2017년 8월 21일 월요일

Web Scraping Tester

Note Result: 25 contains the level value being sought:

The core blocks:

This is a general-purpose web scraper for testing your URLs and prefix/suffix/tag values.
You can save items between sessions which consist of:

⦁ URL of the web page which contains the data value to be mined
⦁ prefix text which occurs right before the data value
⦁ suffix text which occurs right after the data value
⦁ a description to be displayed in an items ListPicker

For the included example URL-
the source is [...level":25,...]
the prefix is [level":]
the suffix is [,]
the scraped result: [25]

HTML or XML tags could be used as well:

[...<actor>Charlie Chaplin</actor>...]
where the prefix is [<actor>]
and the suffix is [</actor>]
and the result is [Charlie Chaplin]


댓글 1개:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this, I am looking for a good way to get the data from my ZEVERSOLAR inverter. Now, from the service page from the inverter I can grab my data and make my own information without using the ZEVER CLOUD.
