BLE component
Friedger Müffke
Jacob Birmingham
Description: Bluetooth Low Energy/Bluetooth Smart is a communication protocol base that allows to exchange data between two devices, usually a mobile devices and an accessory like fitness armband, smart watch, home automation sensor. The main selling point is that these accessories only need very little energy for communication.
(For more details see and
The accessories usually broadcast their presence continuously. Interested mobile devices can query the accessory for available services (e.g. sensor data) and connect to these services. The component allows to send data to and read data of a specific service of a specific accessory.
As a starting point the component could be specific to the following:
⦁ Broadcasting BLE with the custom 31 Byte advertisement (requires Android 5)
⦁ SensorTag (
⦁ Myo (,
⦁ RFDuino ( or proximity sensing (as used in iBeacons).
Git Branch: ble_component
GAE app:
⦁ Methods Broadcasting BLE: custom data in the 31 byte advertising payload., you can use a low cost
Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral
⦁ onPeripheralAdvertisingStart
⦁ onPeripheralAdvertisingStop
Methods SensorTag:
⦁ findSensorTags
⦁ onSensorTagsFound
⦁ connect
⦁ disconnect
⦁ onKeyPressed
⦁ onGyroscopeDataReceived
⦁ onAccelerometerDataReceived
⦁ onMagnetometerDataReceived
⦁ onTemperatureDataReceived
⦁ onHumidityDataReceived
⦁ onBarometerDataReceived
Methods Myo:
⦁ findMyos
⦁ onMyoFound
⦁ onPose
Use cases: BLE is an emerging technology that is used in the internet of things.
The keys on the Sensortag can be used to control action on the app and demonstrate the extension of applications to accessories.
Android phones with version 5 can be used to act as a BLE device (Broadcasting BLE).
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