who can help me to find the right formula in blocks
i dont get it right'
the meaning is
when i give a number between 0 and 60 than the answer must be 210 when i give a number between 61 and 100 than the answer is 271 ( 210 and 271 are parts )
What have you tried Willem? You might post your blocks.
What you want to do is use a conditional statement in conjunctions with some blocks to show whether a value is less than or more than.
The tutorial showing how to do such things is here:
essentially something like:
If NUMBER >= 0 and NUMBER <= 60 then ANSWER = 210 else if NUMBER >= 61 and NUMBER <= 100 then ANSWER = 271
Construct this with the blue Math blocks ... NUMBER and ANSWER are both global Variables.
No, how about trying some blocks and see what happens?
thanks steve for your reation
i will try it i will come back with a reaction
i have tried everything but i dont get it
If NUMBER >= 0 and NUMBER <= 60 then ANSWER = 210 that i understood
but i don't find the right blocks
do you know is there somthing simulair on you tube maby
You still have not shown with blocks what you have tried Willem.
You possibly are having trouble with the Math blocks ... look here how you can change a = to a >= or a <= http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/support/blocks/math.html
or possibly and issue with the Logic blocks ... the AND perhaps http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/support/blocks/logic.html
This code snippet might help:
Now perhaps you will show the blocks you tried?
thank you for the info agin ( its a big jigsaw for me )
the info dat you send wil help me to undrstand the working of the blocks
in the next few day's i wil try again and i wil show jou my result ( for sure )
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