2017년 7월 8일 토요일

search results for data problem with bluetooth

So for anybody who has same problem. When you are using more than one clock in your ap, you mast stop them in their loop and start only when it's ...
Then i fix my app by saving the slider data into text first and transfer via bluetooth with CSV row method. It's seen that if i just sending the list of three ...
Your data stream is sliding around, making it hard to parse on the receiving end. Set the AI2 BlueTooth Client Delimiter attribute in the Designer to 10.
rethink the IF/THEN comparisons. Is your data arriving okay from BlueTooth? I couldn't tell from your message. If not, there are extra things you can do ...
You are assigning the number of bytes available to Global Sensor not the actual data. Once you have the number bytes ... If your data is short then you don't need to keep adding it to the received data variable like I do (ie. receivedDataFromBT = receivedDataFromBT + Bluetooth.RecieveText). You can ...
I am facing problem while receiving Bluetooth 4 byte data from arduino board in 10ms .receiving slice of data eg my data is 1234 but it will not receive ...
I have a big Problem with my App. ... I have testet the arduino send String by the Serial Monitor from Arduino and the Bluetooth Terminal App. Both get ...
Hello,. I try to do a link between a HM10-BLE Bluetooth device and a PIC18F87J50. I began to wrote an application with this BLE device and i ...
(Bluetooth is connected). Screen2 just has any buttons to call bluetooth send the text. There is a problem show out, when i press the screen2 button, ...
5/9/15 by Shane Shane - 3 posts by 2 authors 121 views
i am using a no. of sliders in my app which sends data over bluetooth to arduino board...........along with data value the index no. of the slider is also ...
Mar 7 by Chetan Mangha - 2 posts by 2 authors 16 views
The problem was that I spammed my micro controller with printing functions every iteration, to be more specific I spammed my arduino(micro controller) with Serial. print / Serial.println function every cycle and my Serial monitor was spammed with the same data I sent from my phone(I thought it was no big ...
They helped me find the problem. I was looking in the wrong place. ... Because of timings and not clearing the Bluetooth input buffer I was getting corrupt datathat the app was still trying to process. Part of the data is a numeric value ...
It should scan for Bluetooth Beacons and save the Scan Data (ID + RSSI) into a textfile. ... Does anyone know how to solve the problem? Thanks for ...
The problem is that I couldn't stay connected with the bluetooth module with the others screen, which consists of clicking the buttons to send the commands. ... In other words, In the main screen I can send data but when i try to send data from another another then the erro of loose connection appears.
I have problem with my app(easy volt meter). I create an app which should allow me to receive data from AVR sending via Bluetooth. It seems to work ...
Data string : *83,13,58,37,2016,4,25 is readed from arduino and interpreted by app ... I don't know how to solve this problem. Becouse in app i have to ...
My problem at the moment is: I made a "homescreen" where are some buttons to other screens, such as the bluetooth screen, but some data are shown at the " homescreen" aswell. One of those screens, is my "Bluetooth-Screen" ...
2. BluetoothClient Receive delay and leakage of data, clock TimerInterval 1000 to 100 still have this problem? 3. Under state open App Bluetooth off ...
I started using App Inventor only one weeks ago, I more or less finished my app using bluetooth, Fusion and rfid on arduino, I can connect to my ... My problem is that my Idcard that is something similar to 8E 6F 9G 0D appeare only for one second and then disappear in my text box, so I can't insert the ...
I'm makeing a very simple app that will be the virtual dashboard for an Arduino- based MIDI device; Arduino and my app communicate via Bluetooth, sending and ... The problem could be on Arduino side, but as far as I can understand, more probably the error (programming error) is on app side.
We're using Arduino and App Inventor in our project via bluetooth. When the app send "0" or "1", the Arduino will respond with the corresponding data.
But the statement "call BluetoothBLE1.startscanning" occurs the notification " Bluetooth Advertisements Not Supported". And I also have the same problem like @Bluetrack : For testing I use the serial monitor. -->I can successfully connect and disconnect, but can't send any data via the app. If I use "nRF ...
... these data from arduino to my android phone. i use appinventor for android phone. there is no problem during communication. but when i pressed ...
I want to use Bluetooth Connection in different Screen. Can some body ... Problem: I want to change screen and keep bluetooth connection in all screen. ... 2.connect bluetooth in screen 1 > send data to screen 1 and disconnect screen 1 bluetooth connection> reconnect bluetooth connection in screen 2.
... send data and text to a Bluetooth HC05 module the App is running on a S7 phone and the terminal program on a windows 7 laptop , the problem I'm ...
