2016년 11월 21일 월요일

Get row with condition with variable

Hello to all,
I would like to select the NAME where the AGE is lower than a certain variable1 and HEIGHT is lower than a certain  variable2 where variable1 and variable2 contains 2 numbers inserted by the user.
Example: the fusion table contains the following two rows.

18    -   1,7       - Thomas
25    -   1.8       - John

The user inserted '22' in the Textbox AGE and '1,75' in the Textbox HEIGTH and gets as result 'Thomas'

Thank you in advance to who'll help me :)

send a select statement to the table like this
SELECT NAME FROM <tableid> WHERE AGE < variable1 AND HEIGHT < variable2


Hi Teifun,
I receive a parse error . I think that the problem is the way with wich I refer to the variables in the condition.

The condition is:
"età < AGE AND altezza < HEIGTH". I paid attentions to the empty spaces before and after the <.
Any suggestion?

Thank you

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.


Hi Taifun,
attached the block with the table and the error.
Thank you again

Immagine.png 표시 중
Immagine2.png 표시 중

instead of using the texts eta and altezza you should use the global variables eta and altezza instead... just use the join block to join these values ...



Hi Taifun,
I tried but it does not work. I tried also to simplify but I received the same error. I attached a pict.

Thank you very much for the support

Immagine.jpg 표시 중

do the Pizza Party tutorial to learn, how to quotify your values, then try again
also use Do it to debug your condition, see also tip 4 here 

Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor



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