2016년 12월 18일 일요일

Setting up activitystarter for qr droid

I like to use in my program for creating qr code whichprovides program QR Droid. Here is a guide to the author of the program, but I do not know how to use it in the App Inventorhttp://qrdroid.com/android-developers/#4

Encode (Generate)

✫ Action: You must use this action: la.droid.qr.encode
Intent qrDroid = new Intent( “la.droid.qr.encode” );

✫ Mandatory parameter: You MUST provide text to be encoded (QR code contents) by seting extra “la.droid.qr.code“.
qrDroid.putExtra(“la.droid.qr.code”, “This will be QR code content”);

✫ Optional parameter “size”: By default, QR code size will be automatic, according to with of screen of device. If you want to override this, you can set “la.droid.qr.size” in pixels.
qrDroid.putExtra( “la.droid.qr.size” , 150);

✫ Optional parameter “image”: By default, QR Droid will return to you a full path of generated QR code using Google API, so no image will be really generated and result will start with http://chart.apis.google.com/chart. If you prefer, you can set parameter “la.droid.qr.image” to make QR Droid create this image in user’s SD card and return a local path (ex: /sdcard/QrDroid/tmp/QrDroid_123.png)

qrDroid.putExtra( “la.droid.qr.image” , true);

✫ Call:
startActivityForResult(qrDroid, 0);

✫ Result: Inside onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data), you must read result as String. It will contain a remote URL or a local path.
String result = data.getExtras().getString(“la.droid.qr.result”);

see here Using the Activity Starter
and see several Activity Starter examples here https://puravidaapps.com/snippets.php#2activity

now try something, see also

and if you get stuck, then it would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

Can you use the Barcode scanner built in to the sensor components to scan your QR code - saves a lot of work?

Thanks for help.

I have used puravida and works.


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