I programmed an app with the MIT App Inventor 2 and a Arduino UNO sketch that communicate over the HC-06 bluetooth modul to control a led stripe ... " UNO_Handshake_Protokoll" the last communication has ended corretly ("a" is always the last step in the handshake and tells the app that the data ...
... trying to separate data on my app with using delimiter (10). because when i press a button i want the answer on his respective label but i have a problem. ... i write something on my second terminal to send datas and that make me crazy !, i dont have any arduino or code for it, just a bluetooth terminal to ...
I have a little problem, hope somebody can help me... maybe is something very simple but I couldn't find out what I din't do correctly.. I developed a small cellphone app to ... I can send data to the PLC and I can receive data from PLC with no issues with BlueTerm app for android. I create the APK file with ...
The Bluetooth module am using is HC-06 and it pairs fine and in the app when i connect to the BT module it connects successfully but when i try to send any dataacross, I get a notification saying Bluetooth device not ... I need help to solve this problem i have attached the apk and the aia please help me.
I have a little problem , i am trying to do an app for my project at school . I need to send commands from my phone to a computer using Bluetooth.
That is all you have to do on the AI side up to the sending the data over BlueTooth. I don't know how you would convince the PC that it is connected to ...
I can save file.txt contains data from bluetooth transmision complete from beginning until the end of trasnmission. even I use label to receive and call save ... and now, the problem is, file that I saved contains number in string form. my goal was use that each number as a value for calculation. do you have ...
... Bluetooth connectiviry. App Inventor application is able to receive and send data trough Bluetooth; For, example from the tablet I send command to turn on a light. ... The Problem: I want my application to email automatically when an event happens (For example, my room door was opened). I have tried ...
hey can you help on how can i send accelerometers data values as forwards, reverse, left,right, and stop on arduino via bluetooth ??:(. pls help me i ...
I omitted separating stuff in bins because I was having a hard time translating manual USER INPUT vs continuous SENSOR DATA INPUT in this sense. I didn't have much ... 1) Captured the data from the Arduino using Bluetooth. OK.
I am working about Bluetooth connection. And I found a problem in the Inventor2. When I ... ReceiveTextNumberOfBytes" will always waiting the data.
I need to plot bluetooth data comming out of a Arduino on the Android, but here is my first problem, modifying the previous program wont work as I ...
Some time ago i wrote that i had a problem with bluetooth comunication wchich i thought I solved. Well the solution works with ... 3) getting data from arduino ( simply tekst but 21bits long, starting with *) ->error. ( the file wchich i ...
Good evening Shubham Meena, did u solve your problem already? i faced the same problem like you.
On the POPC7 it looks like the BytesAvailableToReceive() routine does not return , but only when there is no data available on Bluetooth. ... the data, then it will cause the app to hang. I think this guy might have the same problem:.
At the moment I have a pretty big problem, it is about reiciving the data my mate gets from our sensor at the arduino ( it is about controlling the temperature of water ) , he should send this data via bluetooth ( hc 05 ) to our android device where my app is installed, but I have no idea how I should ...
My data never exceeds 16 bytes at 9600 baud? 3.> What Bluetooth device seems to be the the most problem free with respect to arduino comm?
I have succeeded in building a fully functional App Inventor interface for NeuroSky Mindwave Mobile but have ran into a problem that is likely a limitation of App ... The MindWave Mobile streams bluetooth data at 9600 baud rate.
my current project is to display multiple sensor data from Arduino on an Android Smartphone. But the values ... HC-06 Bluetooth. - DHT22 (Sensor for Temperature and Humidity). - LPS25H (Sensor for air pressure, I2C). - LG E430 Smartphone. Arduino sketch: #include ... It seems to be a timing problem.
Anyway, your problem is that you are trying to connect to Bluetooth in an other screen than Screen1. This is not possible. So, rewrite your app to use ...
Also see the BlueTooth/Arduino section of this FAQ,. particularly discussions about delimiter usage.
I am trying to acquire data from a Bluetooth-connected RFID scanner (TSL-1128), which uses ASCII communication. Using BTClient1.aia from ... I suspect it is aproblem with how the commands are being encoded and/or terminated.
I made an application for seeing value sent by Arduino via bluetooth. The arduino is ... No problem at all with my new phone with android 4.4.2 but on my old phone with 4.1.1, it bugs after 10sec and the data are not in real time.
Hi Im sending by bluetooth a table 8x8 which includes a 64 temperature values. I' sending ... My problem is that I cannot get that results on my app.
Just looking for some help in regards to a app i'm building that connects to a arduino via Bluetooth shield it also has a can bus shield for car data. ... the problem i see with is is the when the variable is only two digits long it will ignore the fan speed on the end as it uses the wildcard on the space. eg 851 ...
