is it possible to use another fond than sans serif ?
I program a vocabulary trainer und I would like to use the phonetic script to show the pronunciation.
So I need a font that contains the phonetic script.
App Inventor has three available fonts, san serif, serif and monospace. Go to the Properties bin on the Designer for a label to find them. You can set one for each label and or button. However, not diacritical marks unless you are using a PC that has them as part of the Language set up.
What you need are the diacritical marks. One way to do this is to type what you need in and editor like Notepad, saving to UTF-8 format (instead of the default ASCI), copy it to a text block, then set a label block to the text block with the text using the diacritical marks
The following forum topic might help: Using a foreign language
That doesn't work or I haven't understand it.
I have copied the character 2376 from the unicode-table (
Then I have paste it into word.
Word use the fond "Cambria Math" to show this character.
Then I have paste it into a text block.
This works too.
But when I start "Al Campinion" and click button3, I can't see the character on the display of the smart phone. There is only displayed a square instead.
What is a label block ?
I want to show the phonetic text saved in a csv-file.
What is a label block ?
first do the tutorials to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the
Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor
Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor
btw. alternatively you could use the webviewer to display another font, see also
you can also pass the text to display during runtime to the webviewer, for more see here A powerful Label Alternative including touch gestures using the Webviewer, some HTML/jQuery and Hammer.js
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