2017년 5월 2일 화요일

Disable or delete notifier help

When i click save i dont want to show notifier when i restart. I try this way (see block) but something is wrong because the message not show when i install the apk. Why ?

Please send us a/ screenshot/s or the Components column. Then we can give you more information.

Why you need components ? It is about notification. When i click save, i dont want to see notification message, only when is apk install and is save button press it. Do you understand now ?

My question is if we can store false or true of  the clock ?

why do you need a clock? why don't you display the message directly after button click dependent on the value (true or false) stored in TinyDB?

Like in the pictures from the 1 com, i try but dont work. Maybe tinydb cant store false or tru, i dont know.

Like in the pictures from the 1 com, i try but dont work. Maybe tinydb cant store false or true, i dont know.

Like in the pictures from the 1 com, i try but dont work. Maybe tinydb cant store false or true, i dont know.

Like in the pictures from the 1 com, i try but dont work. Maybe tinydb cant store false or true, i dont know.

 Maybe tinydb cant store false or true, i dont know.

what about just trying it to find it out?
remove the clock component and display the message directly after saving depending on the value stored in TinyDB

I use the clock to eliminate notifier when screen initializate if the button was press it, if not, then the notifier is on.

there is no need to use a clock, see my previous answers

Thank you very much for your time and help.

you might want to provide a screenshot of your solution?



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