Hi Everyone: Please excuse my naivety in using this forum. We have Dell Latitude laptops that have several programs on them and I cannot get ai2 emulator to work. The error messages are:
Device=Emulator -5554
Error: Cannot bind to socket
Problem starting Companion app: status 1
I have looked through the forum and what I deduce is that people are saying that there are vestiges of the appinventor classic. I have tried to install this on a laptop with no appinventor classic as a test and get the same error message. There were also some posts suggesting that there might be a conflict with the port and I should change the port but I have no idea which of the many programs might conflict or how to change a port. Please reply back in simple English as my knowledge in this area is limited. I am to install this on the laptops but I myself will not be using it. These are laptops to be used as loaners in our library and have numerous programs installed on them. We have desktops in the library with the same programs and on those machines ai2 is working. Once I get this working on the laptops, the laptops will be wireless. Right now I am connected via ethernet.
Most probably, this is a Firewall issue and port 8004 is blocked. The response one will get on a PC may be different on PCs that have Administrative privileges on your network and those PCs that do not. To install aiStarter on a PC, you have to have Administrative privileges on that PC. This may explain why the desktop PCs work and the 'loaner' laptops do not.
Other simple issues that could cause this: we are aware that AVG, Eset and AVAST virus checkers interfere with AI2 communication with the emulator and USB if the advanced settings do not allow AI2 to pass information between programs. In that case, at least on AVG you have to go to the Link settings and allow AI2.
You say the PCs will be loaners? Within the library or external to the library network? Perhaps the PCs are to be used at home? If so, take one home and install as administrator and see if the PC and AI2 work at home. If it works at home and not in the library it indicates a network issue.
Try some things. There are more possibilities as to what the issue might be. It is very difficult to provide specific advice on any particular network without any knowledge of the safeguards within that network that only your IT person may be aware.
We know that some institutions put software on loaner PCs and within their networks to specifically block the activities that AI2 requires. I would check with your IT department.
You seem to be knowledgeable about the different help files on the AI2 web pages, so I will not go into them now. But if you continue to have issues, we will try to help. However, let us make sure you are following the instructions for emulator installation that are here: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/setup-emulator.html and here http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/windows.html . Also, could you confirm you used the correct installer for aiStarter/Companion AppInventor_Setup_Installer_v_2_1.exe ? If you believe you have issues with an old install, try the advice here: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/update-setup-software.html
Did you do the aiStarter test? The connection tester is here: http://appinventor.mit.edu/test/ Does it confirm aiStarter is running?
Try some things; return and let us know if you solved the problem or we need to find out more.
Thank you very much for getting back to me.
I had turned off the firewall.
I had made the user an administrator to the computer. Although these are library laptop loaners, they are to remain inside the library.
We are using the Entrprise version of Symantec, and other machines in our school (Mercer County Community College) and even in the library are able to run ai2.
I had downloaded AppInventor_Setup_Installer_v_2_2.
I ran the connection tester and the aiStarter is confirmed running. Since we are using the emulator it did not detect anything on the USB port.
I will go through the emulator installation instructions again in case I missed anything. I had gone through them with the person that had installed this on other machines in our school and had ai2 working.
Thank you, I will get back to you after I once again go over the emulator installation instructions.
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