2014년 12월 9일 화요일

AI to AI 2 Project Transfer Tool?

On October 21, 2014, I posted the message "Does anyone know as to when the AI to AI 2 Project Transfer tool will be made available? I have a lot of projects and I can't open any of my projects in AI 2. I need help.", Yesterday (2014-11-07), I noticed when I signedin to AI2 all of my AI projects is now in my AI 2 the Designer part. Which is great, but I noticed that I am missing all of the Blocks of all my projects. I have read comments to the effect that we have to redo the blocks all over. That is easier said than done. I have been involved with the AI project since it was launch and my experience is the design part of the development is easy. Its the blocks ( the heart, brain, and soul ) of the APP that makes it work. My question is, does anyone know when the Blocks AI to AI 2 Transfer tool will be available? I hope someone knows.

I noticed when I signedin to AI2 all of my AI projects is now in my AI 2 the Designer part. Which is great, but I noticed that I am missing all of the Blocks of all my projects
this happens, if you rename an App Inventor Classic zip file to aia and upload it to App Inventor 2: you get only the Designer part without the blocks and you will be unable to build the app

 My question is, does anyone know when the Blocks AI to AI 2 Transfer tool will be available? I hope someone knows.

nobody knows it. it will be ready when it's ready

MIT said a in late September  an AI to AI2  transfer tool might be available Fall 2014.  There are huge changes going on at the moment regarding AI2 that probably could set that timing for the tool back indefinitely as AI2 goes from Android API 3 to Android API 4.       Be aware, the 'converting'  tool DOES NOT EXIST yet.  When or if the tool does become available,  the tool probably will not provide a seamless conversion.   Everything probably will NOT convert and the users may have to make a lot of manual changes to the 'converted' app to get it to run probably.  That might be more difficult for some developers than programming their AI apps in AI2 manually.

The moderators are recommending users do not depend on the tool and start converting their AI Classic projects to AI2 manually NOW.    Yes, that is a lot of work.    If you depend on a vapor wear tool, you will be disappointed.

To help with a conversion, here are some links that may help your manual conversion:

At the moment the only way to do that is to manually recreate the app from Classic to AI2.

Here are two documents that will help.  The first is a comparison of Classic Controls compared to the new AI2 controls and some advice on how to convert:   https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/app-inventor-developers-library/Classic$20/app-inventor-developers-library/BFtMa0BpJq8/tY_9ZCXbtH8J

The second is a summary of the new features in AI2 and in some cases, the controls from AI they replace  http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/whats-new.html  
MIT said a in late September  an AI to AI2  transfer tool might be available Fall 2014.  There are huge changes going on at the moment regarding AI2 that probably could set that timing for the tool back indefinitely as AI2 goes from Android API 3 to Android API 4.       Be aware, the 'converting'  tool DOES NOT EXIST yet.  When or if the tool does become available,  the tool probably will not provide a seamless conversion.   Everything probably will NOT convert and the users may have to make a lot of manual changes to the 'converted' app to get it to run probably.  That might be more difficult for some developers than programming their AI apps in AI2 manually.

The moderators are recommending users do not depend on the tool and start converting their AI Classic projects to AI2 manually NOW.    Yes, that is a lot of work.    If you depend on a vapor wear tool, you will be disappointed.

To help with a conversion, here are some links that may help your manual conversion:

At the moment the only way to do that is to manually recreate the app from Classic to AI2.

Here are two documents that will help.  The first is a comparison of Classic Controls compared to the new AI2 controls and some advice on how to convert:   https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/app-inventor-developers-library/Classic$20/app-inventor-developers-library/BFtMa0BpJq8/tY_9ZCXbtH8J

The second is a summary of the new features in AI2 and in some cases, the controls from AI they replace  http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/whats-new.html  

I am the person responsible for implementing the transfer tool. I am trying my best to have a version of this tool available by Dec. 1, 2014. 

As noted by SteveJG, the change in AI2 from API 3 to Android API 4 is potentially problematic and could throw a wrench into these plans. 

Thanks for answering him.

Andrew's been away for the past couple of days.  How that he's back(?) we can try to get the upgrader out the door.   I think the next step is for you an he to write a oouple more.  I can try my hand at one, too, once I see more examples.

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