no, this is still not possible. star issue 197 -for-android/issues/detail?id=197. to star an issue means, to click ...
you can't create components dynamically. you can prepare components as much as you think you might need an hide them. then if you need one of ...
I am trying to dynamically create table with list elements and checkbox . ... 2) Also is there any way to copy user components ? ie buttons , labels ?
you can't create components dynamically in App Inventor. but you could use the canvas and image sprites as buttons. just set the image sprites to ...
App Inventor does not offer a possibility to create components (in your case buttons) dynamically, but you could use a list to display the items to select ...
Hi, is it possible, with app inventor 2, to create dynamically a list of buttons, which can be called by a number ? For exemple Button(i).Background etc ...
... expand the tree again by clicking on a + symbol, no this is not possible in App Inventor, because there is no possibility to dynamically create buttons.
yes, you can't create buttons dynamically, but this also does not make sense for 49 results as in the example... you could display the results in a ...
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