i need help about my app inventor project.
i have a jquery image cropper: Go to website
When I try on any browser to there is no a problem.
i added this url to web viewer in app inventor2, but I can not file selection process when I click the button.
this is my problem and i need help.
(uploading process performed by a file jquery)
Well, I tried your website, but it does not work for me using the Chrome browser.
Anyway, I suspect that this will not be possible using App Inventor. The WebViewer is not a full function browser.
Cheers, Ghica.
as Ghica said
probably you are interested in my image extension https://puravidaapps.com/image.php
there are currently 2 methods available
you could write your own extension and create an image cropper block yourself...
however currently the extensions are restricted to non visible components
more information about how to create an extension see here https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/Ip2AX036d0U/5NJlAEbFCgAJ
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...
Thank u Ghica and Taifun.
is it available like this? : http://stackoverflow.com/
maybe we can handle this problem via ActivityStarter on app inventor.
but im new in android development :S
Thanks again..
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