2017년 4월 22일 토요일

Fusion table database query error

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to solve fusiontable query error 2601

tRIED EACH AND EVERY THING qoutify, sql query  etc but nothing worked same issue again and again.  check every spcae as well...

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your SQL query including Do it result, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.



it seems to be, you do not know how to use Do it...
see tip 4 here 
Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor

also you still did not quotify your value in the SELECT statement
also in case there are spaces in column names, you also have to quotify those column names
btw. you could have found these frequently made errors also after reading this

... WHERE 'Email Id' = 'sarahkan@gmail.com'

same for 'Your Name'and 'Contact Info'
It worked thanks


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