connector, to make it compatible with the large family of grove sensers.
Not lone afte that, we released another BeagleBone named BeagleBone Green Wireless(Short as BBGW), In addition to grove connectors, BBGW has included a high-performance flexible WiFi/Bluetooth interface, makes it become the first WiFi/Bluetooth board of the BeagleBone family.

Product List

Here is the list of the BeagleBone Boards you can find in the Seeed WiKi. The list will be constantly updated.

Arduino Introduction

Arduino Introduction

Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. It is like the brain of a project.
Because it is so flexible and open source, Arduino is the best solution if you are interested in creating interactive objects or environments no matter you are artists, designers or hobbyists.
One of Seeed Studio’s motto is “Grow the Difference”, which has now become part of the culture of the company. This is not just reflected from what we are doing in popularizing open source culture, but also from our products. Ever since the company funded, we are continuously creating our own open platform to differentiate from the existing one.
Here at Seeed, you can find not only Arduino boardssuch such as Arduino Nano and Arduino Mega, but also many boards that drived fom Arduino such as Seeeduino, a joint effort by Seeed Studio and Arduino. Seeeduino is compatible with Arduino while has more powerful functions and lower price. To start with, you can try the latest version Seeeduino V4.2 or Seeeduino Mega that corresponding to Arduino Mega.

Product List

Here is the list of the Seeeduino Boards you can find in the Seeed WiKi. The list will constantly updated.

Wio Introduction

Wio Introduction

The Wio platform was firstly introduced to the world at the end of 2015 when Wio Link was crowd-founding on Kickstarter. As the second product that we launched at Kickstarter, the result of Wio Link was exceeded our expectation a lot. So not long after that, we released the little brother of Wio link----Wio Node. Both has almost the same function but different in size and grove connector quantity, to accommodate to different situations.
The most attractive thing about Wio must be the virtualizing plug-n-play modules to RESTful APIs with mobile Apps, by using which people can really get rid of soldering, jump wires, and knowledges like electronic engineering, micro-controller programming, network programming, IoT protocols handling. I am not saying that those elements are bad, If you are a beginner, these steps and knowledges are essentially to practice, but sometimes we just want fast prototyping and quick response, and that’s what the Wio was born for, simplify all the steps and make prototyping easy, even if you know nothing about electronics, it is not exaggerate that you can also build a simple IoT project in about 5 minutes.
We have arranged many interesting projects tutorial for you to get started, by using Wio, you are able to water your plant remotely or feed your dog when you aren’t home, wanna dig out what other things you can make with Wio? Check out soon the docs of Wio link and Wio node, have fun!

Product List

Here is the list of the Wio Boards you can find in the Seeed WiKi. The list will be constantly updated.

Platform Introduction

Platform Introduction


Products are grouped into the following platforms: