2016년 11월 15일 화요일

App Inventor and Punya Support

Hi there,
I would like to know if both App Inventor and Punya Fremework still have support and are updated.
Also, I know that Punya is not directly connected to App Inventor, but an MIT guy from AI once said they were implementing Punya features into App Inventor, does someone knows if they are still doing it?

Thank You!

Hi Lucas,

Yes, we are still planning to merge some of the PUNYA features into App Inventor. Is there a particular feature from PUNYA that you are looking for?


Thank you for your answer,
I was looking for some of the sensors like battery and wifi sensor and the google maps feature and I would also like to know if punya apps have the ability of running in the background and receiving push notifications with the appp closed.


I was looking for some of the sensors like battery and wifi sensor 

probably the following extensions can help
Battery Manager Extension to provide battery information and
WiFi Extension offers some useful blocks to use in a wireless lan


I had actually already checked out your extensions, which work perfectly, but my main question is whether punya apps are able to receive push notifications while closed and how I can work with GCM or something else to make it work.


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