2017년 3월 17일 금요일

Can I access songs from sd card for playing a song with audio player? and how?

I am creating an app which has an audio player. I want to play songs which are on sd card in media folder. can i access those songs in a list and play??? how can i do that ?

first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the
I did all basic tutorials. I have created an app for speaker volume control via bluetooth. it works well. but I have to play snogs on different app. I wanted to integrate audio player in the app itself. I tried to find a way to get list of songs in sd card but i couldn't find. It will be a great help if anyone can guide how to do it.

Here is what i found :

App Inventor doesn't  (yet) include a way to list the files on the SDCard. You'll have to use other applications or the Android phone file manager for that.

That is what i want to do! Is there any other way i can do that??

you have to store the names of your mp3 files in a list in App Inventor to be able to play them


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