2017년 6월 9일 금요일

download pdf one times, then read file from download folder >>> how??

i want from user to click (BUTTON1) and then download pdf file from web site
then when he click (BUTTON1) again, pdf file will open from download folder (without download again)
how i can do this
thank you

look picture

How to download a file and save it on your device
after download use TinyDB to store, that file has been downloaded
TinyDB tutorial by Stephen

You need an "if" block in your button click block to toggle the button from "download" to "open". Suggest using the button text as the simplest test (so change the button text on first click)

i try with this ..... look picture
but give me an error

Your blocks need to look like this:
You need to remember to call the ActivityStarter (to start!)

Alternatively, you could simply view the pdf using the webviewer:
Code courtesy of Taifun/puravidaapps


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