2017년 7월 23일 일요일

Arduino + BLE Demo: HeartBeat Detector

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT App Inventor Project, CSAIL
6.IoT Seminar
Fall 2015
Arduino + BLE Demo: HeartBeat Detector

You will learn how to
add a sensor to an Arduino board
program the Arduino to read data from the sensor
program the Arduino to send the sensor data to the mobile phone

Arduino IDE is installed with the libraries
  ⚬ BLE SDK for Arduino
  ⚬ RBL-nRF8001
Arduino Board + BLE shield
Arduino KY-039 Detect the heartbeat module

Connect the Arduino and the sensor in the following way-

Load the HeartBeatDetector.ino file into the Arduino Board with the Arduino IDE
Install the HeartbeatDetector.apk on your phone and start playing with it
  ⚬ FYI - If you are not using the board number 2, you need to load the aia, change the BLE address, and then build the new apk

Try to understand and explain to yourself the code in the HeartBeatDetector.ino
Load the HeartbeatDetector.aia into the App Inventor BLE instance -
Try to understand and explain to yourself the code in the HeartbeatDetector.aia
Replace the heartbeat sensor with the temperature sensor  and make something.
Show us what you’ve made in the next class --- optional, but strongly encouraged

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