2017년 3월 31일 금요일

Getting information about errors and warnings for blocky code

For my project I need to get the number of warnings and error messages displayed (While working on block editor which can be viewed lower bottom left corner of the viewer window). I can see the code for doing same this behavior in blocky-all.js. But this file is generated runtime.

These are the contents for displaying the number of errors and warnings as text in blocky-all.js

  this.errorCount_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('text',
      {'fill': "black", 'transform':"translate(75,14)"},
  this.errorCount_.textContent = "0";

  this.warningCount_ = Blockly.createSvgElement('text',
      {'fill': "black", 'transform':"translate(20,14)"},
  this.warningCount_.textContent = "0";

These are the comments I found in the build-common.xml. But I am not sure how this file is being generated.

<!-- ==================================
       blocklyeditor_BlocklyCompile builds:
       - build/blockly-all.js
 ===================================== -->

  <target name="blocklyeditor_BlocklyCompile">
    <ant inheritAll="false" useNativeBasedir="true" dir="${appinventor.dir}/blocklyeditor"

Please can anyone suggest easy way for getting this information or point to some sources? Thanks in advance for all the help and time

There is some information about the blocks editor in this unfinished
document: The Blocks Editor in App Inventor 2

Thanks a lot that was helpful. The code logic related to error and warning counts is in warninghandler.js

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