2016년 11월 20일 일요일

How to use gennymotion emulator?[URGENT NEEDED]

 I had already install the gennymotion emulator. The emulator also go out.But how to connect it with app inventor? When i press emulator it will show up the stock emulator. Please help me...........
For App Inventor you need another emulator.

Click on the appropriate Link to download AiStarter:

If AiStarter is installed, follow the instructions in the following website: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/setup-emulator.html 

To connect Emulator with website, launch AiStarter, go on the website to the Connect menu and click Emulator.

Just treat the genymotion android guest like a real device, so use the companion app to connect. You may have to bridge the network adapter (open up settings via virtualbox) in order to get onto the same network

Yes i had install all virtual box and follow the instruction.Like in the link .Gennymotion for personal use.It is free. Awesome. Thanks again everyone.MIT apps is awesome.


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