your URL is not correct, see again here php#select. a correct URL looks like this. Taifun ...
first do a SELECT statement using the Google Visualisation API https:// to select your row you like to modify ...
Hi Taifun. I did read that google visualization API and why I asked about the capitalization. I also saw that you could put the select statement directly ...
normally you would use the fusiontable component and a SELECT statement. see the Pizza Party tutorial Pizza Party with Fusion Tables for App ...
according to the Google Visualisation API the correct SQL statement should be. SELECT B. see also ...
There are no formulas available in Google fusiontables, probably you are looking at a Google Spreadsheet? ... To get the number of orders from Martin, you have to send a SELECT statement to the table like this. SELECT ...
Also, are your only options to use a php script or Google spreadsheet? (I don't know what ... you could download all data with one SELECT statement.
The example spreadsheet had 3 columns: name, email and message text. ... The script will be triggered and executes the following statement (pseudo code): ... In column "Run" select the function "action" from the dropdown list.
you have to adjust the example to your needs and use it together with your link to your spreadsheet. then you can define a select statement to select some information you like. The Google Visualisation API works for public ...
the sql statement looks fine. you also can try a select * where B like 'Bell%'. or as test try a select * where B = 'Bell Tower'. or as test try a select *.
see also Do you have an idea of what is to be in this SQL statement? try a. SELECT A GROUP BY ...
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