... app to provide bidirectional communication between UART and BLE ( Bluetooth Low Energy) for which i am suppose to transmit data between BLE and ... The problem i face is after installing app in mobile, it notifies that " Bluetooth Advertisements not supported,sorry " and i am also not able to SCAN ...
I am making an application for drive a test bench by bluetooth , so i send commands to the bench like for change the frequency (#F?) ... The other problem is : i want the see all data on one label (label 11) (a terminal we can see it at the end of the application) its to know if the command is send to the ...
... inventor for the first time and I am trying to build an app to receive information from arduino (I am using arduino NANO) via bluetooth (I have a HC-05 Module). My problem is that I'm sending arduino data to an app When the app starts the data is sending me but after a few minutes I get an error on the ...
Hello,. I am doing a short application for separate data from a terminal bluetooth. So when i press a button i want the answer ( i write it on a bluetooth ...
For you information I can connect to a bluetooth serial com and send data from the Phone to the arduino. So that piece of code is working but receiving more then one is a problem. If have something created in BLOCKS but that does ...
I successfully receive data from arduino with them. I have problem with comparing data, but that part isn't interesting to you. On the side of arduino, ...
I developed a small app that imports data from Arduino through bluetooth, the part of Arduino is ... When I install the application I have a problem:
I had a similar issue. I solved my problem by putting the Arduino data in start and end tags. I use < and > but other characters can be used. My data is ...
Now I'm trying to conect and send data from Android to Arduino with Bluetooth. My questions are: 1. How can i share ... I load another screen? 2. Is there someproblem in connecting Bluetooth to Arduino Mega clone board? Thanks.
... android app which receives data from bluetooth module (HC-07) and plots a graph in real time. i have problem in starting bluetooth protocols. i just ...
My understanding is that it is an Android issue - something about how it implements Bluetooth means it can have issues connecting to these embedded bluetoothmodules. I've never used ... This has some settings you can change to improve the situation but still sometimes the problem arises. It can also ...
I am trying to send a 4 digit integer value from a Textbox to a Bluetooth Module ( HC-06) on a Mega2560. The problem I am having is that can send any 3 digit value or less, and the module will receive the data fine and I can read it ...
The interpretation is fine if you think it is fine, as far as the reading is concerned, I have a problem with the way you do this, because you may receive ...
From your last screenshot I see what the problem is: You get many messages within one timer interval, therefore your list is not a look-up list and you ...
I'll explain better my issue: the app created with AI2 is on a tablet, and this tablet sends data through bluetooth to another remote device. Now I need to speak ... Do you have any suggestions, advices or ways to take in the problem?
I am experimenting an bluetooth low energy based application Basically it works as I want when I use the MIT AI2 Companion : it connects and share data as requested The problem arises when I build the application APK on my PC and then loaded it on my phone When the app is on my phone I install it ...
I have the same problem. If you install an App from ... string, byte or Integer. When I connect to the device with notify enabled, I can only receive the data through ' ByteValueChanged', (which may be the correct way to receive data?) ...
You have a large problem. When you change from the screen that connects to a Bluetooth device using App Inventor, the Bluetooth connection closes ...
I'm running into a huge problem. I'm trying to draw points on the canvas based on reading from ultrasonic sonar, I'm getting data from sonar using Bluetooth. But sometimes Bluetooth is passing 2 values next to each other resulting in ...
Now here comes my problem: I put the data in ... And to use the data in a fast clock to get the last Pixel that was put in and then I send it to my Arduino viaBluetooth but I don't have a way to know wich pixels I have send. My first idea ...
You code one or many "Serial.print(data...);" to see if data ok before or after an action on arduino. But the problem with UNO is that you have only one serial and if you use it with BT it's not possible to see serial monitor . The solution, i ...
hello Google. here is my problem. i have 2 variables, "a" and "b". the code is simple as shown in the figure above. i want to display the output from that serial print to my android phone via bluetooth so i've made a simple app for that. the problem is now with my block. i don't know how to let my app ...
SupportedServices procedure,when I increase the delay to 2000ms the APP got the SupportedServices data,so I think this way can fixed the problem!
Since, we are doing this processing simultaneously as we receive data, so the Bluetooth automatically disconnects. If we are not doing any processing, there is no such problem. Please help me with this. I will try to attach sample file ...
Thanks a lot, i resolve the problem with your tips, here is the solution. I create two blocks named Separar and Separar2 (Split and Split2) they receive the datafrom the UART and split it as the block indicate using a ',' (or comma) as ...
