2017년 4월 2일 일요일

How to Reserve Computers- AI2 forum Q&A about Coding a Complex Problem

How to Reserve Computers Complete - Questions and Answers Posted on the AI2 Forum about the Mechanics of Coding a Complex Problem

or  Advice for the poor lost souls trying to complete a school assignment and the hints that have been provided so far:

Virtually ALL the algorithms needed to complete this class assignment are either posted on the forum or are discussed in the free online AI2 eBook here: http://www.appinventor.org/book2  

There is a problem.  Many of the coding solutions/examples do not look exactly like a way to manage computer reservations (or manage theater seats) and the examples use maps to locate museums or buildings on school campuses or how to use AI2 to make complex decisions.   You need to read and adjust the available examples to your situation and by doing so, you will learn to code well.  "Maps" can be made using images of the buildings on a Canvas.BackgroundImage and using hot spots   OR    using Image sprites of the buildings (perhaps numerals as the image) to locate the building or you could use Vertical and Horizontal arrangements to place buttons of various sizes on the screen representing buildings in a cartoon of their locations (you can adjust the height and width of the buttons using code or the Properties in the Designer screen.)   Unfortunately all the buildings will have to be rectangles or circles    Your imagination is your best friend.

The assignment is not impossible, just complicated.    Break it down into four or five projects that do a piece of the assignment.   When you understand how you solved the issues of all the pieces required, re-write the code into a new project using as few screens as possible (this assignment could be done on a single screen).  

Do NOT make the mistake of using LOTS of screens ..the more screens you use, the more difficult this app assignment becomes (sooner or later you are going to have to pass lots of variables between screens using a TinyDB or other methods and that gets messy).

Do make frequent backups of your work.  Really!     The forum is starting to get pleas from users who exceeded the 5 Mb aia limit, used more than ten screens etc to help fix their projects because the  projects that compiled yesterday do not compile today.

Save frequently aia's (when you know your code is working ..give the saved versions different version names)   and/or  save a second copy of your project to the MIT server by   Projects >  Save project as...  Why?   When you get stuck, are tired and have done something that messes up your project, you can return to a clean version of the project and smile :)       Realize, AI2 has no un-do feature.    Code smart.  Try to avoid long sessions of coding in a panic, getting tired and messing up all the good work you have so far achieved.   

Some schools prohibit their students from posting blocks and asking for help in fixing issues.   If that is your school's requirement, you got to live with it.   Other schools permit discussions of material...a great way to learn ... REAL programmers do not work in a vacuum, they seek advice of books and their colleagues and the ciders learn from the suggestions provided.   Forum members will provide suggestions, but won't do your homework.  You got to learn to program.   A good friend is the DoIt debugger that is part of AI2; learn to use it, you will not loose points by asking the debugger to help you.  Have you learned to search in the forum for key words?     You can also search on the Internet using a combination   of     App Inventor + your search term   or AI2 and the terms.  There is lots of technical help available to help understand published algorithms and how the information can be used with Ai2 to achieve your goals.

Best of luck and create some luck of your own by coding smart.   Please save your work frequently (with a different name each time).

Thanks for the advice
But really my problem is that i have no idea how to 'approach' the task if you know what i mean.
I don't know what components to use etc.

This free AI2 ebook teaches how to program  http://www.appinventor.org/book2  

There are lots of hints and even some code blocks in the link that was posted.  You need to read and do the programming yourself.    If you are allowed to post the blocks you tried so far, someone on the forum will give you specific advice regarding those blocks.

How do you access the ebook.

Bring up the Web page, go to the Chapters at the bottom of the page and left click on one of the chapter headings (in the green field).     Here is a direct link to one of the chapters  http://www.appinventor.org/bookChapters/chapter16.pdf        You have to read a chapter at a time...you can not download it all in one operation.

thank you for your advice, however, i was quite offended by you calling us 'poor lost souls'. And this is not 'cheating' as you said we are simply gathering evidence as to how to create the app, and im sure xxxxxxxxx then you would give us some reasonable advice. xxxxxxxxx. i have actually got a very big computing student now working with me  now so (sassy finger emoji) wont be needing your help... xxxxxxx

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You must think you're the first person to ask these questions.  This assignment seems to be given to a huge number of students, and most of them come here to "get the answers."  If the issue hadn't come up before, nobody would have taken the time to build an extensive set of instructions and hints.

Frankly, and this applies to all doing this type of assignment, if you were to spend the same time searching the forum as you do writing hostile posts like that, you'd have your answers.  Instead, you want the easy way out and hope that we're going to do your homework and assignments for you.

In order to learn, you really should be doing the work yourself, but too many of you are looking for the easy Cliff Notes to get your work done.


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