2017년 4월 14일 금요일

Using Arabic language in csv

Is there any way to use csv file in arabic language?

yes, store the text file in UTF8 format, see also

I tried the same way in excel sheet for csv but there is no UTF8 format.

A csv in Arabic might look like

,اسمي ستيف
,أنا أعيش في ولاية تكساس
, أحب AI2
,هذا هو مثال باستخدام. AI2 لبناء التطبيق متعدد اللغات. أرجو أن أكون حصلت على الترميز صحيحة.

and be the equivalent of the 'same' equivalent text in English


My name is Steve.,
I live in Texas.,
I like AI2.,

note the comma (,)  precedes the text in the csv

This could provide something like this:

Still I am stuck with using the same way in excel csv. I have 2 column in excel sheet one column contains English number  and one column contains Arabic letter
I have feeling that there is no way to convert this csv into Arabic. Attached is file. please I need from you or any volenteer to convert it and send it to me back.
Thank you and appreciate of your great job.

the file already looked fine
I opened it using notepad and saved it in UTF8 format

4,ربع الحزب
6,نصف الحزب
8,ثلاثة أرباع الحزب

I am really sorry about what did I say in previous but it was just feeling. I tried so many times again but nothing done well with me. Please I attached the file again with all I need to complete my app. Please if you don't mind convert it to Arabic and send it to me again. 

I have read it so many times since yesterday but I couldn't get any good result. May be the Notpad that I have  is different.

I have downloaded the same file that I had sent it to you on my computer and opened it by using notepad and saved it in UTF8 format. Now is working well.


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