I am unable to send 2 Byte numbers > 127 via the Bluetooth Client. If the no is greater than 128, the received data is showing 65408 , for 129 it's showing 65409 at the receiver end and so on. What I'm trying ... Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to solve this particular problem? I'm unable ...
If serial1 doesn't work then, either you haven't connected the Bluetooth adapter to serial1 in the correct manner, or serial1 does not behave exactly the same as serial. I can't comment ... Please let the forum know how you get on: it can be useful for others to see how you solved your problem. Best wishes.
Did you search for support pages for this belt to see if they have an open API, in order to know what the data is you can expect? You need answers to these questions, and then you can search this forum, finding many examples for connecting with Bluetooth. But be aware that if the API is proprietary, ...
I've got the app working, but sometimes if I try to send data without bluetooth being connected, or if the bluetooth fails to connect, you get one of the typical errors. "error xxx: unable to connect", etc... the problem is, these errors stay on the screen for 45 seconds or longer (haven't timed exactly). It will even ...
So I recently finished writing an arduino sketch that is supposed to sync with an app that I also wrote that connect together via bluetooth (hc-06). ... to confirm that my arduino sketch works perfectly (as it has been able to output the expected data), but I have been having a problem syncing it to the app.
I've set the Bluetooth DelimiterByte to 10 so I can use ReceiveTextnumberOfBytes -1 to read the whole message in. However, I found this just locked ... This was why I looked at other ways of reading the data in and found your example, only to find it not working for me. (To finally get to the point...) If the ...
Here is the problem. ... After that we can use wifi to send and receive data. We can use modules with both bluetooth and wifi for attaching the sensor and usebluetooth on the smartphone to communicate the setup information.
I have a little problem , i am trying to do an app for my project at school . I need to send commands from my phone to a computer using Bluetooth.
... with arduino throught bluetooth, I can save the name and the expiration of the card, but when I go to scan the card I can't read the data from the database and visualize ... I really appreciate if someone will solve my problem or can give me a link for a tutorial from which I can learn and solve my problem.
I am trying to write an app that can receive multiple data(ie string) from Arduino via Bluetooth, initially, I want to store multiple strings in a file or tiny DB ... with already present strings based on that i want to perform some other operations. the problem is I am not able to store the data and compare them, ...
I'm developing a citizen science app that reads water quality data through a bluetooth connection, adds a GPS location in the phone, and uploads all the data to a server. The goal is to take a ... My problem: the GPS location updates when the phone is in sleep mode for some phones but not others.
With another external app of a simple bluetooth terminal, i receive the data without any problem on smartphone and tablet. The Blocks: And the error:.
Problem is im not sure how to tell the new screen to display the data from the bluetooth client. i tried a couple different ways but just got either a black ...
i decided to create an Android Appli with AI2 which affords to receive data coming from a HC-06 Bluetooth module. This one is connected to ... I will going to be mad with that problem which seems to have any origins. If anyone have ...
If you have an Arduino with Bluetooth low energy (BLE), you phone can also be the receiving side, but you still have the problem that your app must ...
That means after the Bluetooth connects automatically then the data from Bluetooth to Mit app should read out without clicking on the button or using button . Because this ... I hope u clearly understood the problem of mine... Can u ...
Sir, I dont think the circuitary will be an issue as we use bluetooth to send and much more data than this. As far as sendind and ... It is saying "gasleak" even when the current reading is below threshold , this problem wasn;t there earlier.
I hear that Bluetooth connections do not survive a screen switch. The solution to ... That might immediately overwrite any input data with zero or blank. You would avoid this possible problem by using the available input bytes count.
The part of logging the data to the list is done, tested it on a listview. My problem is: How do I get the data out to Bluetooth in the order it was recorded?
Hopefully, the eagerly awaited new version of BLE will solve the problem....... This is ... Use the micro:bit Blue App to read the accelerometer data and to set the refresh period to 640 mS - maximum. Wait for the ... https://lancaster-university. github.io/microbit-docs/resources/bluetooth/bluetooth_profile.html.
Specifying the delimiter in the Bluetooth client partially solved the problem. If I want to split ... I am asking this because some of the devices are sending the datain the format STRING1crSTRING2cr (cr=carriage return). If I use the ...
how switching screens tears down connections used for Bluetooth. ... screens, to avoid the whole problem. You would have to manage more blocks in one screen, but. you would benefit from less screen-screen data passing.
Everything is going pretty well, but I have a problem sending bluetooth data from Arduino to the mobile phone. One of my text labels must ask Arduino ...
I am using the BluetoothClient to exchange data with other bluetooth device. When I make a call to the "connect" function ... I tried to solve this problem by the putting the "connect" call in a timer function. However, it still freeze the UI.

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