I want to connect 2 external devices (accelerometer) with the phone. These accelerometers are placed on a human body for measuring rotation velocity.
How can I connect these external devices to the application? I would like to have near real-time data stream to the mobile phone, so after a body movement the information is directly shown,
Does anyone know how to do this? How to make this near real-time connection with external devices.
You most likely can use the Accelerometer component along with File component where you append the result of Acceleromter to the file in csv format. However, you won't really be able to smooth the data. I had similar app developed, but involved using Android SDK HERE.
Thanks for your answer! I had a look on your site with the tutorials, and it looks really helpfull for learing how to develop applications! It will definetaly help me with some functions.
Can I ask you some specific question about app development if I am further in the process of developing my application?
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