I've created a simple app, with a screen, button and sound file (mp3) it works perfectly on demo on the MIT app. However when ... I get a 703 error (on soundcomponent) and 701 error (on player component). I'm using a Google Pixel ...
I've been trying to add sound to my app but every file type my sound guy tries gives me this error on the first play attempt. It always plays the sound on ...
Convert your media file. ... I first received 703 errors... i converted to wav files to m4a files and received 701 errors. I changed ... The errors occur on the "Shake" portion to play a random sound file. The file on the initial load plays fine.
(1) the sound buttons which have initial sound components and wav file setting in the Designer section play no problem. (2) the additional sounds must be touched a second time each to overcome a 703 error, but the interesting thing is *after that * they all play just fine. In other words, after you play each ...
After i followed the steps on making an app that tells me my latitude and longitude , for some reason my sound wont play at all. And when i try to play it says Unable to play "Error 703:". Please help .. and i can give a link to the apk file if needed. the video i was following the same steps as ...
I uploaded a wma. sound file to the program however when i needs to play on the android device it gives me this message "error 703: unable to play ...
My app is working well when .wav files are used for a sound, but when I try to use .mp3 files I receive Error 703: unable to play sound. I have tried Mp2 ...
... instead of the sound playing, i get an error message saying: > > Error 703: Unable to play windowserror.wav - or the name of any other wave file that ...
What does it mean the FIRST? I played a sound once and changed to other mp3 file. and then comes up error 703...
I have a problem with viewing pictures and playing sound from my hard disc on my phone. ... my phone there isn't any picture on the background(on my application in appinventor it works correctly). when i try to play wave file on my phone there show this message:error 703, unable to play mp3 file. there ...
Sure enough, I got "error 703: Unable to play eaglesound.zip" when I loaded the app to my phone. ... At this point, all I can see is a bad sound file.
Are you trying to stream music or to play a sound from a file in Media (resources) or the sd card on your device. This link explains how to use sounds: ...
If the tech team wants to have the project file, just take it, or I will send it. I'm not going public with it, because the sound files are copyrighted. AI2 seems to have the ... And now the complete error report of the crash with a Samsung S6 Edge. java.lang. ... MTracks.Screen1.lambda221(Screen1.yail:703).
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