i just tried to use this tutorial: Check Internet Connection In App Inventor but its so long to indicate that there is no connexion when apk is offline.
Is there a way to reduce the latency time?
Is there a way to reduce the latency time?
thanks, but i'm searching a solution for gsm connexion too.
no way to reduce latency, really?
If you are impatient, maybe you can add a special purpose
one shot non repeating disabled Clock to Sajal's solution,
set to whatever number of milliseconds you need before
declaring your connection non-responsive.
This would be a watchdog timer, set to retrieve control
if the Web component event does not fire soon enough
and the Screen1 Error event is too slow.
Before launching the Web1 probe request, set the
watchdog timer to enabled.
Add a Clock.Timer event to catch the time out and respond
appropriately (declare the connection dead).
In your Web1.GotText event, disable the Clock,
because you got your response in time.
(I haven't tried this. Let me know if it works?)
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