2014년 12월 31일 수요일

Share fusion tables for editing when I want to read-only App (Share fusion tables for editing when I want to read-only App)

I have written a Quiz with App Inventor 2 That read questions and answers form a Fusion Table. So, the users do not need to write in the Fusion Table. Still, it seems, That the only way for the user to use my App is to be Editor of my my Fusion Table.
Do you know any way Been Editor PERSONAL Respiratory user, but be reliable to read my Fusion Table using my App? I do not want my user to be reliable spoil my Fusion Table (write on it).
Currently users That no Editors of my Fusion Table recieve the following error:
Invalid query: Parse error near & # 39; Forbidden & # 39; (Line 1 position 70).

Thanks a lot.

use the service account option, share the FusionTable with the ServiceAccount Email address and set the permissions to "read only".

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