2016년 11월 30일 수요일

.mp3 vs .wav error 703

My app is working well when .wav files are used for a sound, but when I try to use .mp3 files I receive Error 703: unable to play sound. I have tried Mp2 and M4A as well, but they don't work either. The only sound file that works is (.wav) Any suggestions?

provide a screenshot of your "relevant blocks". this will help to solve your issue.

Here is a screen shot of my buttons. Very simple . . . 1) push the button 2)hear the uploaded sound. Works great with .wav sound files. I then upload any compressed (.mp3,mp2,m4a,etc) audio file of the exact same sound sample and the error 703 comes up. Thanks for any help you can give.

try the Player component instead

Thank you. The Player does play the compressed files. The only problem with the player is it requires the entire sound file to finish playing before another can be played. With my app, I need to be able to hear other sounds in rapid succession, or even better simultaneously while pressing multiple buttons at the same time (which I have not yet been able to figure out). The "Sound" block has the "MinimumInterval (ms)" option allowing me to set that at "0."  This is perfect for what I am trying to accomplish. I have seen piano apps out there that allow one to play simultaeous notes. Is this possible with the MIT App Inventor?

see here: search results for piano
It does not look like you have used the forums yet, as a search using the search box above would have returned several threads about this topic.


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