2017년 3월 5일 일요일

App Inventor 2: creating a graph.

Hey, I'm still kind of new to this App Inventor and app designing at all really but I was hoping someone or a group of people could help get me in the right direction of making a graph. It's the end of the year for me and I'm About to graduate, My teacher threw this at me saying my other project wouldn't work so I'm on AI2 now. I have a very basic idea of  what to do I think but like I said I am still new all of this. Any help will be appreciated thank you very much.

the (unfortunately) deprecated Google Chart API https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/infographics/docs/overview is easy to work with
you will be able to use it until April 20, 2015
for an example how to use it see here http://puravidaapps.com/qr.php#q

alternatively search for another API here http://programmableweb.com/

Try looking thru this thread ...
Accelerometer tester

You can graph using the Canvas.  This is what ABG is eluding to in the referenced link.  You use the screen canvas coordinates to plot data.

Here are two key routines, one converts map coordinates to World coordinates, the other converts World coordinates to map (Canvas screen) coordinates.

and it will give you a graph where values become screen pixels:  

to get the example x * 2 = y plot.    Yes, you need quite a few global variables and the plotting routines.


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