Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT App Inventor Project, CSAIL
6.IoT Seminar
Fall 2015
Arduino + BLE Demo: HeartBeat Detector
You will learn how to
⦁ add a sensor to an Arduino board
⦁ program the Arduino to read data from the sensor
⦁ program the Arduino to send the sensor data to the mobile phone
⦁ Arduino IDE is installed with the libraries
⚬ BLE SDK for Arduino
⚬ RBL-nRF8001
⦁ Arduino Board + BLE shield
⦁ Arduino KY-039 Detect the heartbeat module
⦁ Connect the Arduino and the sensor in the following way-
⦁ Load the HeartBeatDetector.ino file into the Arduino Board with the Arduino IDE
⦁ Install the HeartbeatDetector.apk on your phone and start playing with it
⚬ FYI - If you are not using the board number 2, you need to load the aia, change the BLE address, and then build the new apk
⦁ Try to understand and explain to yourself the code in the HeartBeatDetector.ino
⦁ Load the HeartbeatDetector.aia into the App Inventor BLE instance -
⦁ Try to understand and explain to yourself the code in the HeartbeatDetector.aia
⦁ Replace the heartbeat sensor with the temperature sensor and make something.
⦁ Show us what you’ve made in the next class --- optional, but strongly encouraged
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