2017년 4월 29일 토요일

Dweet Pro

Has anyone sucessfully used DweetPro.io with App Inventor 2?
I can get it working in postman, and freeboard with no issue.
I am not 100% sure how to format the request headers.

remove the double quotes

any link to the api documentation?

Same thing with or without quotes.
Documentation seems lacking.

The boss was able to post with his development software, WinDev.
Even he cannot do a GET.
Where to put the Lock Key seems to be the issue.

It no longer works in Postman either, but it was yesterday.  
I may have to get help from DweetPro.io.


Same thing with or without quotes.

which same thing? what is the response content?
use Do it to check, if the url is correct, see also tip 4 here
and keep the double quotes removed...

I think it is Dweetpro.io.  It doesn't even work on their website.
We can post, just not get.
I get;
Content   Session has expired, please re-login  
Code       400
Type        application/json

same error in postman and on their website.

OK, I finally got it.
The Key needs to be appended onto the URL for locked files.
This could be a great service.  Only $2 per lock (a month I assume).
Once they get the historical data part working, watch out. 

I got it.
Key must me appended to the URL.

It works.  The key needed to be appended to the URL.


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