2014년 12월 24일 수요일

problem in duplication screen

problem in duplication screen

I downloaded the file on the local PC .aia
I renamed the file in .zip
I extracted the contents
I entered in the src \ AppInventor \ myaccount \ myapp \
I created a copy of the 3 rows of a screen that I wanted to duplicate
I created again the zip file
I renamed the zip in .aia
I imported the files into the app inventor 2 completed

** I get the error message **
the selected project is not a project source files! Project source files arefiles Hague

while the original file .aia imports it without problems, the only thing that has changed between the two files .aia is the addition of this new screen

for you what's the problem?

Did you use Scott's method to duplicate a screen?  He demonstrates two methods here   https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/app-inventor-developers-library/copy$20screens

You have to follow the procedure exactly.    I suspect somewhere, you did not follow a step.  The way to duplicate a screen is fairly complicated.  My advice is to 
protect your 'good' aia, make a copy of the aia and use that to try again.

"I created a copy of the 3 rows of a screen that I wanted to duplicate" might be where you had a problem.  Try duplicating one screen at a time.

I solved you must edit the copy of the original file that you unzippedcreating a copy of the screen are interested then you should notrecompress those folders but drag those screen just duplicate theoriginal file farmyard that has never been neither modified nor renamedby entering the screen in the correct folder.

then be imported back into the file urinal .aia app inventor

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